/ / What are the good drops from fleas for a cat?

Than so good drops from fleas for a cat?

Вы заметили, что ваш любимый пушистый комочек все more often scratching his hind legs? It's time to check if he has fleas. Even those animals that have never left the city limits are affected by this misfortune. Parasites are not as harmless as it may seem at first glance. They spread very dangerous diseases, and besides, they are the cause of flea dermatitis (allergic reaction to bites).

drops from fleas to cats
Get rid of the adversary

Какие же меры предпринять, чтобы избавить своего a pet from insects that annoy him? On sale there are special drops from fleas, for a cat they are absolutely safe, but parasites will not get better. There were almost no cases when this remedy turned out to be powerless. Usually, one procedure is enough to successfully get rid of insects.

Substances that are part of the drugs, not onlyphysically eliminate the problem, but also repel parasites, which eliminates the possibility of repeated infection. These qualities are fully enjoyed by such means as Front Line, Befar, Bars, and Edvant.

At the same time, insecticides do not harm healthanimal, since they do not enter the bloodstream. Drops from fleas (for a cat it is necessary to select a certain dosage) are released in a kind of pipettes, in which a certain amount of the drug has already been measured. So before you buy the money, weigh your fuzzy. Focusing on its weight, the necessary dosage is established.

drops against fleas for cats
Let's proceed to the procedure

So, the drug is in our hands, what about him nowdo? Drops against fleas for cats should be carefully applied to the withers of the animal and rubbed. The place is not chosen at all by chance, there your kis will not be able to lick the liquid off the wool for anything. The remedy should be on the skin for at least 48 hours. Therefore, cancel all water procedures for this period. Of course, there are exceptions. Some compounds are applied immediately in several places (on the base of the tail or pointwise along the back). Therefore, beforehand, we carefully get acquainted with the instruction enclosed in the box. Do not ignore your own defense - put on the medical gloves before the pipette is in your hands. So you will avoid possible irritation.

drops from fleas for kittens
Little Babes

In addition to "adult" drugs, in veterinarypharmacies there are drops from fleas for kittens. These are specialized editions from already well-known brands listed above. For children, less toxic insecticides are used, and the dosage there is tiny. Just small cat's babies can get serious poisoning if they accidentally try out the poison.

And do not use the remedy until the kids haveare taken from the mother, then you risk her health. The cat will certainly begin to thoroughly wash its children, swallow insecticides and you will have to treat it. For the same reason, after applying droplets, keep the kittens away from each other so that they do not begin to lick the skins from their brothers and sisters.

A little about contra-indications

Как всякое лекарственное средство, имеют свой a list of contraindications and drops from fleas. For a cat that is weakened or depleted, they do not fit. Nursing mothers are also not treated this way. In extreme cases, it is worth looking for special drugs designed for this category of animals. They include, for example, Spot He from Front Line. This product contains a substance that does not harm either the nursing cat or her babies. It is necessary only to avoid overdoses.

Occasionally there are pets, whosethe allergy to drops from fleas is shown. For a cat, if you first decided to introduce it to these drugs, the minimum dosage is chosen. And then carefully monitored the condition of the animal. If there is an itch or signs of dermatitis, it will be necessary to cancel the course of treatment.

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