/ / Implementation of the resettlement program from Kazakhstan to Russia. Embassy of Russia in Kazakhstan

Implementation of the resettlement program from Kazakhstan to Russia. Embassy of Russia in Kazakhstan

Today, your attention will bethe program of resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia. What do you need to know about these processes? Why were they invented? What should citizens know about this program? On which features of the proposal should pay attention in the first place? In fact, it's not so difficult to understand all this. The main thing is to ask beforehand which migration options are taking place. Then it will turn out without any special problems to move from Kazakhstan to Russia. For example, to the Far East. This is the most popular direction that is offered to migrants.

Purpose of the program

The first thing you should pay attention to isthe purpose of the proposed program. The thing is that state support for immigrants does not always happen. There are certain areas for which this or that assistance is provided.

Resettlement programs from Kazakhstan to Russiaare created in order to attract new citizens to the territory of the Russian Federation. Mostly compatriots. Such a reception will allow to develop remote corners of the country.

programs of resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia

At the moment, resettlement programs operate on the territory of the Russian Federation until 2025. They can be used not only by citizens of Russia, but also by other residents. Who is given this opportunity?

Possible participants

It is not so difficult to understand this as it seems.First, any citizen of the Russian Federation can use any resettlement program. Usually the collection of documents and direct assistance in the movement turns out to be such a category of people faster.

But this list does not end with applicants.The resettlement of compatriots to Russia from Kazakhstan is a fairly common program. Accordingly, citizens of the second state have the right to participate.

Also to the list of possible participants at the moment include:

  • persons who had citizenship of the USSR;
  • citizens of Kazakhstan (no matter how citizenship was obtained);
  • people without citizenship.

In addition, resettlement programs canto participate citizens from the nearest states. For example, from Ukraine or Belarus. But we are talking about Kazakhstan. What should citizens of this state know about resettlement in the Russian Federation?

Where to go

For example, where to apply in order toto translate the idea into reality? The state program of resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia can be formalized in some bodies. Citizens of the Russian Federation, if they just want to migrate within the country, are given more opportunities in this area.

state program of resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia

To become a participant of the program,you will need to file a sample application. It is necessary to attach a certain list of documents to it. All this applies to the Russian Federation. In any, for example, the Russian Embassy in Kazakhstan. The resettlement will be possible only after the government of the country approves this action.

You can not go anywhere else.Therefore, all residents outside of Russia are required to go to the embassy. It does not matter which country is talking about - Ukraine or Kazakhstan. The main thing is that in other places the application of the established form is not accepted.


What else do you need to pay attention to?Voluntary migration from Kazakhstan to Russia in one direction or another is quite a frequent occurrence. People move here for various reasons. This factor does not play a role. Therefore, if a person has decided to move to the Russian Federation for permanent residence, he will be helped in this.

state resettlement program

It is enough to observe certain conditions.Only if you meet them, you can become a participant in the state program without any special problems. There is nothing difficult in this. At the moment, the state program of resettlement to the territory of the Russian Federation from Kazakhstan requires the fulfillment of the following items:

  • adulthood (they must be an applicant);
  • ability to act;
  • the opportunity to work in Russia;
  • knowledge of the Russian language and traditions of the Russian Federation;
  • presence of formation of profile type;
  • the presence of "roots" in Russia.

What does it mean?Applicants can only be adults who have an education and belong to one of the previously listed categories of participants. Usually, resettlement programs from Kazakhstan to Russia allow you to move not only to those who apply to the Russian embassy with the appropriate package of papers, but also to his family. Therefore even minors have the right to such a move. But only with legal representatives.


The next important nuance is the documentarydecor. This process brings many problems to citizens. Documents for resettlement in Russia from Kazakhstan will have to be provided in large quantities. The more family members, the more papers are required. It is difficult to distinguish a clear list. After all, for each case there is a separate list of all the most necessary.

resettlement of compatriots to Russia from Kazakhstan

Nevertheless, there is an approximate list of documents. They include:

  • civil passports;
  • certificates of birth of minor children (if they also move);
  • certificate of marriage (or divorce);
  • any documents confirming kinship with the rest of the family;
  • application form;
  • papers indicating the existence of an education (including various certificates);
  • work record (if any).

