Examination by definition document prescriptionis a fairly popular type of research. The fact is that today the courts provide a large number of fake contracts, certificates, powers of attorney and contracts. Examination of the prescription of the document can reveal a fake.
In doing so, it takes into account the datespecified on the paper, and the text creation time. The technical expertise of the prescription of the document on the initiative of the investigator conducting the case is taken for such work. A petition may also come from an interested person.
How to determine the duration of the document?Examination for this uses two approaches. The first of these is to identify signs that remain unchanged in time. These include the content of the document and its basics, due to the purpose of the used writing device, the characteristics of strokes, technical tools and materials.
The ongoing research aimsestablish compliance with the assignment of signs to a specific time interval. What, in this case, does the examination of the limitation of the document pay attention to? The specialist investigates the discrepancy between the date specified in the text details and the time interval. This approach is very effective if in a given period there were significant changes in the range of writing tools and materials, as well as in the language.
Thus, an examination of the prescription of documents may reveal that:
- in the provided text, terms are used that do not correspond to the date of its compilation (for example, the names of departments, organizations, etc.);
- on the forms and stamps there is information about the organization, which was created later or abolished before the specified time;
- in the content of the document there are indications of events that occurred at another time.
Also the examination of establishing the statute of limitationsexplores the morphology of strokes. On the basis of the data obtained, it is possible to completely exclude the possibility of the performance of handwritten requisites until the forties with a ballpoint pen, up to the seventies - a gel pen. But the creation of text using electronic typewriters became possible only after the 70s. It also takes into account the expertise of the prescription of the document.
The research also includes the composition of materialsused to present text. This, in particular, dyes in letters and bleaches in paper. So, until the fifties, paste was not used for ballpoint pens, which contains phthalocyanine dyes. In addition, in the composition of the paper of domestic production until the 60s there was no optical bleach.
How else is determined by the duration of the document?Examination may use a different approach for their research. He is to identify those signs that appeared in connection with the operational changes in the properties of writing instruments used for drawing details. In addition, this approach takes into account the composition and properties of the materials of the document. In this case, knowledge is used about the patterns of changes in the properties of writing instruments in the process of their use.
Also, such an examination takes into account the processes that occur in the paper during its long-term storage.
For the examination and take documents executed ona printer connected to a personal computer. They are compared with free samples printed on the same technical tool. An analysis of research practice indicates that an examination of papers made on an inkjet printer can be carried out with the greatest accuracy. To do this, study the cartridge, the signs of which are displayed on paper in the form of "goosebumps".
Examination of the prescription of a document is applied to:
- handwritten inscriptions;
- texts printed using inkjet printers;
- handwritten notes;
- prints of stamps, seals and stamps.
To determine the prescription of the document are used:
1. Organoleptic methods. They are used to analyze and evaluate quality.objects based on indicators obtained by the use of the senses (hearing, sight, taste, smell). Such studies provide a visual assessment of the document under study. This is its brilliance, color, texture of the material, etc.
2. Microscopic methods. As a rule, they are used to clarify the order of imprinting stamps and making inscriptions.
3. Photographic methods. Their use was made possible by the development ofmodern technology. Photographic methods are used in almost all areas of criminology, including in determining the prescription of the creation of a document.
4. Chemical methods. Their use allows the analysis of coloring and writing substances, predicting the change in their properties over time.
5. Chromatography methods. These methods allow you to determine the dynamics of the evaporation processes of those organic solvents that are in the composition of writing materials.
6. Spectrographic methods. They use expertise to determine the compositionink and writing substances. With this method, the presence of impurities in coloring materials is established, which is the basis for drawing one or another conclusion.
In addition, modern examination of the prescription of a document widely uses modern information technologies. This, in particular, computer development for the analysis of documents.
Как может быть определена давность документа?Examination in the course of its research draws attention to the order in which strokes and impressions are made in the text. So, stamps, seals and signatures are inserted into a fake document at different times. Unfortunately, the determination of the period of application of superimposed strokes is not possible. However, the examination of the prescription of the preparation of the document can always establish which of the details was put in the first place - a seal or signature.
