/ / "Supradin": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Supradin": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Among the popular modern vitamin remedies“Supradin” deserves special attention. Vitamins according to the instructions for use must be taken to prevent hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency. The tool is shown if a person adheres to a strict diet, is faced with increased intellectual, physical stress, and is often affected by stress factors.

Is it necessary or not?

"Supradin" is available in tablet form fordissolving in water (effervescent), as well as capsules, film-coated. There is an option designed for young children - these are jelly pastilles, painted in different colors, having a pleasant smell. In any of the forms, the product is intended, as follows from the instructions and reviews about "Supradina", to maintain the state of the body with a lack of minerals, components due to the rhythm of life or nutrition program.

At a fairly adequate cost (from 200 rublesfor packaging and more) “Supradin”, as many have noted in their responses, really improves the condition, increases strength, energy reserves. In reviews of "Supradina" (instructions for use, as users assure, they followed), many note that the remedy is worth the money. Taking the drug, many strengthened the immune system, became sick less often. This is also noticeable in the state of the children, especially during the period of increased workloads at school.

Supradin instruction

general information

In the instructions for use with the effervescent Supradinthe manufacturer indicates that the product is in tablet form. The pharmaceutical product is colored in a shade of yellow (often very light, pale, but possible and somewhat more saturated). During visual inspection, you can see individual colored blotches that differ from the bulk by a darker or lighter color. "Supradin" quickly dissolves, once in the water, while characteristic bubbles appear. Ready-to-use liquid is painted in a yellowish, light shade of green. Possible sediment, but in small quantities. There is a pronounced lemon flavor. When diluted, Supradin is opaque.

supradin instructions for use reviews

In the instructions for the use of tablets "Supradin"the manufacturer draws attention to the fact that the drug belongs to the category of products that can adjust the metabolic processes in the human body. This is a vitamin, mineral complex, the composition of which is a fairly large variety of irreplaceable and useful compounds for humans.

What is inside?

Explaining effectiveness (and thereby justifyingprice), in the instructions for use "Supradina" the manufacturer indicates the presence of retinol in the complex product. This vitamin is indispensable for human growth, which makes it especially important for children. Vitamin A is actively involved in the formation of bones, skin, teeth, and also helps maintain the integrity of their structure. The substance is necessary for the production of pigment, which provides a person with the opportunity to see.

An equally important element of the complex is thiamine.This vitamin, as indicated in the instructions for Supradin tablets, stimulates normal cardiac activity. Thanks to him, the nervous system works fully and without failures.

Riboflavin present in Supradin stimulates regenerative processes. This is especially important for the skin, the renewal of which is activated at the cellular level.

B Vitamins: Continuing Review

In the instructions for use "Supradina"the manufacturer explains that the presence of vitamin B5 in the product allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in the body. Numerous tests have shown that pantothenic acid is involved in the processing of fatty and protein structures and is indispensable for carbohydrate metabolism.

The presence of pyridoxine allows through administration"Supradina" support the musculoskeletal system, maintain its integrity, functionality. Pyridoxine is useful for the structure of bones and teeth. This element is essential for gum health. The instructions for use "Supradina" mentioned that vitamin B6 corrects erythropoiesis. If there is a sufficient amount of this component in the body, the nervous system can work normally, without failures.

The last vitamin from class B present inthe composition of the multivitamin complex under consideration is B12. It is indispensable for erythropoiesis. Thanks to cyanocobalamin, the central nervous system can function fully and correctly, and the likelihood of failures and pathological conditions is minimized.

Supradin Vitamins Instruction

Vitamins: healthy and indispensable

In the instructions for vitamins "Supradin" manufacturerexplains the importance of ascorbic acid included in the product. This compound is important for the normal functioning of the circulatory system, as it strengthens the capillary vascular walls. Vitamin C is important for the skeletal system, the state of gums, and teeth - through the substance health is maintained, the structure of these parts of the body.

The drug contains tocopherol.This vitamin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. A sufficient concentration of tocopherol in the human body is the key to maintaining the integrity of the cell membranes, and hence the health of tissues and organs.

The instructions for vitamins "Supradin" mentionedcolecalciferol. This compound corrects chemical reactions involving calcium, phosphorus, provides adequate concentrations of these trace elements. By means of vitamin D3, calcium and phosphorus are more actively absorbed in the intestinal tract and accumulate in the bones, thereby providing the musculoskeletal system with resistance to external factors.

