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Proper nutrition for losing weight

In our time, the problem of excess weight is veryis relevant, and for its correction, dietitians daily develop more and more new diets, which already have a huge variety. But often, when you return to the normal diet, the lost weight is recruited again. What is the reason for this?

Easy weight loss with fast diets is associated withstress that the body is experiencing from the restrictions that have begun. But when there is a transition to the previous diet, the body weight again increases, and a few kilograms more than before the diet. This is due to the fact that the body wants to be more prepared to approach the possible next stress, that is, to a fast diet. Therefore, a well-planned, daily correct diet for weight loss is the only sure way to return the body a good shape. The essence of the method is that the body should receive less energy than it can spend a day, while the weight will decrease more slowly, but the effect will be fixed for many years.

Proper nutrition for losing weight: the menu

When properly fed, the menu must containanimal proteins and carbohydrates. With a high degree of obesity, the amount of digestible carbohydrates should be limited. Preference is given to cereals, flour products from group A (that is, from durum wheat), bread with bran. There is an opinion that with obesity it is necessary to abandon the sweet and salty, roast and smoked. Although there is no big benefit from these products, but it is not worth it to refuse them in one day, because this can lead to the aforementioned stress. It is important to simply reduce the number of products consumed, for example, instead of five pieces of cake a week, eat three, instead of two pieces of fat - one.

According to nutritionists, the right diet forslimming mainly consists of those foods that contain a lot of fiber. For example, the body needs about 3 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, as well as low-fat meat and 2 portions of fish. Water is a very important component of proper nutrition. A glass of water before eating reduces appetite. To prevent inflammation of the throat, it is important that the water is not cold, but at room temperature.

In addition, the correct diet for weight lossPresumes a fairly strict regime. The correct stereotype of nutrition implies at least 4 and not more than 6 meals a day. To eat need small portions, then a person will not have a feeling of hunger and a feeling of a full stomach. The last, even the latest dinner should be held 2-3 hours before bedtime, because the digestive system is less active in the night. Also a full breakfast should become a habit. When choosing the method of cooking, preference should be given to quenching, baking or steam cooking.

Proper nutrition for losing weight: reviews

To lose weight consume energy you needless than to spend. An average woman who works in the office needs 2000 kcal per day to maintain weight, 2500 kcal to a man. Therefore, in order to lose weight, the amount of calories consumed should be less by somewhere between 20-25%, then weight loss is guaranteed. Naturally, for this you will have to keep a constant count, in order not to exceed the permissible caloric limit. This, especially at first, can cause great difficulties, because many tried this method on themselves, advise to resort to the famous method of "kulaks." So, all food consumed per day should equal 15 kulaks of losing weight. Of these, 6 servings should be vegetables, 3 servings - fruits, 2 servings - cereals and 4 servings - protein.

Proper nutrition for weight loss does notis a fast diet, the authors of which promise a lightning-fast weight loss in a few weeks. Such a diet contributes to a gradual weight loss, but with a constant effect and for a long time. Proper nutrition is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of a variety of diseases associated with overweight.

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