/ / "Digoxin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Digoxin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Cardiovascular drugs needapply with great care. Despite the fact that they can be sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, during self-treatment, these pills become very dangerous. Therefore, physicians are categorically opposed to patients prescribing them for themselves. If you notice that you feel unwell and are prone to believe that it is a heart disease, then go to the clinic and pass the appropriate examination.

In the modern world, a high percentage of peoplesuffering from heart failure and various types of arrhythmias. Such patients have to constantly take certain drugs to improve their condition and keep the heart muscle in good shape. Often, doctors prescribe with similar problems "Digoxin". Instructions for use of this drug gives its full description, but for people who do not own medical terms, it is quite difficult to understand. They have to look for additional information about the drug in other sources. instructions for use "Digoxin" in simple language and add to it reviews of cardiologists and their patients.

Brief description of "Digoxin"

This drug is sold onlydoctor's prescription. The instructions for use of "Digoxin" indicated that he previously belonged to the category of drugs, conditionally related to the "poisonous". Thus, it becomes clear that it can be applied only after a thorough examination. It is also necessary to periodically take tests for the attending physician to monitor the patient’s health.

Judging by the instructions for use of the drug,Digoxin perfectly manifests itself in the complex therapy. Therefore, its reception is usually combined with other drugs. If the patient follows the scheme indicated by the doctor, he will notice improvements in his condition literally in a few days.

"Digoxin" (in the instructions for use is not alwaysmarked all the options for taking the drug) has a wide range of actions It increases the excitability of the heart muscle and increases the vascular conductivity. At the same time the agent has vasoconstrictor and vasodilator effects. Vasoconstriction is a natural and regular reaction of the body to taking the drug, but an indirect effect is the expansion of the vascular network. Moreover, this reaction is most pronounced due to the fact that cardiac stimulation occurs.

From the instructions for use to "Digoxin"patients can learn that it belongs to the group of glycosides. They are widely used in the treatment of arrhythmias and chronic heart failure. Also "Digoxin" has many analogues. We will tell about some of them a bit later.

Digoxin solution

Form of issue

Отправляясь в аптеку за лекарством, имейте в mind that it is available for sale in two forms. Each has its own instructions for use. "Digoxin" can be bought in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The necessary option is chosen by the doctor, but more often than not, patients are given a tablet form. Injections can be prescribed in especially difficult situations when the result is needed as soon as possible.

It should be borne in mind that the tool is madedifferent pharmaceutical companies, so packaging and packaging may have some differences. The instructions for use of the tablets "Digoxin" included an item describing the appearance of the capsules and their composition. The tablets are white in color and packaged in packs of twenty-five, forty, or fifty pieces. Most often they are located on blisters, in one cardboard box is placed from two blisters. Often, recently, you can find in pharmacies drug in plastic cans.

"Digoxin" in ampoules (instructions for use forit is identical in most of the points to the previous form) has several packaging options. Depending on your needs, you can purchase the following dosage of ampoules:

  • one milliliter;
  • two milliliters;
  • five milliliters;
  • ten milliliters.

Ten ampoules of medicine are packed in each of the cartons.

Keep in mind that if your package is notinstructions for use for "Digoxin" (analogues of the tools we will later list in this article), then you got a fake. Under no circumstances should such tablets be drunk.

drug composition

Composition of the medicinal product

From the instructions for use to "Digoxin" andreviews about him you can learn that its main component is plant. The drug is made from many famous plants - foxglove. It is medicinal, and our ancestors knew about its effect on the vascular system.

И таблетки, и ампулы "Дигоксина" (инструкции по the use of all types of drugs require careful study and mandatory implementation of the recommendations and requirements) have the same active ingredient. It is digoxin. However, depending on the form of release, its concentration in medicines varies. The dosage is always indicated in the instructions for use: in tablets "Digoxin" - 0, 25 mg of active substance, and in ampoules - 250 milligrams per milliliter of solution.

