Itching in the urethra in men canto be permanent or episodic. This sensation most often indicates the presence of a venereal disease. Itching in the urethra can be pronounced or barely perceptible, light and unobtrusive, not particularly disturbing or unbearable.
Among the harmful microorganisms causingdiseases of the genitourinary system, it should be noted the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, gonococcus, trichomonias and others), sticks of streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli.
Itching in the urethra, which hasbacterial origin, often accompanied by pain during emptying, swelling and redness of the external opening of the urethra, frequent urge to urinate. In addition, typical are purulent discharge of a yellowish hue.
Itching and burning in the urethra canprovoke careless movements in the process of masturbation, leading to injury to the mucous membrane, taking certain medications, excessive consumption of spicy and spicy foods, alcoholic beverages. Often unpleasant sensations in this area are delivered by various chemical components that are contained in some hygiene products.
Itching in the urethra can occurand as a result of the development of a fungal infection. One of these diseases is urogenital candidiasis. This ailment can affect not only the genitourinary system, but also other organs. In the absence of timely competent treatment, very unfavorable complications can occur in the form of prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis and other pathologies.
The next disease that provokes this symptom,is trichomoniasis. This pathology is characterized by rapid reproduction of Trichomonads. In some cases, the ailment is accompanied by various bacterial diseases.
Itching in the urethra canto testify to the presence of gonorrhea. In this case, the first signs of this venereal disease can manifest on the second-seventh day after unprotected sexual intercourse. As a rule, pathology is accompanied by purulent discharge from the urethra, pain, burning with urination.
Chlamydia is also accompanied by very unpleasant sensations. It should be noted that without timely treatment, this pathology can cause reproductive harm.
As a result of the penetration of various pathogens, non-gonococcal urethritis may develop. In addition to itching, urination is accompanied by painful burning.
Unpleasant sensations can accompany the fencematerial from the urethra for laboratory studies. Itching often occurs when using a Folkman spoon or endourethral probe. Therefore, in many cases, in order to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, it is suggested that patients be given ejaculate (sperm). This biologically active liquid, passing through the vessels, collects all the infections of a viral, bacterial and other nature. Thus, ejaculate is in many ways more informative material for research.
Itching and burning sensations can accompanyreflux phenomena. This symptom is characterized by reverse movement along the urethral canal. For a normal healthy male, the number of such events does not exceed twenty per day. With an increase in the frequency of reverse movements, there is a tangle, itching and burning.
Discomfort often accompanies both mechanicalinjury (stroke, bruise) of the urethra. In medical practice, many cases of urethral tearing, its mucous for these reasons, have been identified. Subsequently, this condition contributes to the development of stricture.