/ / Iridectomy laser: what is it, the postoperative period, the price and reviews

Iridectomy laser: what is it, the postoperative period, the price and reviews

Ophthalmic diseases have a wideSpread. More often they are found in the elderly. A serious pathology that can lead to complete blindness is glaucoma. This disease is characterized by increased pressure inside the eyeball. One of the ways to treat glaucoma is considered iridectomy laser. It is carried out in specialized ophthalmological clinics and has a number of advantages over open surgical intervention.

iridectomy laser

What is laser iridectomy?

Iridectomy laser is an ophthalmica procedure that is performed to reduce intraocular pressure. The main goal of this intervention is to improve the outflow of fluid in the eye. The operation consists in the formation of small holes on the iris of the eye. There are several methods for laser iridectomy. These include:

  1. Single-shot operation.
  2. Stage iridectomy.
  3. Layered operation.

Single-stage iridectomy is performed with the help ofpulsed laser. The power of this device is from 5 to 15 mJ. Laser applications are performed 1-3 times. As a result, it is possible to form a through hole in the iris. The advantage of this method is its fast execution. One-step iridectomy can be performed in patients with any eye color.

A phased operation is performed in severalsessions. And the break between laser exposure to the eye is 2-3 weeks. As a result, the formation of a hole in the iris is prolonged for several months. A similar operation is carried out for people with a light eye color. Stepwise implementation of iridectomy is necessary in order to avoid damage to the thin iris and other structures of the organ of vision. The laser power is from 600 to 1000 mW, and the exposure time is up to 0.5 seconds.

laser basal iridectomy

Layered iridectomy is performed for people with darkiris. The laser power is up to 1500 mW, and its exposure time is 0.2 seconds. The hole in the iris is formed gradually, by layer-by-layer destruction of the pigment tissue. A short-pulse or argon laser is used for this operation.

Indication for the operation

To adjust the outflow of intraocular fluid,an iridectomy is performed. Laser procedure allows you to reduce the risk of damage to the organ of vision to a minimum. Indications for this operation are states that are accompanied by stagnation of fluid and increased pressure inside the eyeball. These include:

  1. Closed-angle or mixed glaucoma.
  2. Excess amount of pigment.
  3. Anomalies in the anterior chamber of the eye.
  4. The pupil block.

Laser iridectomy of the eye is performed asprevention of acute attacks of glaucoma. Increased pressure leads to loss of visual fields and a decrease in its sharpness. Long-standing glaucoma is dangerous due to the development of complete blindness. The disease occurs due to stagnation of fluid between the chambers of the eye. It can be innate and acquired. In the first case, glaucoma is a consequence of anomalies in the development of the organ of vision. Acquired increase in intraocular pressure occurs with recurrent inflammatory pathologies and impaired blood flow to the eyes. Iridectomy laser is more effective in closed-angle glaucoma. The excision of the pigmented membrane leads to an improvement in the outflow of fluid from the anterior chamber of the eye and allows a reduction in pressure.

laser iridectomy reviews

Contraindications to iridectomy

In some cases, surgical intervention with a laser is unacceptable. Contraindications to iridectomy include the following conditions:

  1. Opium of the cornea or lens (cataract).
  2. Insufficient depth of iris.
  3. Corneal edema arising from inflammatory processes.
  4. Detachment of the retina of the eye.
  5. The absence of one eye.
  6. Slit anterior chamber.
  7. Paralysis of the sphincter of the pupil.
  8. Progressive decrease in visual acuity.
  9. Immunodeficiency conditions.

In the absence of contraindications, laser iridectomy can be performed several times. The need for this operation is determined by an ophthalmologist after performing diagnostic tests.

Iridectomy technique

Laser basal iridectomy isthe formation of an artificial hole in the inner corner of the cornea. It allows you to adjust the outflow of fluid from the posterior chamber of the eye into the anterior chamber. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. In addition to anesthetic drug, it is necessary to drip a 1% solution of "Pilocarpine". This is necessary to narrow the pupil during laser intervention.

laser iridectomy postoperative period

A lens is applied to the eye, which allowsmaximize the review of the operating field. Then, the hole formation location is selected. It can be located in any part of the iris. It is not recommended to make a puncture at 12 hours, since gas bubbles accumulate in this zone. Ophthalmologists prefer to form a hole in the zone of a large crypt or in a thin section of the iris.

The laser beam penetrates through the tissues of the eye throughlens. He focuses on a certain place. On the selected site, the laser acts for 0.2-0.5 seconds. As a result, the hole necessary for depth is formed. Circulation of watery fluid is established, which helps reduce intraocular pressure.

laser iridectomy of the eyes

Laser iridectomy: postoperative period, limitations

To avoid dangerous consequences of the operation,it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the ophthalmologist. Only in this case laser iridectomy will be effective. The postoperative period lasts for 2-3 weeks. During this time, the patient must observe visual peace, and also refrain from driving the car. Within 1 week, it is required to take anti-inflammatory drugs and inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase. These include eye drops "Dorzolamid", "Azopt".

During the postoperative period, it is recommended to sleep on the back, and also to avoid high humidity of the room (not to visit the baths and saunas). Water should not get into the eyes for 1 week.

Advantages and disadvantages of the methodology

The advantages of this method of treatment include:rapid achievement of the effect and the creation of a natural outflow of watery moisture between the chambers of the eye. In addition, laser iridectomy is a painless and quick procedure. The risk of bleeding and damage to adjacent tissues is minimized.

laser iridectomy postoperative period of limitation

The disadvantage is that some patients are forced to do the surgery again because of the appearance of synechia - the fusion of the iris at the place of the formed hole.

Laser iridectomy: reviews of ophthalmologists

Ophthalmologists are positive about thismethod of treatment, especially if it concerns uncomplicated glaucoma. With a marked and uncontrolled increase in pressure in the eyeball, laser trabeculoplasty or open surgical intervention is recommended.

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