/ Postoperative control. Postoperative period

Postoperative control. Postoperative period

For sure, every person at least once faced withsome kind of ailment. If some diseases occur fairly easily and quickly end, others may require surgery. This article will provide you with a medical term called "postoperative control." You will find out what the peculiarity of patient care is at this time. It is also worth mentioning that such a postoperative period is generally understood.

postoperative control

Postoperative period

This time begins from the moment the patientremoved from the surgical table. In this case, the analgesic effect (anesthesia) can still continue. The postoperative period ends when the patient ceases to feel any discomfort from the manipulation and returns to the usual rhythm of life.

Most postoperative period passesin the walls of the hospital. It is here that the patient is monitored (postoperative control). In some cases, the patient may leave the hospital just after he regains consciousness. In this case, a person is given appropriate postoperative treatment and the necessary recommendations are given.

Depending on the complexity of the surgicalinterventions the time of postoperative recovery can last from several days to six months. In this case, an important role is played by the patient's age, physical preparation, body weight and other factors.

How is the postoperative period?

If the patient is in the hospital, then forhe nurses nurses, nurses and doctors. When a person is released home, recommendations for care are given to the person accompanying him. Postoperative control has several key criteria. Let us consider them in more detail.

postoperative diet

Bed rest

A prerequisite for recovery aftersurgical intervention is the observance of complete rest. Depending on how severe the operation was, the mobility limitation can be set for several hours or the same day.

When conducting gynecological operations(scraping the uterine cavity, laparoscopy, and so on), the patient's mobility is limited to several hours. So, the patient can get up as soon as the anesthesia is over.

If the operation is performed on vessels, veins and arteries, the limitation of mobility depends on the area of ​​the damaged skin (postoperative suture).

At operations on the vital organs (a liver, kidneys, a stomach and so on) to the patient register a bed mode for some days.

If the surgical intervention is carried out onheart region, the patient can be at rest exactly as long as the doctor says. In some cases, a very long stay in a horizontal position is required. Similar recommendations are given after the operation on the spine.

Compliance with a special diet

Postoperative diet is prescribed practicallyin all cases. The patient is not allowed to eat immediately after he comes to himself. Despite the frequent feeling of hunger? on the first day after the intervention, the patient is only allowed to drink water. All this is due to the fact that after anesthesia, a feeling of severe nausea and vomiting may occur.

Postoperative diet on subsequent daysis recommended only to those persons whose surgery was performed on the digestive and abdominal organs. So, with gynecological operations, it is necessary to wait for the recovery of the stool, before transferring the patient to a common table. If the operation was carried out on the stomach, intestine and gallbladder, then the diet can be recommended for life.

postoperative complications

Carrying out of treatment after operation

Postoperative care istimely treatment. So, after each surgical intervention the patient is prescribed an antibacterial course. If there are no complications at all, and there is no inflammatory process, these medications are taken so that postoperative complications do not appear.

In addition to antibiotics, a person canto provide medicines aimed at correcting the operated organ. So, in the case of gynecological interventions hormones are prescribed. In the operation on vessels and veins, venotonics and agents for preventing thrombosis are prescribed. In the surgical treatment of the digestive system, medicines can be prescribed to improve the digestion of food and facilitate its absorption.

postoperative care

Monitoring the patient's condition

Postoperative control is alsoto monitor the patient's condition. To do this, regular tests (blood and urine tests) for the detection of inflammation are regularly performed.

Also, depending on the area on whichan operation is performed, manual examination or ultrasound diagnosis may be required. In more rare cases, an x-ray examination or magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.

If the postoperative complications are found during the examination, then the recovery period can be significantly delayed.

Completion of the postoperative period

Postoperative control is completed then,when the patient's stitches are removed. From this point on, the health of a person depends on the observance of recommendations. Despite this, the patient must regularly visit the doctor for inspection and control.

postoperative treatment


Now you know what postoperativecare and what are the features of this period. If you have planned surgical intervention, you should know in advance what recommendations will be given after manipulation and prepare for them. Always follow the doctor's prescription, listen to everything the expert says. Only in this case the postoperative period will pass as quickly as possible, easily and without complications. Strong to you health and speedy recovery!

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