/ / 2 ppm alcohol - how much alcohol is in the blood?

2 ppm of alcohol - is how much alcohol is in the blood?

To find out the alcohol content in the blood,unit is used per mil. Everyone has heard about this, but not everyone knows what this indicator means. For example, not everyone will answer the question of whether 2 ppm of alcohol is how much alcohol is contained in the blood. Is this dose dangerous? Let us consider in more detail what is meant by this term, how many includes one unit per mille, and what the Law says about when it is dangerous to sit down at the wheel, at what rate. How much is allowed to drink beer and is it permissible at all if you are going on the road?

allowable alcohol

Promille - what is it?

The unit of ppm allows you to determinewhat dose of alcohol is present in the blood. A thousand percent alcohol indicates ethanol concentration in the blood. The indicator also allows you to identify how much alcohol was drunk.

To deal with this unit is enougheasy. Many people are accustomed to operating on parts of the whole number - half, quarter, third, tithing. Often, very small parts are required, so a percentage appeared, this is a hundredth of the total. In the reports and evaluations of activity, this unit appears quite often. How to figure out 2 ppm alcohol is how much alcohol is in the blood?

This indicator (ppm) is even morea small unit than a percentage - a thousandth of a substance. Thus, if you link the percentage and ppm, it is worth noting that in one percent - ten ppm. Promille is one-tenth of a percent.

In vitro alcohol contentis determined using the ppm unit (‰) because the percentage (%) is too large. The ratio is measured in hundredths, tenths of ppm, for example, a 2 ppm indicator is a lot.

It is important to consider that the body of allindividual, the perception of alcohol in women and men varies. Equally that the action of toxins occurs on the same principle. In the female body, ppm accumulates more rapidly than in men.

How to calculate yourself

blood alcohol table

Calculation in ppm, in principle, does not differ fromcalculations as a percentage, but for the full picture does not prevent to figure it out. As we have already mentioned, ppm is denoted by знаком, resembling a percentage of%. They should not be confused. Denoting the level of alcohol, apply the following relationships:

  • 1/1000 = 1 ‰ is 0.1%;
  • 1 = 1000 ‰ = 100% - monofractional composition without any impurities;
  • 0.4 = 400 ‰ = 40%;
  • 0.00024 = 0.24 ‰ this is 0.024%.

How to calculate, 2 ppm alcohol is how much alcohol? Focusing on the above ratios, this is easy to do: 2 ‰ equals 0.2% = 1/2000.

Разница между процентом и промилле является чисто nominal. After drinking alcohol in half an hour comes the peak of its content. With the help of calculations, knowing ppm, you can find out the following values:

  • The alcohol content after some time.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed.
  • How long does it take to get out of the body of alcohol.

To calculate these parameters, data is also required:

  • Age, weight, gender of a person.
  • % fluid in the body.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed initially.

Calculation example

The weight of a man is 82 kg. Drink 500 ml of vodka 40%.

In men, water by weight is about 70%,so for this example it is 57.5 kg. The density of undiluted ethanol is 0.79. Consequently, 500 x 0.4, we get 200 ml, we convert to grams 200 x 0.79, which turns out 158 ​​g. The content of pure alcohol is 158 g - 10% we get 142.4.

So, the concentration of ethanol from drunk is 142.4: 57.2 = 2.5 ppm.
Now it is clear, 2 ppm alcohol is how much alcohol. The rate is very high.

An example proves ppm calculation is available.to each. The calculation does not require a lot of data, the formula is the simplest. Note that the values ​​given are conditional, but not absolute. After all, alcohol consumption occurs in different ways, gradually. Ethanol in the body is processed over a period of time. It is necessary to make a discount on the age, the physiological state of a person.

Blood alcohol table

The most popular question for drivers is thathow much alcohol is contained in permissible 0.16 ppm. Firstly, the Law speaks about the content of alcohol in mg during expiration per liter of air, this is not a concentration in the blood. Secondly, this value is measured by the breathalyzer, the error of the device corresponds to the given value. Therefore, even for an absolutely sober person, he can lie in this limit.

For the full picture below, there is a table of blood alcohol at various doses.

2 ppm alcohol is how much alcohol

How does alcohol affect behavior

Depending on what the alcohol concentration isin the blood, there are several levels of intoxication. At the first stage - mild intoxication, then - moderate severity, the last stage is the hardest, can lead to coma and even death. On a weight kg each person has a certain lethal dose.

