/ / Eye drops "Hrustalin". Composition, application

Eye drops "Hrustalin". Composition, application

Eye drops "Hrustalin" arecombined medicinal product. It has a positive effect on the metabolism in the ophthalmic lens, it is a good generator of eye tissues. Thanks to such properties, the drops of "Crystal" are an effective preventive and curative remedy for the treatment of degenerative lens pathologies, such as compaction (presbyopia) and opacification (cataracts).

Eye drops "Crystal" are returned again orkeep patients of any age with good eyesight by improving the metabolic processes in the lens. Along with prevention and therapy of eye damage, it is necessary to note other advantages of the drug "Hrustalin", the instruction indicates its beneficial effect as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, and it also moisturizes the surface of the eye.

Stock of the life energy of the eye is depleteddue to daily overstresses, stresses, cells cease to cope with their functions and as a result of negativity from the environment die. To avoid total loss of eye cells, it is necessary to take the treatment with the drug "Hrustalin", the instruction ascribes to him toning properties, this agent copes well with fatigue and eye irritation, thereby prolonging the cellular existence and preventing the appearance of a mass of pathological, sometimes irreversible, processes.

Eye drops "Hrustalin" have the following pharmacological properties:

- improvement of energy metabolism in the organ of vision;

- an obstacle to the appearance of pathological processes in the eyes (cataracts, presbyopia);

- stimulation of regenerating tissues;

- maintaining visual acuity and preventing violations in the lens.


To understand the mechanism of action of the drug"Hrustalin" instruction recommends that you understand the principle of the action of its constituent components. These include Cytochrome C, adenosine, sodium succinate, nicotinamide.

Cytochrome "C" is important foroxidation-reduction processes occurring in the eyeball, it neutralizes the effect of free radicals. To prevent the development of cataracts it is important to inhibit oxidative reactions, especially in the case of ultraviolet, it, causing chain reactions in cells, is capable of releasing radicals. And those, in turn, serve as a favorable environment for the clouding of the lens. If there is an insufficient amount in the tissues of Cytochrome "C", degenerative processes in the lens become more pronounced.

Adenosine is a structural element of DNA, activeparticipant and stimulator of metabolic processes, provides the restoration of DNA in the cells of the lens, removes toxic decomposition products due to its vasodilating action, improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, stimulates protective mechanisms that suppress oxidative processes in the lens.

Nicotinamide regenerates in the lensendothelial cells, thereby providing preventive measures against the development of cataracts. Being a vitamin, it serves as a conductor of energy for all metabolic processes in the body.

Sodium succinate improves cell respiration,activates metabolism, corrects the disturbed energy exchange with loss of crystalline transparency, namely, in the case of insufficiency of energy in the epithelium and in the lens fibers.

It is important to know that eye drops "Hrustalin"almost have no contraindications to use, as such only individual intolerance of the drug is called. The course of treatment and prevention usually does not exceed 3 months, take the drug 1 drop for each eye three times a day, the maximum storage temperature is 25 ° C, after opening the vial in the refrigerator, the drug should not be stored for more than a month.

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