/ / Walking for weight loss - reviews and recommendations

Walking for weight loss - reviews and recommendations

Everyone knows that with age, all metabolicprocesses in the body slow down, the metabolism is inhibited. At the same time, we do not hurry less, but we are moving less and less often. It is considered normal for students to run on business from a dozen kilometers per day. For about thirty or forty years we sit behind the wheel of our own car and confidently go to meet the extra kilograms.

Walking for weight loss, reviews
Of course, this is a very figurative description, but the essenceproblems it conveys very accurately - the less we move, the wider our waist. But even ordinary walking for weight loss (reviews of people who practice this way are very positive) has a huge impact on our harmony. In addition, this method of combating excess weight consists of benefits, which many do not even guess.

First, you do not need to walk and lose weightsomething to do specially. Do not need to allocate time, buy special clothes and shoes, pay for classes. Just walk. A lot and with pleasure. Walking for weight loss, reviews of which the most laudatory, is not only a sport, but also our usual walks to the store, to work, to a kindergarten, etc. If you live in a big city where there is a metro, take for yourself the habit of using only by underground transport, and those kilometers which need to pass on a minibus to the nearest station, pass on foot. If you live in a small village, do not use public transport at all.

Walking on the ladder for weight loss
At first you will find it wild andmeaningless loss of time, but after a month you will see the result. And if you do not forget that walking on the ladder for weight loss is even more useful (by the way, this method is considered one of the best in the fight against cellulite), this period will be reduced almost twofold. Your gluteal muscles will be tightened, legs and waist will become slimmer, and the general condition of the body will become healthier.

Ideally, walking for weight loss, reviews of slimmingrecommend, should consist of daily ten thousand steps. Believe me, this figure in practice is not that serious at all. Such a number of steps can really be done in just an hour. In this case, you can break them into several visits. For example, twenty minutes - the road to work, twenty - back, and, running into the store or to the girlfriend for tea after the labors of the righteous, you will fulfill the daily rate.

Having refused the city transport andfeeling the pleasure that walks for weight loss (reviews guarantee it), you can move on to more serious activities. After all, if this method is used not in parallel, but purposefully, then the results will be more impressive. To begin with, buy high-quality sneakers with good shock absorption. Choose time for classes either in the early morning or late evening. You need to walk at a fast pace, as if you are somewhere late. Pull in the belly when walking, this in parallel will help pump up the muscles of the press, straighten the shoulders.

Walking on the slimming path
In principle, walking on the slimming path hasthe same opportunities as in the fresh air. Therefore, if you live in a gassy city, and get somewhere outside of it, you have neither the time nor the desire, consider the gym version not for strength training, but for sports walking.

Stop!And what about the claims that this method of combating obesity does not require any special training and financial costs? Indeed, something we deviated from the topic. Walking for weight loss, reviews experienced unique, and attractive, which is a vital necessity, not a special method.

Be healthy! Walk and lose weight!

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