/ / Blood alcohol content

Blood alcohol content

Getting into the human body, alcohol hasThe property is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the stomach and the walls of the intestine. If the stomach is empty, alcohol absorption takes about an hour. When you fill it, this time is doubled. Therefore, if the alcohol content in the blood is the same for two people, then the one who at the time of alcohol intake was empty becomes drunk faster. Digestive organs do not affect the absorption of alcoholic beverages, and a full stomach slows down this process for some time. Intoxication will somehow come anyway, but only a little later and it will probably be more dramatic.

After carrying out of many researches it is established,that if the alcohol content in the blood is the same for the female and male, then the effect of alcohol on the woman in this case is faster than on the man, and sobering, on the contrary, comes much slower. The reason is that the female body contains less alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which cleaves ethyl alcohol. Due to this, the concentration of alcohol in the blood is increased.

Another important factor affecting the degree ofintoxication, is the weight of the human body. Blood accounts for about eight percent of the total body weight. This is eighty milliliters per kilogram of weight. Therefore, the alcohol content in the blood will have a lower percentage in people with a higher body weight, under the condition of an equally drunk dose of alcohol.

It is believed that alcohol is one of the waysrelaxation. For example, the driver during the movement sometimes experiences various kinds of stress or stress. Therefore, a small dose of alcoholic beverage helps the body to cope with such phenomena to some extent. These statements can be argued. There can be both supporters and opponents of such statements. Be that as it may, while the allowable alcohol content in the blood was 0.2 ppm. But with the entry into force of new laws, this figure may change.

The speed and degree of intoxication depend on the dosedrunk alcoholic beverage, as well as from its fortress. The quality of alcohol also plays an important role. Carbon dioxide, for example, promotes the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood. Therefore, the body will be more prone to intoxication after drinking alcohol, which contains carbon dioxide, and even mixed with carbonated drinks.

There is an opinion that the alcohol content inblood after drinking a little beer, so this drink can be consumed and driving. For people who allow themselves such a statement, it should be noted that one liter of beer contains as much alcohol as one hundred grams of vodka or four hundred grams of wine. At the same time, beer has a more harmful effect on the body than other alcohol. And in general, increased doses of alcohol cause irreparable harm to the body. Even if you dilute an alcoholic beverage, for example, with water, the amount of alcohol in your blood will not decrease from this, and its effect will remain the same on the brain and the body as a whole.

Release of blood from the accepted dose of alcoholoccurs by its oxidation. Ninety percent of alcohol removes the liver. The rest falls on the kidneys, lungs, sweat glands. People who profess that the use of strong coffee or tea, cold showers or fresh air can influence the process of excretion of alcohol from the body are deeply mistaken. It takes time to free the body of alcohol.

By the way, some harmless products can alsoincrease the level of alcohol in the human body. These include chocolate, overripe bananas and oranges, cakes, juices, which for a long time were outside the refrigerator.

Ironically, non-alcoholic beer stands infirst rows of this list. Therefore, when buying a product, you should carefully study the label. If on it even in small quantities alcohol is specified, then it is better to refuse such a purchase, and this applies to drivers in the first place.

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