/ / The drug "Apilak": reviews, methods of application and results

The drug "Apilak": reviews, methods of application and results

The main component of the drug Apilac isso-called royal jelly, which is the secret of the glands of worker bees, dried in a vacuum at low temperature (lyophilized). It has long been used in folk medicine as a general restorative and is part of cosmetics. Royal jelly of worker bees contains ascorbic, pantothenic, folic acid, ribovolavin and other vitamins, bioactive substances, as well as natural proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It tones up and gives strength, activates cellular processes in the body. The drug "Apilak", which is confirmed by the noticeable effect of its administration, helps to recover quickly after serious illnesses, nervous shocks, pregnancy and childbirth.

Royal jelly bees have bactericidalproperties - inhibits the development of staphylococci and streptococci, has a harmful effect on the intestinal and typhoid sticks. His clinical trials were carried out back in the late 30's. the last century, and officially used in medicine it began with the 50's. At the same time royal jelly was used not only for oral administration, but also in the form of a solution for intramuscular injections. Produced on its basis, "Apilak", reviews about which, for the most part, are positive, are successfully used in the complex treatment of many diseases: in patients with asthenic conditions, after reception, appetite is established, sleep becomes deeper, hemoglobin increases, fatigue decreases. Published in the Internet on the drug "Apilak" reviews also say that it can significantly alleviate the condition of patients with atherosclerosis and hypertension - they normalize blood pressure and significantly reduce the risk of spastic vascular reactions. At the same time, the drug is shown and with hypotension, which is a consequence of the general depletion of the body - in this case the arterial pressure rises to the optimum values.

Often doctors recommend young mothers receptionthis drug to increase the amount of breast milk. Available on the reception of the drug "Apilac" for lactation reviews confirm its effectiveness: a woman quickly regains strength after the birth of a child, and the secretion of breast milk is significantly increased. Despite this, many experts recommend the use of this remedy only if all other ways to increase lactation (frequent attachment to the breast, pumping, copious drink and others) have been powerless. This is due to the fact that in some cases after the reception of "Apilak" allergic manifestations were observed in the mother and the child: a rash, skin itch, nausea. Such a reaction indicates an individual intolerance to beekeeping products. In this case, the drug should be discontinued.

"Apilac" is available both in the form of sublingualtablets, and children's candles for 0.01 and 0.005 g, since it is difficult for babies to dissolve tablets in the oral cavity. Children prescribe this drug in the absence of appetite and eating disorders. The drug "Apilak", reviews about which application in pediatrics are the best, is shown to receive weakened, often sick children - it significantly strengthens the body's defenses and is an effective means of preventing catarrhal diseases.

Royal jelly has a powerful regenerating andwound-healing action. On its basis, a preparation for external use - ointment "Apilak grindeks" was also created. Reviews of her talk about the successful treatment of seborrhea, dermatitis, diaper rash, trophic ulcers. Apply ointment to the affected areas of the skin or under the bandage 1-2 times a day. Before applying this drug, you should always make sure that there is no allergy on it - otherwise the skin condition can only worsen.

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