/ / Subtleties and pitfalls FZ 229 on enforcement proceedings

Subtleties and pitfalls of the Federal Law 229 on enforcement proceedings

Approved 02.10.2007 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings" was adopted by the State Duma on September 14 and approved by the Federation Council on 19.09 of the same year. The normative act defines the procedure and conditions for the enforcement of decisions and decisions of judicial and other bodies, as well as their employees, whose powers include the right to impose on the MO, regions, RF, organizations, citizens the obligation to transfer funds to other entities or to budgets of appropriate levels and other material values, to perform the specified actions in their favor or to abstain from doing so. Let us further consider some provisions of 229-FZ of 02.10.2007.

fz 229

Key Objectives

Executive production providescorrect and timely implementation of resolutions, decisions of judicial and other structures, employees, and in cases established by law, other documents to protect the legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of organizations and citizens. The procedure and conditions for the transfer of funds to the subjects of the budget of the appropriate level are determined in BC


FZ-229 defines the following key provisions for the implementation of activities related to the enforcement of the decisions of authorized entities:

  1. Timeliness of action and application of established interventions.
  2. Legality. The activities of authorized employees and bodies must comply with the provisions of existing regulations, constitutional in the first place.
  3. The correlation of the volume of requirements and enforcement measures applied to debtors.
  4. Respect for the dignity and honor of citizens.
  5. The inviolability of the minimum property. The rules determine the amount of material values ​​that is necessary for the existence of the debtor and his relatives.

Authorized Institutions

Рассматриваемый закон (229-ФЗ) устанавливает, что the enforcement of acts of courts and other bodies, as well as officials, is within the competence of the FSSP and territorial bodies of service. Bailiffs apply coercive measures to debtors within the limits of authority. Their rights are determined by federal law.

law 229 fz

Obligation of the requirements of FSSP employees

Law 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings"establishes that the bailiffs' provisions apply to all state / municipal bodies, all legal and natural persons. The requirements of employees are subject to strict compliance throughout the country. In the event of non-compliance with regulations, the bailiffs take the measures stipulated in the commented law. Failure to comply with the requirements, preventing the employees from exercising their functions entail responsibility established by regulatory enactments.


229-ФЗ "Об исполнительном производстве" determines that, in cases established by regulatory acts, the requirements present in court rulings, other bodies, decisions of officials are implemented by structures, organizations, state and municipal, including banks and other credit enterprises, citizens and employees. These entities comply with the requirements on the basis of the documents specified in Art. 12.

Compliance with the requirements of banks and other credit organizations

FL-229 allows the direction of the document onrecovery of funds or their arrest to the appropriate financial structure by a directly interested person. Together with him, the subject submits an application to a banking or other credit organization. It should contain:

  1. Details of the applicant's account to which the debtor’s funds will be transferred.
  2. Name, citizenship, information about the document,ID, address of residence / stay, TIN (if available), information from the migration card and paper confirming the right of the subject to stay in the country - for the recoverer-citizen.
  3. Name, registration number, TIN or code of foreign legal entity, address, place of registration of the applicant-organization.
    229 fz about executive

FZ-229 establishes that the document receivedto enforce recovery to a banking or other credit structure after revoking a license, it is returned to the entity that sent it, without satisfying the requirements.


In Art.9 FL-229 defines the procedure for the implementation of the requirements stipulated in the decision of the court, other body or employee, by an enterprise making periodic payments to the debtor. The document on the basis of which the recovery of an amount less than 25 thousand rubles is established may be sent to the organization or to the person charging the obligated subject to a pension, salary, scholarship, etc., directly by the lender. Together with this paper, he must submit an application. It also specifies the account details for the transfer, name, information of the document confirming the identity of the citizen-claimant, or TIN, name, code of the foreign organization, registration number, address of registration and location of the creditor organization.

229-ФЗ "Об исполнительном пр-ве" устанавливает, that the implementation of judicial decisions, decisions of other bodies and employees in relation to foreign legal entities and individuals, non-citizens, is carried out according to the rules of a commented regulatory act.

229 fz on executive production

Types of base documents

Federal Law 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings" defines the following categories of papers, according to which the FSSP employees collect:

  1. Court orders.
  2. Executive lists They are issued by the courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration in accordance with the acts adopted by them.
  3. Agreement on the payment of alimony. These documents and their copies must be notarized.
  4. Certificate issued by the labor dispute committee.
  5. Resolutions of bodies performing functionscontrol, on recovery of funds with the attachment of papers, in which there are marks of banking or other credit institutions servicing settlement and other accounts of the debtor, about partial / complete failure to comply with the requirements due to the lack of sufficient money on the bank account.
  6. Judicial acts, decisions of other institutions of power, officials in administrative cases.
  7. Resolution of the bailiff.
  8. Acts of other bodies in cases stipulated by the norms.

In case of loss of the original document, asgrounds for the implementation of the requirements imposed on the debtor is his duplicate. It is issued by the court, other body, official, issued a relevant decision / decision, in the prescribed manner. The document on which the enforcement proceedings commenced is contained in the case file. The bailiff forwards the ruling to the relevant subject with a copy of the IL.

02 10 2007 229 fz on enforcement proceedings

Requirements for documents

In the executive papers indicated:

  1. Name and address of the location of the court that issued the document, initials and surname of the employee.
  2. Name of materials or cases on the basis of which IL is provided, their numbers.
  3. The date of issuance of the act by the court or other body, official.
  4. The calendar number of the entry into force of the decision or an indication of the immediate implementation of the requirements specified in it.
  5. The operative part of the decision.It must contain a requirement to impose on the subject of the obligation to transfer funds or other property to the applicant, to perform certain actions in favor of the latter or to abstain from them.
  6. Date of issue of executive paper.

The document should also contain information about the applicant and the debtor:

  1. For citizens - name, address of residence / stay. For the debtor, the place and year of birth, the address of the enterprise where he works (if known) is also indicated.
  2. For organizations - the legal address and name.
  3. For the region, the Russian Federation, the municipality - the name and location of the body authorized to act on their behalf.
    Act 229 of the Federal Law on Enforcement Procedure

The specified rules for registration are notextend to the agreement on the payment of alimony, certified by a notary, a court order, as well as the decision of the FSSP employee. If prior to issuing the executive paper, the installment / deferment of the implementation of the requirements is provided, then it indicates the beginning of the period for the implementation of the instructions. The document, which is provided on the basis of a judicial act or being it, is signed by the judge and certified by the official seal. Executive paper issued in accordance with a resolution of another body or which is a decision of another structure, is subject to approval by its official. It is also stamped.

Bailiff's ruling

This document should contain the following information:

  1. The name of the FSSP department and its address.
  2. Date of adoption of the decision.
  3. Initials, surname, position of the bailiff who issued the act.
  4. The name and number of the production on which this resolution was adopted.
  5. The question on which the decision was made.
  6. The grounds of the decision. At the same time, references to federal and other regulatory acts are indicated.
  7. Decision.
  8. Rules of appeal.
     federal law 229 fz on executive production


A bailiff or other FSSP officer mayon their own initiative or at the request of the participants in the proceedings, correct arithmetic errors or censuses made in the ruling. This procedure is carried out by drawing up an act of making corrections to a previously drafted document. The order of the bailiff must be executed on the date indicated in it. The appeal of the act is carried out in the order of subordination to a higher FSSP employee or in a court of law. In the latter case, the applicant must be guided by the provisions of the procedural law.

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