/ / How to increase the endometrium for conception? Folk methods, drugs, reviews

How to increase the endometrium for conception? Folk methods, drugs, reviews

Thin endometrium prevents offensivepregnancy, so the normalization and compaction of this layer is an important planning step. It is the endometrium that is responsible for the successful implantation of the embryo into the uterus and its full further development.

Endometrium: what is it and why is it needed?

The mucous membrane lining the uterus,called endometrium. This system consists of the integumentary and glandular epithelium, blood vessels, and also the stroma - supporting tissue, which, during critical days, develops into mature cells. The main function of the endometrium is to create favorable conditions for the attachment and further development of the fetus in the uterus.

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Если зачатие произошло, то в эндометрии the number of blood vessels and glands increases. This is necessary in order to deliver the required amount of oxygen to the developing fetus and ensure that it receives nutrients.

In the first phase of the cycle, when a woman’s bodypreparing for a possible conception of the child, the thickness of the endometrium increases, it is filled with blood to create the best conditions for the attachment of the ovum. If the pregnancy does not occur, part of the endometrium dies and leaves the body with blood during the critical days.

Endometrial thickness for conception

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In some cases, the endometrium thickensnot enough, so even with successful fertilization, the embryo simply does not find a place to attach, and dies. The woman in this case does not even know that fertilization has occurred. The following critical days come as usual.

So, the ability to get pregnant depends on the thicknessand blood fullness of the endometrium. The same is directly related to the amount of hormone produced by the proper functioning of the female reproductive system. The same hormone, estradiol, provides for the accumulation of receptors that perceive progesterone (another hormone important for the successful conception and childbearing of the child) and the maturation of the endometrium.

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Causes of insufficient thickness

If for any reason the endometrium is not formed, then the pregnancy will not come. The main causes of these health problems are:

  1. Congenital abnormalities. In this case, hormones are produced in insufficient quantities or are completely absent from birth.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal background may for some reason not allow the endometrium to reach the desired phase of development.
  3. Violations of the blood supply in the area of ​​womengenitals. Such a problem can be either congenital or acquired. Often occurs after injuries, diseases of adjacent organs, as a result of abortion in the past.
  4. Endometrial injury.It occurs, as a rule, as a result of abortion. When curettage, the endometrium is rarely completely removed, but even partial removal of this layer will make subsequent pregnancy a rather difficult task.

How to quickly build up the endometrium for conception?The doctor should choose the treatment regimen based on the results of diagnostics and the reasons for such a pathological condition. The fact is that the effect of various drugs is aimed at different causes of the problem. If the therapy does not correspond to them, it will be ineffective.

Conservative treatment

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How to increase the endometrium for conception?Usually, the gynecologist prescribes medication. But here it is important to understand that the thin endometrium is poorly amenable to therapy, so it is necessary to be patient, and then everything will work out. So how to build up the endometrium? Since the development of this layer depends on the hormone estrogen, are appointed:

  1. Hormone treatment, that is, "Divigel" or estradiol injections.
  2. Homeopathic drops "Gormel". The drug is used to regulate the hormonal background of a woman, stimulates the production of estrogen. Affects the drug gently, but effectively enough.

Как быстро нарастить эндометрий?Often doctors prescribe women "Utrozhestan" or "Duphaston." However, this is not quite the right decision. These drugs contain progesterone, so they help the endometrium not to form by a certain day of the cycle, but only to ripen to the optimum state for conception. So, in “Duphaston” there is synthesized progesterone, and in “Utrozhestan” - natural. The first has no side effects.

Alternative medicine

In deciding how to ramp upendometrium, help and alternative medicine. For example, acupuncture or hirudotherapy. Acupuncture is also called acupuncture, reflexology, or acupuncture. This is the direction of Chinese medicine, the effectiveness of which is based on the impact of special needles on certain points on the human body. Hirudotherapy is a treatment with medical leeches. The methods are considered to be effective for solving the problem of an insufficient layer of the endometrium, since they improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.

how to increase the endometrium for conception

Effective folk remedies

How to increase endometrium folk remedies?This issue is of concern to many women seeking to quickly see the long-awaited two strips on a pregnancy test. What tools are most effective in this problem? How to increase the endometrium of the uterus? Consider a few effective ways.

Хорошо помогают при многих гинекологических diseases such as boron uterus and red brush (cold radiol). They have a positive effect on the hormones of a woman. However, to use the healing broths and infusions should be clearly according to the scheme and in a certain dosage.

To increase the endometrium boron uterus,for example, you need to brew at the rate of one tablespoon of raw materials per cup of boiling water. It is recommended to use the composition every six hours, but only in the second half of the cycle. In the first half (but after the end of menstruation) in the same pattern, it is necessary to brew and take a red brush.

how to increase the endometrium

Sage decoctions support the process of endometrial growth. This tool recognizes and traditional medicine. Clinical trials have confirmed the effectiveness of sage.

It is also recommended to drink decoctions of carrot seeds,knotweed (from the first day of the cycle and before ovulation), bitter wormwood. Concerning the last raw materials it is necessary to be careful. On a glass of boiling water you need to put no more than a pinch of wormwood. Drink decoctions can be three times a day for half a glass.

How to increase the endometrium?Licorice, clover, calamus, celery, mistletoe, sweet clover, hops, hogweed and lovage will also help. These are natural products that have hormonal properties and stimulate the production of estrogen (due to it the endometrium is formed) in the female body. Raspberry leaf tea also helps.

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Рекомендуется употреблять побольше продуктов Foods that contain vitamin B, E, salicyates, especially well enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits. Useful grapefruits, tangerines, raspberries, ginger, dill, thyme, grapes, blueberries, prunes, cherries, raisins, cranberries, mint, paprika, cinnamon. How to increase the endometrium quickly and safely? Pineapples, which can be eaten in unlimited quantities, and raspberry teas have helped most women.

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Additional recommendations

How to increase the endometrium?The restoration of the endometrial layer is facilitated by physiotherapeutic procedures that increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs. For example, excellent results are given by belly dancing, aerobics, fitness, and gymnastics. You can massage or apply warming mud on the lower half of the abdomen.

All these actions are effective only in the firsthalf of the menstrual cycle. After the next critical days, the endometrium begins to form, gradually thickens, preparing for a possible pregnancy. After ovulation (if conception did not occur), the reverse occurs. This layer gradually thinns and dies, is rejected and leaves the body during the next menstruation.

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Women's reviews of treatment

Как нарастить эндометрий?Reviews of women suggest that many, wanting to become a mother soon, for thickening the endometrium chose not medical therapy, but folk remedies and gymnastics, warming up the procedure. As mentioned above, raspberry and pineapple teas turned out to be especially effective for many.

Of course, there are cases in which without hormonaltherapy is simply not enough. But even women with such problems soon after the end of the course of therapy prescribed by the gynecologist could successfully conceive and endure the long-awaited baby. It is only important to remember that any medication can be taken only on the recommendation of a gynecologist who is observing a woman.

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