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Separate diet for weight loss

Who does not dream of being skinny and slim?That's it, that in our time it remains only to dream about it. Not only that the active way of life is completely superseded by the passive, so also on the shelves of shops, very often the products, the use of which leads to obesity. What to do? Of course, you need to look for a diet or the principle of nutrition, the most suitable specifically for you. After all, excess weight is not only unattractive, but also harmful to health.

Recently, more often you can hear orread about this phenomenon, as a separate diet for weight loss. Reviews about him are very impressive: thousands of people show off amazing results. Separate diet for weight loss was used in ancient times. Previously, people understood that certain foods in the diet are simply incompatible with each other. And now scientists argue that the consistency of the use of certain products has a great influence on the susceptibility of a particular person to stress and depression.

So, if you want to always feelwell, to amaze the people with an excellent appearance and excellent health, then a separate diet for weight loss suits you. Of course, you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to revise your entire diet, change the habits that develop over the years. If you have the willpower and the thirst to fight overweight, then it's time to start.

Separate diet for weight loss has some rules, they must be met under any circumstances.

First, protein and carbohydrate foods should not be consumed during a specific meal.

Secondly, semi-finished products and conservation - henceforth a taboo. They can be afforded in exceptional cases.

Third, after lunch, it is better not to eat protein foods.

Fourth, you need to eat slowly, calmly.

Fifth, between the main meals should be a normal break - at least four hours.

Separate diet for weight loss suggeststhe fulfillment of certain rules concerning the cooking process and the choice of the products themselves. For example, experts recommend giving preference to unrefined vegetable oil. Vinegar and mustard is best not to abuse, and fruits and vegetables that have edible peel, you do not need to clean it. Potatoes should be boiled in a uniform, so it will save a maximum of useful substances. In addition, raw foods are preferable to processed ones. When preparing food, it is best to put it out or bake it in foil.

Separate diet for losing weight does not acceptsome combinations of products. Starch can not be used with sugar, that is, bread and jam will have to be abandoned. Proteins should not co-exist with carbohydrates, for example, butter is not the best "partner" for cheese. Carbohydrate and acidic foods are also better not to combine in one meal, say, potatoes with fresh tomatoes. But melon, watermelon or milk is better to use separately from everything.

In fact, the recommendations for separate mealsthere is a great multitude. Of course, you can read about them on the Internet or find out from your friends, but there is a much more reasonable way out. Go to a nutritionist who (if he is a professional) is able to give good advice and tell you what is a separate diet for weight loss. The forum, be it the most advanced in the network, still does not give as much information as an expert.

Such a system of nutrition requires a person to have strengthwill, sense of responsibility, the ability to abandon the entrenched habits in favor of health and flowering appearance. If you are ready to forever change your views on the compatibility of certain products, then choose it. The results will not make you wait long.

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