What other way is determined by the duration of the document?Examination in their studies often uses the method of comparing samples. This method can be applied when there are large arrays of documents. For the performance of work, samples of official papers of the organization, which were compiled at different times, are taken.
Such an approach will allow the expert to determine the scope and level of the changes that have taken place, drawing up a conclusion on the basis of these data about the period in which the controversial text is drafted.
Samples of documents that are taken forcomparisons must be performed using the same technical means (copying machines, printers, etc.), as well as written with the same pens (gel or ball). Should match and stamp paint, applicable for stamps. In that case, if all the above points on all the samples provided have nothing to do with the document in question, the examination uses other methods. At the same time, a conclusion is given on the impossibility of solving the set task.
Recently, the examination of the statute of limitationsThe document often uses a method of comparing the received copy of the text with specially collected materials of the same period, containing samples of prints, inscriptions and other details.
Применение данного метода позволяет с высокой accuracy to determine the date of creation or change of official paper. However, this method has its negative sides. They consist in the fact that the creation of a database will require a significant investment of time and labor resources. This, in turn, raises the price of the examination.
Определение возраста документа имеет еще одно direction. It involves the study of changes affecting the composition and properties of the materials of the letter, as well as the details of official papers. Scientific experiments have shown that with particular accuracy these works can be performed in determining the period of creation of documents in the paint of which there are at least twenty percent of organic high-boiling solvents. The list of such materials - ink for inkjet printers and paste for the rods of ballpoint pens. It has a similar composition and stamp paint. The limitation period of the document is determined by the residual solvent content in the strokes. This indicator is established by gas-liquid chromatography on the spectrum obtained by absorbing the paste extract from official paper in dimethylformamide.
There is a general methodological scheme for examining the limitation of a document on the relative content in the dye of strokes of volatile components. It includes the following stages:
1. Preliminary research. It solves the problem of determining the method of performing strokes, as well as evaluating their suitability for conducting a comprehensive study.
2. Conduct an analysis of solvents. This study sets itself the task of determining the suitability of strokes for estimating the time of their execution.
3. The study of non-volatile materials contained in the strokes (resins and dyes). A similar analysis is performed to determine the type of material used and to establish specific conditions for its evaluation.
4. Determination of the percentage content in the strokes of volatile materials.
5. Simulation of the aging process details.
6. Direct evaluation of the period of execution of strokes.
Often provided for researchmaterials were previously subject to any aggressive effects. The fact is that the light, chemical or thermal effects can give the official paper an aged look. This greatly complicates expert work. But in such cases, the very fact of such an impact already speaks of the criminal nature of the method of drawing up the document.
Нередко подделка официальной бумаги производится the way of painting, cleaning, flushing or etching records. Sometimes changes are made to the document by reprinting words, letters and numbers, as well as sticking stamps and photo cards. To determine such facts, use the method of research materials of documents. It is possible to make a verdict on a reprint or an addition by using a comparative study of the coloring matter. Differences in its composition will indicate a fake. To determine the plywood photographs carried out studies of the adhesive. The document must contain only one of its appearance.
Нередки случаи, когда судебная экспертиза old documents reveals changes in them. Then there is a need to determine the initial content of the paper. In such cases, the study begins with a study of the document in ultraviolet filtered light. The results of the work done can give an idea of the possible contact of the paper with any aggressive substance. If the original text of the document has been corrected by erasure, then microscopic and translucent microscopy will help determine this. Restoring the original content of the text will be possible after photographing the paper in the reflected rays of the ultraviolet and the application of computer processing techniques of the resulting image.
Если текст на бумаге был зачеркнут или залит, smeared or sealed, then to identify the original records examination may use various methods. The choice of one or another method of research will depend on the combination of the colorants used to write and close the text. The most commonly used method today is computerized recording processing.
Despite the rapid development of modern scientific and technological progress and a fairly large list of methods, a study to establish the statute of limitations of the document may not always be carried out.
The task is impossible with:
- late submission of documents;
- the absence of the required number of samples for comparison;
- inadequate state of the official paper (its significant modification).