/ / Digoxin: reviews. "Digoxin" (tablets): instructions for use

"Digoxin": reviews. "Digoxin" (tablets): instructions for use

Chronic heart failure -a disease that is not uncommon today. Wrong lifestyle, poor nutrition and bad habits contribute to a significant deterioration of well-being in old age. It is not possible to recover completely the work of the heart. But drug therapy allows you to lead a full-fledged lifestyle. Tablets "Digoxin" are popular. The use of the drug should be agreed with the doctor.

Composition and form of release

The drug is offered in the form of small tabletsdiameter. The main active ingredient is digoxin. One tablet contains 250 mg of this component. As auxiliary elements magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, gelatin, silicon colloid anhydrous, talc are used. The medicine is offered in pharmacies in cardboard packages or plastic bottles.

digoxin reviews
The drug belongs to the group of cardiac glycosides.Have a positive effect on the heart pills "Digoxin." The instruction states that myocardial contractility significantly increases. This also increases the stroke volume of the blood. In addition, the volume of the heart decreases. This leads to the fact that myocardial oxygen demand is significantly reduced.

Patients who suffer atrialtachyarrhythmia, can also use the drug. The main active component slows down the frequency of ventricular contractions, as well as improves intracardiac geodynamics.


Well tolerated by most patients.tablets "Digoxin". Reviews of experts show that the drug is perfectly absorbed in the walls of the stomach. As a percentage, this figure is 80%. In many ways, absorption depends on the health of the stomach, as well as food taken in parallel. Bioavailability of the drug "Digoxin" is 60-70%. If the gastric juice has a normal acidity, only a small amount of the main active ingredient of the drug is destroyed.

The drug has the ability to accumulate in the tissues.Therefore, at the beginning of treatment there is no correlation between the concentration of the drug in plasma and the severity of the pharmacodynamic effect. The drug is metabolized in the liver, and is excreted at most by the kidneys. Up to 80% goes unchanged. If the patient suffers from liver failure, compensation may occur due to increased kidney digoxin excretion.


Популярностью у пациентов и врачей пользуется drug "Digoxin". Reviews show that pills help to perfectly restore the work of the heart. The drug is prescribed primarily to patients with chronic heart failure, if there are clinical manifestations of the disease. The medicine also has a positive effect on patients who suffer from the tachysystological form of atrial fibrillation. Especially if such a condition manifests itself against the background of chronic heart failure.

 digoxin tablets instructions for use
Cannot be used as monotherapy.means "Digoxin" (tablets). Instructions for use states that the drug can be administered only as part of a comprehensive treatment of chronic heart failure. Tablets help restore the heart rhythm and patient well-being. But they are not capable of completely returning the heart to its former state.


For some patients it may be dangerous.tablets "Digoxin". Reviews of doctors show that the drug should be taken only after passing a full examination of the body. The drug has many contraindications. These include diseases such as Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, intermittent total blockade, glycosidic intoxication. In some cases, hypersensitivity to the drug components may occur.

digoxin instructions for use reviews
There are also conditions of the body in whichThe use of the drug "Digoxin" is possible, but with caution. The specialist should carefully evaluate the possible benefits and harms. It is not recommended to drink pills without consulting a doctor in such conditions as hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, acute myocardial infarction, unstable stenocardia, arteriovenous shunt, amyloidosis of the heart.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Studies have been conducted on the subjectthe possibility of taking digoxin tablets for pregnant and lactating women. It was found that the main active ingredient can penetrate through the placental barrier to the fetus and into breast milk. During birth, the concentration of the main component of the drug in the serum of the newborn and the mother is absolutely the same. According to the safety of use, the drug "Digoxin" can be classified as "C". Reviews of experts show that during pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to use tablets only in extreme cases. This should be done only when the potential benefits to the mother outweigh the potential risks to the child.

Studies on the subject of medication for childrennot carried out. For this reason, the tablets "Digoxin" is not prescribed to minor patients. There are many other drugs that are intended for the treatment of heart defects in children under 18 years of age.


It should be taken correctly "Digoxin" (tablets).Instructions for use describes the exact dosage for each clinical case. The drug is taken only inside. It is worth remembering that the tablets belong to the group of cardiac glycosides. Therefore, the dosage should be chosen very carefully in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. If the patient has previously taken cardiac glycosides, the dosage of the tablets "Digoxin" should be reduced.

