/ / How to get housing for a large family from the state?

How to get housing for a large family from the state?

Some people think how to get a house.large family. This question usually arises in people with several children. It's no secret that in Russia the situation with housing for families is not the best. And not every unit of society is able to buy an apartment, suitable for comfortable living of its members. Therefore, we have to ask for help from the state. This is a completely normal and legitimate phenomenon. Large families strongly support. But can such social cells count on free housing? And if so, how exactly to get it?

how to get housing for a large family

The concept of "large families"

The first step is to understand who willconsidered a large family. Otherwise, rely on government support will not work. After all, housing is provided only to those in need and with many children. The rest of the people themselves should think about how and where to live.

Large families in Russia are considered families with 3 or moreminor children. In some regions, it is necessary to have 4 kids, but this is a huge rarity. Therefore, you can focus on 3 children. Adopted children and children from previous marriages (subject to residence with the applicant parent) will also be taken into account.

Is there any chance of success?

Is it possible to get housing for a large family fromstate in the Russian Federation? Yes. As already mentioned, the studied category of persons is recognized as eternal beneficiaries. They are entitled to subsidies, payments and other bonuses in almost all areas of a person’s life.

In Russia, large families can count on:

  • assistance in mortgage lending;
  • provision of separate social housing;
  • registration of subsidies aimed at buying an apartment.

It is important to understand that families with many childrenwill form a separate queue for social housing. It is taken into account outside the general queue of needy citizens of the Russian Federation. This means that large families will receive housing out of turn, faster than other persons in need.

Need is our all

How can you get free housing from the state, having many children? This will have to recognize themselves as needy. Otherwise, citizens may refuse.

how to get housing for a large family in Moscow

The need criterion in Russia is difficult to determine.It does not have the exact wording. But, as a rule, families can receive housing from the state, in which a person has less square meters than is established by law. This parameter depends on the region where the family lives. Most often, the need is determined if the citizen has less than 9 m2 per person in housing.

Think about how to get housing for a large family, can cells of society, which:

  • 5 years did not worsen the living conditions;
  • do not have their homes;
  • live in an apartment / house recognized as dilapidated / emergency;
  • have an income below the subsistence minimum per person;
  • for a long time they are registered in one or another territory;
  • have Russian citizenship.

Foreign citizens for state supportcan count only in case of registration of refugees or with participation in resettlement programs. Therefore, thinking about how to get an apartment to a large family in Moscow (non-resident) is not worth it. First you have to live in Russia for a long time. And even better - to issue Russian citizenship. And only then reflect on the implementation of the task.

Brief about getting housing

How to get housing for a large family in Moscow? Just as in any other region of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to have a Moscow residence permit. Otherwise, the implementation of the task will fail.

large families will receive housing subsidies

If you briefly describe the procedure for issuing a state subsidy, then it can be represented as follows:

  1. To recognize a large family. To do this, you must contact the social security service and obtain the appropriate certificate.
  2. Achieve recognition of those in need of improved living conditions. This task is implemented through the city administration.
  3. Stand in line to receive subsidies.
  4. Get a certificate or a separate housing.
  5. In the first case, to spend money to buy an apartment.

That's all.It would seem that everything is extremely simple and clear. In 2017, large families will receive subsidies for housing, expressed by certificates. The state will issue funds for the purchase of secondary, under construction or primary housing. The certificate will not be allowed to build a house.

Features of subsidies

But that is not all. The thing is that every year hundreds of people in need of better housing conditions are identified in Russia. And among such citizens are often distinguished by large families.

Unfortunately, all provide apartments with the required area does not go. Therefore, citizens are offered various subsidies. For example, people queued before 2005 may qualify for:

  • mortgage assistance;
  • separate housing;
  • building plots;
  • receiving apartments and houses for unlimited use;
  • other government housing subsidies.

is it possible to get housing for a large family

This is the most "rich" category of citizens. The rest of large families can count on:

  • housing contract social. hiring;
  • receiving an apartment for unlimited use.

Some regions have their own laws.For example, large families are offered plots of land for building houses. And it does not matter exactly when the citizens asked for help. More accurate information needs to be clarified in a particular region.

How much will they give?

How to get housing for a large family in Moscow orin any other city of the Russian Federation? For this, the social unit must be registered for a long time in the region. But this is not the only requirement worthy of attention.