It is known that today there is a drug, inwhich 0.1 milligram of digoxin per tablet. But such a dosage is not always convenient during treatment and is not very popular among physicians and patients. It may be prescribed if the patient is a child under ten years of age.

Each form of issue funds has its own list.excipients. All of them have been thoroughly tested and a number of clinical trials, so you do not need to worry that they can harm the human body. From the instructions for use of "Digoxin 0, 25 mg" (in the form of tablets) you can find a complete list of additional substances. From them we select talc, silicon, starch and magnesium salts. In the ampoules, the auxiliary components are citric acid, sterile water, and ethyl alcohol.

Features of the medicinal product

Before taking any medication you needcarefully study the instructions for use and reviews. Digoxin tablets and injection solution are no exception to this rule. The instructions always indicate some features of the drug, which the patient should be aware of.

К примеру, в случае с сердечным лекарством важно understand when it starts to act. When taking "Digoxin" the first effect occurs in approximately thirty minutes, after two hours the concentration of the active substance becomes maximum. However, keep in mind that the solution begins to act much faster pills. The absorption of the latter into the stomach is slowed down by food. This is especially noticeable if you eat foods rich in fiber. In this case, the effect will come no less than two hours after taking the pill.

When starting a treatment, keep in mind that the drughas a diuretic effect. It is not pronounced, but sufficient to reduce swelling and shortness of breath in a patient. The components of the drug "Digoxin" (according to cardiologists and instructions for use) are output in approximately thirty-six hours. But in older people, the elimination process is much slower. It usually takes up to seventy hours. Therefore, older people are more likely to have pronounced side effects from treatment.

list of indications

Indications for use

"Digoxin" is prescribed to patients quite often.The reason for writing a prescription is a number of diseases. These include, first of all, heart failure. Moreover, the drug successfully copes even with the chronic form of the disease, which is beyond the power of many other modern means. Also, tablets and injections are prescribed in cases of detection of arrhythmias of a different nature. Doctors consider the drug effective and in some forms of tachycardia.

If superficially describe the mechanism of action"Digoxin" on the body, it can be said that it increases the force of contractions of the heart muscle, but at the same time reduces the frequency of these contractions. Due to this effect, blood begins to be pumped much easier and the patient's condition improves. And it happens literally on the second day after the start of treatment.

Digoxin treatment

Possible contraindications

The drug is recognized as very strong, and therefore maynot all patients should be discharged. In the presence of many pathologies, the doctor will be careful to prescribe "Digoxin". Explicit contraindications include low levels of potassium and calcium in the blood, allergies to any component of the remedies and a heart attack in the acute stage or a recovery period after it.

You should not start treatment with Digoxin if you have the following problems diagnosed:

  • heart block and inflammation of its tissues;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • aortic aneurysm.

In addition to these problems, there are a number of cardiac pathologies in which the drug can not be taken in any case.

Keep in mind that before starting treatmentIt is recommended to undergo extensive medical examination. Indeed, in its process, diseases that the patient did not know before could be revealed. Perhaps they will become an obstacle to taking the described drug.

how to take the drug

Instructions for the use of tablets

The drug must be taken at a specific time,It is most effective if you drink a pill between meals. At the same time it is necessary to drink it with plenty of clean drinking water. The volume of fluid can not be less than one hundred and fifty milliliters. Chew pill can not, otherwise it will act earlier than necessary, and will not have the expected impact.

Схему приема обычно расписывает врач, она состоит of two-stage treatment. At first, you need to get a quick result to improve the condition of the patient and remove the risks to his life. For this purpose, two to four tablets are initially drunk. Then every six hours from one to three capsules. This treatment continues for three days. During this time comes the relief of the patient, and he moves to the second stage. It is important to take only a maintenance dosage. It makes from one to two tablets per day. Most often you will need to drink them in the morning and in the evening.