If one of the family members hasdisability, this is also worth telling. A medical report is presented that not only indicates the assigned "special" health group, but also confirms it. Disabled persons in the Russian Federation are granted certain allowances and subsidies.


Now we should talk about whatis provided to the settlers. The Russian Federation offered to support more or less compatriots who decided to move to the country. Accordingly, citizens can expect certain subsidies.

The first payment is a one-arrangement. It is called "lifting". The size depends on where the family moves. And, of course, on the number of people who move.

At the moment in the form of lifting on eachThe able-bodied citizen is given out for 60 000 rubles, for the disabled - 20 000. These sums take place more often. Settlers who are planning to move to the Far East are given 200,000 for an able-bodied member, and 120,000 for an inoperative member. These payments may vary, this has already been said. For detailed information, it is recommended to contact the Embassy of the Russian Federation. They will accurately say how much it is necessary in this or that case for an able-bodied citizen and a disabled person.

documents for resettlement to Russia from Kazakhstan

Social support

The program of resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia -this is something that interests many. It should be noted that lifting is not the only type of incentive for future residents. Social support for such citizens is given in full.

What can settlers count on? Again, the list of benefits and benefits will depend on many factors. For example, most often people are sent to the Far East. Most of the payments are laid out there.

About the lifting has already been said. And what else can settlers from Kazakhstan count on? Among the possible benefits are:

  • the payment of unemployment benefits for six months from the time of stay in the country, equal to the subsistence minimum in a given locality;
  • graduates receive additional cash (for example, in the Far East, the allowance is 800,000);
  • single young specialists receive 400 000 rubles for the arrangement.

Such opportunities are offered in Russiaimmigrants. Again, accurate information on a particular region needs to be clarified. Payments and benefits are constantly changing. Therefore, one can not accurately foresee what material support can be expected.

voluntary resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia

About benefits

What else is prepared by the state programresettlement? The thing is that immigrants in Russia receive not only financial support. There is an additional list of benefits for which the category of persons being studied is entitled.

What exactly is being offered? Among the most popular features are the following items:

  • full payment for the costs of moving, regardless of the vehicle chosen for the journey;
  • social guarantees for education and medicine;
  • free transportation of 5 tons of things (for 3 people) or 10 tons (for large families);
  • Obtaining free-of-charge plots for agriculture (in selected areas);
  • decrease in tax rates from 30% to 13;
  • you do not need to pay a state fee for registration in the country;
  • simplified the process of obtaining Russian citizenship.

Of course, help with employment will also be provided. Therefore, one should not think that one can receive unemployment benefits and not work in Russia.

Possible difficulties

Before the questionnaire for resettlement to Russia fromKazakhstan will be filled and submitted to the embassy for consideration, several factors should be taken into account. The thing is that moving to Russia through a program is not such a simple task. During the processing of documents, certain difficulties may arise.

The first nuance is that foreign citizens have to confirm their education. This is done in Moscow, usually before resettlement. Not very convenient, some such reception brings a lot of problems.

questionnaire for resettlement to Russia from Kazakhstan

The second point is job placement.It has already been said that they are trying to help him. But often people who have no education are moving to Russia. Or with the second-special. Therefore, in some regions with work there can be problems.

The last thing that interests many is housingquestion. The government is also trying to help him. For example, it provides a special mortgage. But to approve it it is migrants from other countries who are not in a hurry. Therefore, at first you need to think about where the family will live.


Now we understand what thethe state program of resettlement from Kazakhstan to Russia. Moreover, the entire process, through which it is necessary to pass, is also understandable. In fact, if you plan ahead and think about everything, there will not be any special problems.

It should also be noted that, at the moment,Many people want to go to Russia. And the resettlement program forms a queue of families for this idea. If the process is approved, you will have to wait for your "hour". Therefore, the move to the Russian Federation can drag on for a long time.

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