/ / Causes of frequent dizziness, weakness, headaches, nausea. Treatment of listed conditions

Causes of frequent dizziness, weakness, headaches, nausea. Treatment of these conditions

The causes of frequent vertigo may vary.Someone associates them with a sharp rise in the body or its movement in space, someone refers to excessive heat, and someone does not see anything wrong with that. However, experts say that such a condition, especially regularly manifested, is not the norm. Therefore, it is very important to find out what are the causes of frequent dizziness.

causes of frequent vertigo

What does the patient feel?

Frequent dizziness, causes of which will bediscussed below, often compared with the feeling of free fall from the carousel or from another moving object. At the same time, it seems to a person that all the objects around him start spinning and spinning.

Often this condition is accompanied by weakness, as well as bouts of nausea and severe pain in the head.

According to statistics, these symptoms most oftenare found in women. Experts explain this pattern by the structure of the female body, as well as hormonal processes occurring in it. After all, it is no secret to anyone that every month women necessarily have a reason for feeling unwell.

Some statistics

Doctors say that frequent dizziness and headaches can occur in both men and women due to 80 different causes. And only in 90% of cases it is possible to diagnose them correctly.

It often happens that the human body is naturally weak. That is why he is constantly tormented by the mentioned state.

As for such dizziness, whicharises not because of the weakness of the human body, in medical practice it is commonly called the term "vertigo." This deviation is often accompanied by symptoms of a vegetative nature, such as fever and sweating, as well as vomiting and nausea.

frequent dizziness causes

Problems with the vestibular apparatus

Why does a person suffer from frequent dizziness and weakness? The reasons for such deviations should be determined only by the attending physician.

As a rule, these pathological conditions are associatedwith a weak vestibular apparatus. It includes the so-called inner ear. The latter is filled with liquid and is responsible for the position of the body in space, as well as maintaining coordination, balance and orientation.

It often happens that this organ suffers during a stroke. By the way, it also happens that the inner ear may simply have a very weak development.

По утверждению специалистов, вестибулярный the device has a direct connection with other systems in the human body. Therefore, during the consultation, the doctor is obliged to ask his patient a few questions that concern the following senses and organs.

  1. Hearing.Regular disorders of unilateral nature may indicate the development of Meniere's syndrome. If you do not go to the doctor in time, then such a deviation can easily lead to deafness in one or both ears.
  2. Vision. The causes of frequent dizziness are hidden in the weak work of the vestibular apparatus, if in such a state the patient periodically appears as blackouts and white spots in the eyes.
  3. Brain. If vertigo is accompanied by severe headaches, then the cause of the disease may be a post-or pre-stroke condition, as well as a brain tumor.

Nature of vertigo

Vestibular apparatus, like other organshuman, has a complex structure. Thanks to three interconnected systems, it is responsible for three main operations. Violations in the work of at least one of them leads to the fact that a person feels frequent dizziness.

frequent headaches and dizziness causes

Causes of feeling sick:

  • the work of the vestibulocortical system is disturbed (the perception of the coordinate system changes, and there is a difficulty in determining the position of your body in space);
  • the work of the vestibulospinal system is disturbed (deviations in the position of the body and head, ataxia are observed);
  • the work of the vestibulo-ocular system is impaired (the person is not able to control the optic nerve and eyesight in general, a kind of eye rotation occurs).

So why frequent dizziness?Causes in women and men may be hidden in the nerve impulses that go from the center of the brain to each of the parts of the vestibular apparatus. Braking mediators such as histamine, glycine and glutamate are involved in their supply. In the process of stimulation, a problem is created in the perception of impulses. From here comes a kind of alarm, which is interpreted by a person as dizziness. In other words, it is a hindered reaction emanating from the neurons of the brain.

The main causes of frequent dizziness

This condition can occur at any age, for any person. Often the attacks of vertigo explain banal fatigue at work or school, as well as the general weakness of the body.

During the fight against a virus or infection, the human body weakens noticeably, as a result of which not only nausea and weakness occur, but also spatial orientation is lost.