If your condition is not acute, then the doctormay initially assign you a maintenance dosage. In any case, remember that more than six tablets per day can not drink. This leads to overdose and poisoning.

Can I drink the drug for children and pregnant women?

When absolutely necessary, doctors prescribe "Digoxin" to babies from birth. But in these cases, the dosage is selected individually and is directly dependent on the weight of the child.

For example, if the drug is prescribedto premature babies, its maximum concentration is calculated on the basis of three hundredths of milligrams per kilogram of weight. Full-term babies dosage can be increased to four hundredths of a milligram. This scheme is relevant for children from birth to one month.

Up to a year, the treatment regimen implies up to sixhundredths of milligrams of active substance per kilogram of baby weight. Further, up to ten years, the doctor will be guided by the indicated concentration. Then the child moves to the adult dosage.

Pregnant women are not recommended to take "Digoxin".It is known that it penetrates the placental barrier, and its dosage in the fetal blood is equal to that contained in the mother. Therefore, doctors prescribe the drug to women in the position only when it is clearly necessary, exceeding any risks to the child.

When breastfeeding this tool the doctor does not write out. Its content in breast milk is quite high, and therefore can harm the health of the newborn.

instructions for use

Treatment regimen with injection solution

According to the instructions for use, Digoxin is administered intravenously. These can be either injections or droppers. There is no other option for using this form of medication.

Will help to properly dilute the solution "Digoxin"instructions for use. It describes how it is necessary to prepare a solution for injection. For one injection, the contents of the ampoule are diluted in ten milliliters of sodium chloride or glucose. And the latter should be five percent.

In the initial appointment of an injection or dropperdone twice a day. Similarly, the treatment lasts two days, in the future it will be enough one injection per day. In general, the scheme is designed for five days, during which time the necessary positive effect is achieved. To fix it, the treatment will continue with the help of tablets.

drug analogs

Let's talk about analogues

"Digoxin" is produced by different manufacturers,therefore, it enters the Russian market under several names. Usually the name of the pharmaceutical company is attributed to the main word. Interestingly, drug prices also vary. They depend on the technology used by the manufacturer and the quality of the raw materials used. With a high degree of purification increases its efficiency and, accordingly, the price. Fearlessly the drug can be replaced by the following:

  • "Digoxin Grindeks" (instructions for use to him closest to the original);
  • "Digoxin Gedeon Richter";
  • "Digoxin Nicomed".

In addition to the listed names, there are five more companies that produce this drug under its own brand.

If you are interested in a drug similar to that described, then consider Novodigal.

Solution and tablets "Digoxin". Reviews

The instructions for use contain a lot of useful information, but real feedback from patients can give a little different information about taking the drug. What do people write about Digoxin?

Most of the patients were satisfiedthe resulting effect. The maintenance dosage, judging by the reviews, can be taken without interruption for three months. Then there is a need to change the drug for a while or take a break if the state of health allows it.

People mark the fact that at first theyplagued by the side effects of pills and injections. Most often, patients complain of nausea, sleep disturbance, anxiety and sweating. But after one or two weeks, the situation changes for the better. Ailments disappear, and the state is normalized.

In the comments you can find information thatOlder people do not always tolerate the drug. They may have hallucinations, delusions and insomnia. After discontinuation of digoxin, the situation returns to normal.

Reviews of cardiologists about "Digoxin"

The instructions for use are not given.comments of doctors working with the drug. For many patients it is very important that the remedy prescribed to them be approved by leading practicing cardiologists. Therefore, they begin to look for such information.

After analyzing the data found, you can saythat doctors are very positive about drug treatment. They believe that "Digoxin" is among the safest of a wide range of glycosides. It is highly effective and helps to normalize the patient's condition as soon as possible. In the case of heart problems, this is a very important characteristic.

Also, doctors are impressed with the availability of the drug. Its cost usually does not exceed fifty rubles, which means that people of different social status will be able to buy it at the pharmacy.

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