/ What is cancer of the colon. Symptoms and Treatment

What is cancer of the colon. Symptoms and Treatment

Malignant neoplasm in the large intestineis formed directly from the glandular cells. They cover the inner walls of this digestive organ. Initially, there is a small adenoma (a benign tumor), which each time becomes more. In a large adenoma can appear and cancer cells. It is worth noting that not always with such a disease as colon cancer symptoms will manifest. This is especially true if the tumor is small in size.

Possible reasons

Every year, the number of patients with this terriblethe disease is becoming more and more. It is also characteristic that most of them have a very advanced age. The risk factors for getting colon cancer are extensive. This is a genetic predisposition, and the presence of constant problems with stool (constipation), as well as nutrition. Scientists have proven that most patients who have colon cancer + symptoms of this disease are very pronounced, prefer meat and very fatty foods. But there are almost no fruits, vegetable fibers and useful vegetables in their diet. However, they play an essential role in the purification of the human body.

In the development of a malignant tumor of this typea huge role is played by all kinds of diseases of the intestine. Among them, one can distinguish the formation of polyps, colitis and other inflammatory diseases. Such a malignant tumor threatens also those who consume a lot of alcohol (especially wine and beer).


Understand that a person has colon cancer symptomswill not help immediately. After all, in the early stages of the disease, they almost never happen. However, one should be alerted if constipation occurs, rumbling in the abdomen becomes more frequent and a swelling is observed. Over time, there will be pains that will be localized in the lower abdomen. They are very durable and weary persistent in nature. Of course, the external symptoms of feces will change. Finally, the weight of the patient's body will start to drop sharply.

Undoubtedly, if there is colon cancer, the signs will be similar in many respects to those that appear in other malignant tumors:

  • lack of appetite,
  • strong lethargy and weakness,
  • marked pallor,
  • high temperature from time to time.

Often, with such a disease (colon cancer), symptoms can complement the presence of blood in the stool.

Timely treatment

More than 30% of patients with colon cancer die. If you do not expose the tumor to treatment, then such an outcome is inevitable. When the disease is detected in the early stages, it can be completely disposed of.

In most cases, if the diagnosis is a colon cancerguts, treatment is an operative intervention. Depending on how big the tumor is and where it is located, the surgeon assigns a certain type of surgery. Such well-known methods of treatment, such as chemical or radiotherapy, are used, rather, as additional means in improving the patient's health.

Necessary prevention

There is a large number of activities,which must be adhered to not to get this dangerous disease. First, every year you need to come to a preventive reception to the gastroenterologist. This is especially true for people over the age of forty.

Secondly, it is important not to postpone treatment for inflammations in the large intestine. It is necessary to get rid of constipation, and in the presence of polyps, they must be removed as soon as possible.

Finally, every day must be present on the menufresh vegetables and fruits. They contain not only useful minerals and vitamins, but also contribute to the active removal of harmful and unnecessary substances from the human body. It is best to always have vegetables on the table with coarse plant fibers.

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