/ / Glycerin suppositories for constipation for children and newborns - when should they be used?

Glycerin suppositories for constipation for children and newborns - when should they be used?

Constipation in newborns is quite common.Do not treat constipation lightly, because they can indicate congenital abnormalities of the intestine, but do not panic - in most cases they are not so terrible and solve the problem of glycerin suppositories. Consider helping with constipation, which is caused by eating disorders or dysbiosis.

In order for the intestine to work normally,it is necessary at least two components - a sufficient level of water consumption and intake of potassium. In newborns, mother takes care of this, which feeds the child properly and consumes enough substances containing potassium. A fairly large amount of potassium is found in the raisins, dried apricots, figs and prunes. Due to some factors, even under this condition, the child may suffer from constipation, for example, in extreme heat, if the baby sweats heavily, that is, loses water. Water is also excreted in diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The second component - potassium - the basis of the intestine, its contractile activity. If potassium is not enough, then the peristalsis will be weak. And consequently, feces will come out with a delay.

For young children it is important to follow a diet,which will provide all the necessary elements for the digestive system. Fortifies chocolate (it is generally not recommended to give it to three years), cottage cheese, nuts. It is best to give them a sour milk in the form of yogurt, fresh yogurt and curdled milk. Instead of white bread, a child should be taught from childhood to a more useful rye bread. At any opportunity, it is worth making a choice in favor of vegetables and fruits. If a child is given at night kefir and a few pieces of figs, glycerin candles from constipation will no longer be needed.

Treatment of constipation in children in the first year of lifeshould be complex. This can include glycerin candles from constipation, drugs with lactulose and dietary measures. Among the drugs with lactulose it is worth to choose the drugs "Dufalace", "Normaz", "Lizalake". In addition to these measures, sufficient motor activity for the day is also important. It's great if the kid visits the pool - exercises in the water train all the muscles of the child's body.

It is also worth mentioning that glycerin suppositoriesA newborn can not help if constipation is caused by another cause. For example, in some children, this function may fade if parents scream at a child like "again obkalas." Such expressions of discontent should disappear for ever from the communication between mother and newborn - children are very susceptible to such manifestations of negativity. Similar cases can happen with urination.

If a child receives a stiff food with a defectwater, then it forms sufficiently dense feces that can lead to the appearance of microcracks in the anus. Because of this, the child can specifically delay the excrement, which delay the painful moment. In this case, glycerin suppositories from constipation will be a great help - when you are inside the rectum, glycerin will act as a kind of lubricant and the defecation process will be less painful. Such candles are available in any pharmacy, the most popular are Indian candles called "Ameda." You can buy glycerin candles for children, the instruction to which indicates the presence of oils in the composition of candles, for example, sea buckthorn. Such candles will also have a wound-healing effect.

The most radical procedure that can bedo parents at home to eliminate constipation, is an enema. Note that setting the enema baby is more unpleasant than staging a candle - a matter of seconds. Therefore, in order to deal with constipation, first you should try to cope with the problem with the help of candles.

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