Some are interested in how quickly children allocate housing for many children. You can get government support only in turn. Sometimes the waiting time lasts for years. And this fact must be taken into account.

It is impossible to say exactly how long to wait for help.But it is worth considering that obtaining subsidies for the state is a long matter. Waiting will take a lot of time. And only in exceptional situations, you can count on quick help.

Recognition of having many children

How to get a certificate for housing with many childrenfamily? The first stage is the recognition of the cell of a society with many children. This is a very simple procedure that each family faces with several minors.

We need to act like this:

  1. Prepare documents (birth and adoption certificates, certificates of family composition, marriage and divorce certificates, parents' passports).
  2. Write an application for issuing a certificate for a large family.
  3. Submit all of the listed paper to the social security authority.

It remains to wait about a month, after which you can pick up the finished document. From this point on, citizens are considered to have many children. Only this is not enough to get an apartment from the state.

how to get housing for a large family from the state

Recognition of need

First you have to recognize yourself as needy. How to get housing for a large family? Just follow the small instructions. Let us begin by recognizing the cell of society as needy.

Guide to translate ideas into life is as follows:

  1. Generate a specific set of documents. About him will be discussed later.
  2. Conduct an independent assessment of the housing in which the family lives. This is not a mandatory step, but it is desirable.
  3. Write a statement of recognition of the need for improvement of living conditions.
  4. Submit a request with the prepared papers to the city administration.

About a month later, citizens will receive a response from the municipality. If the family is recognized as needy, then it will be issued a certificate of the established form. It will be useful in the future.

About documents

How to get housing for a large family fromof the state? After being recognized as needing, just a few simple steps remain. As practice shows, many families cannot receive a subsidy due to the fact that they are not recognized as needy.

What documents will help point out that there really is a need for an apartment? It:

  • passports of the parties;
  • cadastral passports of real estate in which the family lives;
  • family statement;
  • birth / adoption certificates;
  • health certificates of other tenants of the apartment;
  • family income certificates.

Также можно принести результаты оценки квартиры.Proof of ownership of any residential property, as well as social rental agreements (if available) are useful. All documents must be brought with copies. There is no need to notarize them.

how to get a certificate for housing for a large family


Now it's time to figure out how to get housing.large family. The final stage is the queuing for government support. If all the steps listed above are completed, then you can proceed to the completion of the operation.

Необходимо обратиться за помощью в администрацию cities. How to get housing for a large family? This will require an application for registration of subsidies. To it are necessarily applied:

  • applicants' passports;
  • birth certificates;
  • certificate of marriage / divorce;
  • certificate of recognition of the needy;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • documents for all housing owned by the cell of society;
  • certificates of family composition.

It'll be enough. It remains only to wait.From now on pontno, how to get housing for a large family in Moscow. Free "square meters" in the Russian Federation from the state can take. But only under certain circumstances. Proper preparation for the process will speed up the operation.

Quick support

As we have said, waiting for their turn to receive free housing has for years. Therefore, some are interested in how to quickly issue a state subsidy.

You can act like this:

  • to get a loan for building a house (it covers up to 95% of expenses);
  • stand in line for housing under the regional program or apply for housing under construction;
  • take a mortgage with state support.

На самом деле поддержка многодетных семей в Russia is diverse. But not everyone knows about it. And in the presence of a high income (pensions and benefits will also be taken into account) to recognize themselves as in need is extremely problematic.

After receiving

In 2017, large families will receive subsidies forhousing. They, as we have said, are expressed by certificates of the established form. What to do after the turn of citizens came to the state support?

In this case, the family must receive a certificate.the established form at the appointed time in the administration of the municipality. Further, the document is used when buying a home - you need to specify the details of the paper. If necessary, it is acceptable to report your funds for the purchase of better housing.

large families will receive housing out of turn

If citizens allocate land forconstruction or apartment, you can go to Rosreestr with the relevant certificate and register the rights to the property. Otherwise, a social contract (in administration) is concluded with the family.


Now I understand how to get housing for a large family. In fact, with proper preparation, the operation will not cause any trouble. The main thing is to follow the presented instructions.

How to get a certificate for housing with many childrenfamily? The answer to this question should no longer be baffled. It is recommended that more precise information be clarified anyway by the regional administration. After all, everywhere there are their own conditions and measures to support large families.

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