/ / How many times a week does it take to press a press to achieve a good result?

How many times a week does it take to press a press to achieve a good result?

Before a person wants to start practicing, hemust determine for himself exclusively, for what purpose he does it, and what results and heights he wants to achieve. Since it depends on this, how many times a week to swing the press, as well as what sets of exercises to perform it.

how many times a week to press the press

For example, if the main goal of a person isthe acquisition of the relief abdominal muscles, and at the same time he does not have a very large physique, then for the beginning he needs to perform three trainings per week for 20 repetitions (2-4 approaches), depending on the preparation. In the case if the main goal of the athlete is the dropping of fat deposits in the abdomen and sides, how many times a week do you need to pump the press? The answer is quite simple: with some exercises on the press, fat from the abdomen will not go away, so you need to combine the swing of the press with exercises that stimulate a certain increase in body temperature, in connection with which a person increases sweating, and with him the extra pounds go off. The simplest example of such exercises is running, preferably in open terrain. It is worth noting: in order to achieve good results, you need to start downloading the press from 9 approaches per week, with a subsequent increase to 18. How many times does it take to press the press? There is one peculiarity: when it is still weak, it is necessary to pump it no more than 20 times, since after this number of repetitions the untrained press is already "turned off", and the flexors of the trunk work more.

how many times a week does it take to press a press
After a few months of trainingpress, when it has already got stronger and will get used to the loads, how many times a week do you need to pump the press? Then, according to many experienced coaches, you need to swing it to the finish, that is, not counting the number of repetitions. During this stress, which gets the muscles, and their most intense growth and strengthening takes place.

When doing exercises on the press, it is importantadhere to the right technique. The most common mistake on the part of beginners is incorrect breathing. And everyone is asking such a popular question: "How many times a week does it take to press a press?", While doing the exercises incorrectly. If they are not correctly performed, that is, when the athlete holds his breath, the muscles can not completely contract, since the lungs that are filled with oxygen do not allow them to do so. As a consequence, improper execution leads to poor pumping of the abdominal muscles. The correct technique of execution is one in which a person at the end of the movement makes a sharp and strong exhalation, as the professionals say, "exhale with effort." There is an additional contraction of muscles, which is a big plus when pumping the press.

how many times does it take to press the press

According to some professionals, how muchOnce a week you need to pump the press, depends on the physiology of the athlete. If a person is hardy, but the muscles are badly manifested, then he needs to do a little more repetition with more approaches. But in the event that a person has muscles, but they do not show well under the fat layer, you need to combine exercises on the press, for example, with aerobics. And everything will be fine, the main thing - the desire to make yourself the best!

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