/ / The drug "Enterol": instructions for use

The drug "Enterol": instructions for use

Experts say that the cause of diarrhea is more oftenjust the wrong food. Excluding the possibility of serious gastrointestinal diseases, you should check the microflora of the intestine in order to make sure the correct ratio of beneficial bacteria. Modern medicines, fortunately, not only help to eliminate diarrhea, but also have a beneficial effect on the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, filling the deficiency of necessary bacteria and microorganisms. An excellent example of such drugs is the drug Enterol.

The instruction states that one of the componentsthe medicines are fungi Bulardi - an essence of the fruits of tropical plants. Such an ingredient in the formulation allows such medicinal actions as:

  • antifungal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anthelmintic.

The drug copes well with infections,caused by staphylococcus, Candida type fungi, and also helps in the treatment of dysentery, giardiasis and yerseniosis. In addition, due to its use, toxins that cause vomiting, diarrhea and other types of discomfort in the abdomen are decomposed.

Due to such characteristics the "Enterol" medication is recommended for taking into account the following indispositions:

  • dysbacteriosis, as well as the need for its prevention;
  • Colitis (both caused by treatment with antibiotics, and those caused by infection with microorganisms Clostridium difficile);
  • diarrhea;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

Take the drug "Enterol" is not recommended only in cases of individual intolerance of its components.

This drug is produced in the form of capsules, contained in an amount of 10 pieces in a vial, as well as in the form of powder in a bag, which in one box contains also 10 pieces.

The "Enterol" Instruction recommendstake inside 1 capsule or 1 packet of powder one or, if necessary, twice a day for an hour and a half before meals. The drug intake should not last more than 10 days, while the optimal period is considered to be seven days of taking Enterol. Instruction for children from one to three years recommends reducing the dose to one capsule twice a day for 5 days. To facilitate taking the medicine, it is recommended to dissolve the powder in half a glass of lukewarm water or fruit juice. You should avoid the simultaneous intake of Enterol capsules and alcoholic beverages.

In acute cases of diarrhea, along with the medication, you should drink as much water as possible in order to avoid dehydration.

Please note that this drug is not compatible with other drugs for oral administration, having an antifungal effect.

The use of the drug by future mothers or in the lactation period is allowed only if the expected health benefits for the mother will be greater than the possible harm for the unborn child.

It's easy enough to find opinions on the Internetuse of the drug "Enterol" for children. Reviews, mostly positive, even in cases of treatment of infants. Mom noted a decrease in symptoms of dysbiosis and diarrhea, however, in the treatment of the first disease, improvements were noted only at the time of taking the drug. At the end of the symptoms returned. Also, some children, according to moms, frequent cases of regurgitation. Also, in spite of the fact that the drug is recommended to take babies only from 1 year old, there are often reviews of an earlier start of the treatment with the proviso that the doctor recommended this medication.

When applying the Enterol drug, the instructionwarns that the lack of improvement in health within 2 days after the start of admission is a bad symptom that requires immediate medical attention.

Please keep in mind that this information is provided for your reference. Do not self-medicate, go to a doctor's consultation.

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