/ / Absolute and relative lymphocytosis

Absolute and relative lymphocytosis

Excess of the normative index of lymphocytes inblood was called lymphocytosis. Correct evaluation of changes in blood composition is based both on the ratio of different types of leukocytes, and on their absolute availability in one liter of blood. There are cases when the change in the concentration of certain types of white blood cells does not correspond to their exact increase or decrease. Against the background of a general decrease in their number, associated with a decrease in the number of neutrophils, the blood can detect a relative increase in lymphocytes and monocytes. However, the actual number remains normal. Based on these signs, distinguish between absolute and relative lymphocytosis. Causes of changing the composition of the blood can be all kinds of diseases. In other words, infiltration of the area of ​​inflammation with lymphocytes occurs, as a result of which pathology develops.

Relative lymphocytosis is the excess of the lobelymphocytes in the leukocyte structure with their normal absolute value in the blood. Recognized for diseases accompanied by a decrease in other types of leukocytes: viral infections (influenza, typhoid, brucellosis), purulent-inflammatory processes. The organism that has undergone these diseases weakens, the immunity decreases. Relative lymphocytosis occurs most often.

Absolute lymphocytosis is characterized by an increaseof the total number of lymphocytes in the blood. It manifests itself in the following diseases: rubella, chicken pox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, viral hepatitis, mumps, tuberculosis, lymphosarcoma, hyperthyroidism. Malignant blood diseases contribute to insufficient maturation of leukocytes. Thus, they can not perform their functions aimed at protecting the body from negative influences. Unripe cells overflow the circulatory system and contribute to the occurrence of anemia, bleeding, irritation, dysfunction of the affected organs.

Lymphocytosis: treatment

The first step is to establish the causethe occurrence of such a violation as absolute or relative lymphocytosis. Both forms arise against the background of another disease, which must be treated. Usually, the doctor recommends that you do a second blood test to avoid mistakes. After the clinical picture is established, appropriate therapy is prescribed. The duration of treatment depends on the existing disease. At the end of the course of treatment, a blood test is again performed. If the number of lymphocytes is not normalized, then this indicates an incorrectly established diagnosis. The search for pathology should continue. A good, experienced specialist seldom makes mistakes, therefore it is recommended to consult only a doctor with a good reputation.

Infectious lymphocytosis in children

Infectious disease - lymphocytosis - more oftentotal occurs in childhood. The child's body is not yet strong, so the disease is more severe than in adults. Children's lymphocytosis causes a strong increase in the number of certain blood cells relative to others. The exact etiology of the disease has not yet been determined. Its manifestation occurs when the body is in contact with viruses that affect the lymphatic system. Penetration of viruses occurs through the mouth, stomach, intestines.

The most common place where a child canTo catch an infection is a kindergarten. Infection occurs through the use of the same toys. As a rule, the entire group becomes infected with infectious lymphocytosis. The child who is ill at home needs to allocate certain items of use: a toothbrush, dishes, a towel. The risk of transition of the disease to adults is minimal. Most often, these lymphocytosis are affected by preschool children (2-6 years old).
Specific symptoms of this disease are nothas, by its manifestations, it is very similar to ordinary ARVI. To put the correct diagnosis will help a standard blood test with the decoding of the leukocyte formula. The prognosis is favorable for this disease, recovery is quite fast (with all the recommendations of the treating pediatrician).

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