Vitamins: Concluding Review

In the instructions for tablets "Supradin", the price ofwhich varies from 200 rubles and above, the presence of biotin in the preparation is mentioned. This vitamin is essential for normal metabolism. Sufficient concentrations of it in the body are the key to correct, effective protein digestibility.

Folic acid is present in the complex. The element is necessary for the quality performance of its functions by the hematopoietic organs, primarily those responsible for the generation of red blood cells.

Finally, nicotinamide is a vitamin, activelyparticipating in reducing, oxidizing chemical reactions in the human body. In the instructions for use with Supradin Kids and Supradin, the manufacturer draws attention to the fact that the transport of phosphate and hydrogen is normalized by means of vitamin PP. This compound is necessary for the health and normal functioning of all systems and organs of the human body.

vitamins supradin instructions for use

Trace elements: what is in the composition?

As follows from the instructions for children "Supradin"extremely useful due to the content of a fairly large amount of calcium. This element is necessary for teeth, bones. The need is especially high when the body grows, although calcium is important and indispensable for adults. Thanks to this microelement, blood can coagulate normally.

As part of a multivitamin mineral complexthere is magnesium. This element, as the manufacturer specifies in the accompanying documentation, is necessary for the formation and regeneration of bones and muscles. He is involved in the generation of protein structures.

In the instruction to "Supradin Kids", "Supradin"the manufacturer indicates the iron content in the complex product. A trace element is necessary for the quality of the hematopoietic function. Iron is important for the hemoglobin system, with its help oxygen is transported through the circulatory system to the structures, cells and tissues that need it.

The composition of "Supradina" is phosphorus.Like calcium, this element is needed for the formation of teeth, the skeletal system. It is indispensable for metabolism and the generation of energy spent by tissues on vital activities.

What else?

The mineral complex contains manganese. This substance is necessary for bone mineralization.

Supradin is rich in copper. The element is indispensable for the performance by red blood cells of the nature intended by them. Copper is involved in chemical reactions with iron.

Zinc present in Supradin is normal inthe human body is an element of more than seven dozen vital enzymes through which the reactions of production, transformation of hormonal compounds are organized. Zinc is important for division, the mutual work of cells of the immune system.

In the instructions to "Supradin", the price of which is notso high, it is mentioned that the drug is rich in molybdenum. This substance is one of the elements of complex enzyme, coenzyme complexes, indispensable for reducing reactions and oxidation. The presence of molybdenum in an adequate concentration allows you to maintain a chemical balance in the body.

effervescent effervescent instructions for use

What does it mean?

In total, the multivitamin complex contains 12 vitamins, as well as minerals and rare compounds. All of them are necessary for normal metabolism in the human body.

Vitamins are especially important, as pays attentionmanufacturer in the instructions for "Supradin" for carbohydrate metabolism. Without them, energy storage, processing of fatty, protein structures, as well as nucleic acids is impossible. Due to the high content of vitamins in the body, collagen is synthesized, mediators of the nervous system are produced.

Vitamins are not only part of the processesmetabolism, but also a regulator, coordinator of such reactions. Without vitamins, bones will not grow, wounds will heal. A normal concentration of vital compounds ensures the health of the vascular system, high immune status. Vitamins are important for differentiation, development, tissue growth, processing of drugs, cleansing the body of toxic compounds.

Do you need vitamins?

The answer to this question can also be found ininstructions to the "Supradin". The manufacturer points to the most famous consequences of a lack of vitamins in an acute degree - but almost everyone knows about them. In practice, scurvy and similar difficult situations are practically not encountered. But it is important to understand that the insufficiency of these compounds to a lesser extent is also a problem that needs to be addressed. Useful components are especially significant for a growing, developing organism. Children need a fairly high concentration of these elements in food, otherwise health suffers greatly. The presence of vitamins in the daily diet is the key to an adequate state of the body and mind, even under conditions of increased stress.

In the instructions to "Supradin" manufacturerrecommends resorting to the remedy during periods when a person is faced with a greater than usual need for useful compounds. This is especially true for children, adolescents, as well as women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. The need for vitamins is increased in people of advanced age, as well as recovering from illness, undergoing antimicrobial drugs or chemotherapy.

When else will help?