Regular dizziness can be talked about during pregnancy, during menopause, and even during adolescence, when the human body begins to actively rebuild.

frequent dizziness and weakness of cause and treatment

By the way, such a state often torments people seasonally, arising as a result of weakening of the immune system.

As you can see, the reasons for the attacks of vertigo abound. We have listed to you only the main and frequent ones. However, there are others that only an experienced specialist can diagnose.

Why dizzy?

Why does a person have frequent dizziness and nausea? The causes of such states may be hidden in the following.

  1. Motion sickness Surely everyone is familiar with this state. Whether it originated from a long ride on a swing or from shaking on the road, it does not matter. The result will still be severe dizziness.
  2. Poisoning the body.This is quite common cause of nausea, which is often accompanied by dizziness. In case of poisoning of the body, you should immediately remove all toxins from it and flush the stomach.
  3. Skull injuries that are mechanical (for example, as a result of a fall, accident, etc.).
  4. Increased levels of the female hormone estrogen in the blood.
  5. Concussion. As a rule, this condition is often accompanied by constant attacks of vertigo and headaches.
  6. Stroke or transient ischemic attack. These deviations cause severe weakness even during the rehabilitation period.
  7. Borreliosis It is a vascular or heart disease.In addition, other abnormalities in the work of the circulatory system, as well as atherosclerosis, heart murmurs and noise, diabetes mellitus, and ventricular fibrillation are considered as the causes of vertigo.
  8. Migraine. According to experts, dizziness is a precursor of such deviations as prolonged headaches.

frequent cause dizziness in men

Other reasons

Why else may be frequent dizziness?Causes in men and women can hide in the pinching of the arteries, which occurs against the background of cervical osteochondrosis. As a result of this impact, peculiar convulsions of cerebral vessels are formed, which manifests itself as vertigo.

Most often, this disease affects people who spend a lot of time in an uncomfortable position (for example, writing, computer, etc.).

We can not say that the problems witharterial pressure (for example, hypotension) often cause frequent headaches and dizziness. The causes of deviations in this case is very easy to identify. To do this, just use the tonometer.

General features

Dizziness and headaches often.associated with a particular category of reasons, based on other adverse symptoms. However, this should be done only by an experienced doctor. Indeed, without medical knowledge it is quite difficult to determine which signs correspond to the existing disease.

As a rule, people regularly suffering from attacks of vertigo, talk about similar sensations:

  • uncertainty in gait and wobbling;
  • constantly "moving" objects;
  • the inability to focus your gaze on one point;
  • weakness and sensation of padded upper and lower extremities;
  • fainting;
  • heart palpitations and pallor of the skin;
  • feeling nauseous, which sometimes turns into bouts of vomiting;
  • dry mouth and sweating.

frequent dizziness and weakness of the cause

If these symptoms do not go away for a long time, while medication for rocking does not help, you should always seek medical help.

Frequent dizziness and weakness: causes and treatment

Now you know what causeddizziness may be various factors, including pathological conditions of the body. To find out for sure why this condition bothers you regularly, we recommend that you contact your doctor.

First of all, the doctor is obliged to conduct medicalexamination. The existing disease can be diagnosed using one of the methods such as spinal X-ray (to determine if the arteries are pinched), CT and MRI of the brain (with severe pain and nausea), as well as cardiac echography, Doppler ultrasound, blood test and so on.

Если после медицинского обследования врач prescribed you medication for overwork, stress, or bouts of weakness, then we can assume that you are very lucky. After all, this treatment is used to eliminate the usual vertigo, which has no pathological character.

What if pills do not help?

If headaches, nausea and dizziness do notpass, and the doctor does not recommend increasing the dosage of drugs, then the patient may be diagnosed with other, more serious health problems.

For example, drugs are not helpful in detecting vascular anomalies and tumors. In this case, only surgical intervention is possible.

frequent dizziness and nausea causes

How to treat?

Speaking about the treatment of vertigo, you can not ignoreresults of medical examination. Indeed, as it turned out above, there are a great many causes of such a pathological condition. Therefore, the treatment of vertigo depends on the diagnosis and necessarily provides for a rehabilitation course.

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