/ / Neighbors make a noise what to do: the delights of life in an apartment building.

Neighbors make a noise what to do: the delights of life in an apartment building.

Если вы живете в многоквартирном доме, то есть a great chance to become a victim of noisy neighbors who, day after day, drill something, hammer, listen to music loudly, swear, or simply live in such a way that people only dream about peace of mind. The problem is as old as the world. Neighbors make a noise about what to do - this is the main question with which people often turn to lawyers or ask for help in forums on the Internet. First of all, it must be remembered that if the neighbors are noisy day and night, you should not stoop to their level and go into open conflict. Try to deal with the problem using legal methods.

There is a special law that regulatesthe ability to create noise. In principle, each region has its own nuances and its own laws regarding the solution of this issue. But basically, almost everywhere you can not make noise from 11 o'clock in the evening and until 7 o'clock in the morning, it means loud TV, screaming music, radio, loud cries or chants and other irritants that regularly deprive neighbors of peace and sleep throughout the country.

The fact is that if neighbors make noise at night, then thisone thing, but if they mock you during the day, the legislation says that they can create noise no higher than certain values. Unfortunately, such laws almost never work, that is, they are completely ineffective in the fight against troublemakers. And the question "neighbors make noise what to do" remains open. The fact is that the fines for such violations are ridiculous. Few people are afraid of warning or deprivation of a maximum of five hundred rubles. And you still have to try to achieve the imposition of this fine. It turns out that every time the police call is just stupid, and she does not go to such calls. If you are lucky enough and the outfit still arrives, noisy neighbors have every right not to open the door to the police because they are in their apartment.

If you are still interested in the answer to the question"neighbors are noisy what to do," try to find an assistant in the face of the district police officer. You can write a statement about the violation of public peace and even enlist the support of neighbors. Surely, the noise and din has got not only you. After that, you can count on the initiation of an administrative violation case. For this, a sufficient reason is already the fact that you called the police and have the support of other residents of the house. The problem is that our local police officers are usually reluctant to tackle such issues. After all, to prove that the neighbors are really noisy is not so easy, and therefore they are extremely rarely punished.

The whole joke is that even if you can be attributedto the category of lucky ones, because you have achieved the institution of the business, as a result of which the hated neighbor will pay just a “giant” fine, this, quite possibly, is not the end. After all, he can just continue his terror further. It only remains to hope that the noisy neighbors will be frightened by the police or they will simply become conscientious.

In general, if the police can not give youadequate assistance, you should go to court on your own. To do this, you need to draw up an act of those people who are violators of silence and involve other neighbors in the process. After that, you need to take a certificate of who exactly lives in the very problem apartment and go with all documents to the court. Take care of the presence of any evidence, they can be video or audio recording noise, or at least the police protocol. Of course, the court can go for a long time and the results do not always correspond to the expectations of the plaintiff. But let you be reassured by the fact that there have been cases when violent neighbors were even forcibly evicted from their apartment.

If neighbors make noise, what to do will not always telllaw. Sometimes you have to talk to them yourself. There is a risk of running into blatant rudeness, then surely there will be no other way out but to seek help from the district police officer, the police or the court.

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