Recall that in percentage - 10 ppm. The characteristic level for each stage in% is given:

  • To 0.03 - intoxication is not defined.
  • From 0.03 to 0.06 - weak intoxication.
  • From 0.06 to 0.16 - the initial stage or mild intoxication.
  • From 0.16 to 0.26 - moderate or moderate intoxication.
  • From 0.26 to 0.3 - the third degree is a strong intoxication.
  • From 0.3 to 0.6 is the extreme severe degree at which coma and even death is likely.
  • From 0.6 to 0.65 - fatal alcohol dose.

So, the human condition can be determined by fractions of the percent presence of alcohol in the blood.

Consequences behind the wheel

blood alcohol concentration

Everyone knows that you need to get sober behind the wheelcondition. But still, what is the limit, what is the concentration of alcohol in the blood is dangerous? Consider how human behavior changes with an increase in ppm.

  • 0.2 - 0.51 ‰.Already at such a dose with errors comes the perception of sources of moving light. Slow down the assessment of the situation on the road. In this case, there is a desire to accelerate the movement. In this state, the driver exceeds the speed, but the accuracy and caution are affected. The car is dangerous to others. The driver does not respect the distance and spacing.
  • 0.51 - 0.81 ‰. The driver does not feel the distance to the object, the balance is disturbed, there are errors in driving. Clear failure in assessing the situation. Inadequately perceived light signals, distance.
  • 0.81 - 1.21 ‰. Relaxing effect on the body.The angle of view decreases, the driver has a weak reaction to what is happening around, the actions are wrong and weak, the concentration of attention disappears. The driver is extremely dangerous to others.
  • 1.21 - 2.4.With such drunkenness, a person loses consciousness. Vision is disturbed to the limit, orientation is completely distorted. From this it is clear that drunkenness 2 per mille is extremely dangerous, and a person just cannot get behind the wheel.

Lethal dose

intoxication 2 ppm

What dose of alcohol can be called deadlydangerous? There is no single answer, every organism has its own abilities. You can make an assumption only on the basis of averages and indicators. These numbers can only indicate how much alcohol is acceptable and what should be avoided.

Многие исследование указывают на то, что 5-6 ppm is a deadly alcoholic dose. The strongest intoxication begins already at 2 ppm. Few people understand these units, many consider doses in liters. The question arises: 2 ppm alcohol - how much vodka? We make approximate calculations.

In 0.5 liters of vodka contains pure alcohol 200 ml -this equates to 2.5 ppm. Consequently, the lethal dose will be three bottles = 1.5 liters. But death can occur only if this amount was drunk during the shortest time. For example, one hour. If we take into account a long time, a snack, then there will be a strong intoxication, but not death.

With beer and wine, the situation is different.There is much less alcohol here. The lethal dose here is much more. In addition, the body has a protective reflex to intoxication - vomiting, while most of the alcohol is removed.

The weight, age of the person, his susceptibility to alcohol also affects the death. The situation is worsening diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, as well as the quality of alcohol.

Allowable Alcohol Rate

heavy alcoholic intoxication

The norms of testimony per mille in 2017 significantlydiffer from 2010-2013, when it was provided only zero ppm. No amount of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air was allowed. The law was revised for several reasons. There are products that do not contain alcohol, but on a special device show small units of ppm. These include:

  • kvass;
  • chocolate;
  • nonalcoholic beer;
  • yogurt;
  • sour milk;
  • warm juice;
  • oranges;
  • sandwich with black bread and sausage;
  • overripe banana;
  • mouth freshener;
  • some medications;
  • cigarettes.

Small doses of alcohol contained in theseproducts are weathered after a short time. For this reason, the legislation abolished zero promille. Previously, a driver who consumed a glass of kvass or kefir could lose his rights for up to two years. This fact caused a lot of controversy, and in 2013 adopted a law. With the beginning of its action, the permissible rate of alcohol began to be 0.16 ppm in exhaled vapors, which corresponds to 0.35 in blood. An amendment to this law is made to the Rules of the road.

Punishment methods

2 ppm is a lot

If the number of ppm exceeds the permissible rate, the driver bears the following penalties:

  • Primary detection: a fine in the amount of 30 thousand is imposed, and also the driver is deprived of rights for a period of 1.5-2 years.
  • Secondary violation: the fine will be 50 thousand, the driver loses his rights for 3 years.

If a deprived person gets behind the wheel, he faces up to 15 days.
Do not trust your own transport to anyonemore man intoxicated with alcohol. When transferring control in this case, the owner of the car is also fined 30 thousand and he loses his driving license for up to 2 years.
In the near future, it is expected that a law will be adopted, further tightening the requirements for drunk drivers. Be carefull!

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