The duration of human life depends onmany factors. Mortality is a statistical indicator, the ratio of the number of deaths to the total number of people. Traditionally, mortality factors are divided into 2 groups: endogenous and exogenous. The first group includes the natural aging of the body, congenital malformations, hereditary diseases and some other factors dependent on the biological characteristics of the human body and its heredity. Exogenous ones are connected with the influence of the external environment. This group includes accidents, infectious diseases, poisoning, acute diseases of digestion, respiration and other injuries.
The influence of endogenous factors is caused in greaterthe degree of aging of the body, so it concentrates in older people. But the person and the environment surrounding him, are able to slightly adjust the negative impact of endogenous factors on the body. This brings an element of chance into the influence of these factors. However, in general, the element of randomness will be insignificant, and the relationship between the probability of death and age is significant.
Effects of exogenous factors on humanthe organism, on the contrary, is accidental, disorderly. Such an accident is largely justified by the fact that the same cause of death can be various external factors.
Смертность населения - это показатель, отражающий state of public health. The death rate characterizes the economic and social health of the country, reflects the effectiveness of the policy conducted by the authorities. The most indicative in this respect will be indicators such as the level of maternal mortality, the infant mortality rate, mortality from external causes - poisoning, injuries, mortality among the able-bodied population, the gap between the estimated life expectancy of women and men. In medicine, the death rate of a population is a quantitative indicator that reflects the number of deaths from a particular disease in relation to the average population.
The death rate is an indicator,showing the number of deaths per year in relation to the average annual population. It is considered to be general and practically not suitable for any comparisons, since its magnitude is mostly dependent on the characteristics of the age composition of society. Based on this indicator, the first approximate evaluation is carried out.
Fertility and mortality are dynamicIndicators characterizing the population and its change. Fertility is the population's ability to grow or, in other words, the number of births per 1000 people per year. Mortality is the opposite of fertility. It is calculated as the number of individuals that died within a certain period of time, but usually in the form of a relative or specific value. Fertility and mortality - these are the indicators on the basis of which the change in the number of population is calculated.
The natural movement of the population expressesthe aggregate size of the processes of fertility and mortality, due to which a constant renewal and a change of generations are ensured. In cases where the birth rate exceeds mortality, one can observe a natural increase in the population, in the opposite cases there is a natural decline. To characterize the intensity of fertility, the general fertility rate is usually used. Calculated as the number of births per year in relation to 1000 inhabitants.
The totality of the processes of mortality, fertility and,of course, natural growth - all these are composite population reproductions. There are two types of population reproduction. One of them is characterized by low birth and death rates, and, consequently, natural increase. This type is reflected, mainly in developed countries. The second type is characterized by fairly high values of both fertility and natural increase in the population and relatively low mortality rates. Refers, in the first place, to developing countries.
Infant mortality is the death of children inthe first year of life. This indicator significantly exceeds the mortality rate in other age groups, except for the senile and the elderly. Reducing infant mortality contributes to an increase in the life expectancy of the population. However, some difficulties may arise in the calculation of the indicator. For example, a child was born in one calendar year, and died in another. There is an updated indicator that is calculated according to Rat's formula: the number of children who died in the first year of life in relation to 2/3 of those born alive in the reporting year and 1/3 of those born alive in the previous year.
According to WHO recommendations, infantmortality is one of the main indicators not only of public health, but also of the standard of living of the population as a whole, and the quality of the work of the healthcare structure. Even at the present time, infant mortality is an indicator that is significantly higher than other mortality rates in other age groups.
According to WHO recommendations, this termall cases of death of women due to pregnancy (regardless of its duration), occurring during pregnancy or within 42 days after its termination, are understood. Accidents or accidental circumstances are excluded. Maternal mortality is another indicator of mortality. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of deaths during pregnancy, immediate delivery and in the first 42 days to the number of live births, multiplied by 100 thousand.
Maternal deaths areimmediate obstetric death (miscarriage before delivery, obstetric care, postpartum care, etc.) and indirect obstetric death (a consequence of previously existing diseases that developed during pregnancy).
As for Russia, rising mortality -this trend is not one decade. It is connected, first of all, with the aging of the population. In regions with a predominantly young population, the death rate is lower than in the territories with the older population. This, for example, the Tver and Pskov regions.
The Russian phenomenon of super-mortality is reflected inable-bodied population. Compared with most countries with comparable levels of economic development in Russia, mortality in Russia is 3-5 times higher for men and more than 2 times for women. This is also due to the specific risk factors associated with the peculiarities of the way of life of Russians.
Before the health care system there are twosignificant problems. The structure of the pathology of the early industrial society, which affects mainly children and young able-bodied population, belongs to the first one. To the second - problems with demographically old age group of the population. Thus, in Russia, mortality is an extremely specific situation, uncharacteristic neither for developed nor for developing countries.