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For adults, the maximum dosage is selected independing on the need to quickly obtain a therapeutic effect. Rapid digitalization can be used only in emergency cases when the patient's condition deteriorates rapidly. In this case, the patient takes 1.25 mg of the drug for two times. Before each subsequent dose, an ECG should be performed. As soon as the patient's heart returns to normal, it is necessary to begin a supportive treatment. Dosage may be reduced.

In most cases, patients are indicated.slow digitalization. It is necessary to take the drug "Digoxin" within 5-7 days. Reviews for heart disease show that this method allows you to maintain normal health for a long time. The daily dosage of the drug can be 250-500 mg. Tablets are taken only once a day.


Should be taken as recommendeddoctor pills "Digoxin". Reviews show that improper use of pills can lead to overdose. The main symptoms are worsening of sleep, loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In some patients, heart function may deteriorate. Symptoms such as atrial fibrillation and flutter, nodular tachycardia, and sinoatrial blockade appear. The patient may develop confusion, decreased visual acuity, and psychosis.

digoxin reviews for heart disease
Кардинального лечения передозировка не требует.The doctor can only cancel the drug "Digoxin" and prescribe activated charcoal. In case of acute drug poisoning the patient may be shown gastric lavage. Treatment should take place in a medical institution under the supervision of specialists.

Adverse Events

Patients most often feel unwellis a consequence of overdose of tablets "Digoxin". Instructions for use, reviews - all this should be studied before taking the medication. Drug intoxication can manifest symptoms such as ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia, sinoauricular block, nodular tachycardia, polytopic ventricular extrasystole. On the part of the digestive system, patients often experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Against this background, patients in rare cases completely refuse to eat. This condition is dangerous development of anorexia.

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On the part of the central nervous system maythere are side effects such as sleep disturbances, headaches, depressive syndrome, confusion, visual hallucinations. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately stop taking Digoxin tablets. Feedback from people shows that the normal state of the body returns immediately after discontinuation of the drug.

Drug Interactions

Any cardiac glycosides should be taken withcaution along with other drugs. It is not recommended to drink tablets "Digoxin" together with medicines that violate the electrolyte balance. These primarily include diuretics, insulin, glucocorticosteroids - the risk of the development of the toxic effects of the drug Digoxin increases. Hypercalcemia can also lead to side effects. Therefore, patients are not recommended to introduce calcium salts in conjunction with the drug "Digoxin". Reviews at atrial fibrillation show that even a small dose of calcium is enough for the patient to have side effects.

Under the action of medicines containingaluminum, the absorption of digoxin in the intestine can be reduced. As a result, the positive effect of the tablets on the body will be reduced. You should also take spironolactone with caution. It helps to reduce the concentration of digoxin in the serum, and also distorts the results of determining the content of a substance in the body.

Normal activated carbon significantly reducesbioavailability of the drug "Digoxin". Reviews on the application show that the drug is absolutely inactive when used in conjunction with drugs that improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Are there analogues?

What if drug-baseddigoxin in the pharmacy could not be found? The doctor will always be able to choose a drug that will have a similar effect on the body. Pills "Cardiomagnyl" are popular, for example. This drug, the main active component of which is magnesium hydroxide. Additionally, components such as acetylsalicylic acid, potato starch, magnesium stearate, and microcrystalline cellulose are used.

 digoxin reviews for atrial fibrillation
The drug "Cardiomagnyl" may be prescribed for the treatment of various diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is also taken as prevention of thrombosis and recurrent myocardial infarction.

Reviews of the drug "Digoxin"

Increasingly with chronic cardiacfailure experts prescribe tablets "Digoxin." Reviews show that the drug gives really good results when used correctly. In order to avoid side effects, it should be taken strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. A qualified specialist will always be able to choose the right dosage in accordance with the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Negative reviews of the drug "Digoxin" alsoare available. They are associated at most with a large number of side effects. It should be noted that unpleasant symptoms occur most often in those patients who do not comply with the required dosage or take the drug in conjunction with other drugs. It is necessary to use the tablets "Digoxin" with care. Instructions for use, reviews - all this should be studied before starting therapy.

Where to buy the drug?

The drug is available on prescription.After contacting a specialist, the medicine will be available at the nearest pharmacy. Digoxin tablets are not uncommon. Also, medication can be ordered in real time. In online pharmacies, medicine costs much less.

How much will you have to pay?

Tablets "Digoxin" belong to a low price category. For one package you will have to pay only about 50 rubles. If you order the drug in an online pharmacy, you can save up to 15%.

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