The instruction "Supradin" is recommended at reducedthe consumption of vitamins with food. A pharmaceutical product can compensate for the lack of vital substances in the diet. This is especially important during a strict diet, drastic weight loss, unbalanced nutrition. The consumption of vitamins in the elderly has been reduced, which is associated with age-related changes in the functioning of the digestive tract. Similar problems are inherent in people suffering from diseases of the stomach, intestinal tract.

All of these conditions are usually accompanied bylack of a complex of vitamins. Occasionally, a situation is observed when only one compound is insufficient in the human body, but this is the exception rather than the rule, since all vitamins interact with each other, stimulate the processes of assimilation of each other. Without vitamins, the normal intake and assimilation of minerals, micronutrients in the body is impossible. A full-fledged multivitamin complex helps to solve this problem, prevent vitamin deficiency and correct the condition, if one has already begun.

supradin instructions for use

Technical issues

Pharmacological features of the drug completelydetermined by its composition. In “Supradina” there are 12 vitamins supported by minerals, rare elements. All of them are necessary for normal metabolism and control of transformation reactions in cells.

The manufacturer does not indicate technicalfeatures of the pharmacological activity of the drug, does not provide information about the time to reach the maximum concentration in the circulatory system, elimination half-life and other technical aspects.

Rules of Use

"Supradin" in the form of tablets for dilution in waterDesigned for persons over the age of twelve. To dissolve one instance, one glass of water is needed. The drug is used daily, once a day. It is recommended to use Supradin during a meal.

Do not use Supradin and other multivitamin complexes, substances that supply minerals and rare compounds to the body at the same time.

When using the product, you need to remember about the possibility of an allergic response of the body.

When should i use?

The entire list of indications for usemultivitamin complex is in the accompanying documentation for the drug. The manufacturer recommends using the drug for vitamin deficiency, a lack of vitamins, as well as for the prevention of this condition. "Supradin" is indicated if mineral deficiency is observed in the body. The drug should be used regularly if a person eats unbalanced, adheres to a strict diet or cannot afford a nutritious diet for other reasons.

"Supradin" is recommended to be taken during the periodincreased intellectual, physical stress, as well as recovering from a long illness or severe treatment. “Supradin” can be used as an element of a comprehensive program for the treatment of chronic alcohol dependence. The tool helps to maintain strength against the background of antibiotic therapy or immunosuppressive substances. A multivitamin complex can be used if a person is sick for a long time and is seriously ill - Supradin can be used during an illness.

You can not!

"Supradin" is not used in infancy. The remedy is not allowed for kidney diseases. You can not use it if there is an excess of vitamins A, D in the body, calcium.

"Supradin" can not be taken if a personSuffers from hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to any component of the product. These can be basic substances or additional ones. In particular, Supradin is forbidden to those who have an increased sensitivity to lactose. You can not use the complex on the background of a medical course containing retinoids.

Supradin tablets

Special case

For children it is recommended to use the optionissue of "Supradin Kids." Chewing figures are designed for babies - you can use a multivitamin complex from the age of three. The dosage is selected based on the age of the child. Before reaching the age of seven - one little thing during a meal, and for older children - one or two pastilles.

For children over the age of twelve andadults recommended the use of effervescent tablets "Supradin". It is allowed to use a multivitamin complex while carrying a child and breastfeeding. In this case, the daily dosages recommended by the manufacturer must be observed, that is, use no more than one tablet in one day. Currently, there is no information to suspect a negative effect on the mother's body, no harm to the embryo has been recorded. True, this applies strictly to the case of using the drug according to the instructions, in a reasonable dose.

Important subtleties of use

The manufacturer warns that duringthe use of the drug "Supradin" is a risk of changing the shade of urine to bright yellow. This is a completely normal phenomenon, due to the presence of riboflavin in the complex composition. This phenomenon does not require discontinuation of the drug and is not associated with any harm to the body.

Supradin effervescent tablets contain sodium,whose volumes are comparable to 700 mg of edible salt. If a person adheres to a nutrition program with minimizing salt, this fact must be taken into account when adjusting the choice of dishes. If possible, effervescent tablets should be discarded and taken in a film coating. "Supradin" in this form, unlike effervescent, contains lactose. With intolerance to this compound, only effervescent tablets of the drug can be used.

As possible substitutes for the drug in question, it is worth mentioning the multivitamin complexes Selmevit, Duovit, Fenyuls.

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