The liver is one of the most important organs of man,which is responsible for cleaning all systems from harmful substances. When this natural "filter" ceases to function properly, the whole body suffers. The drug "Silymarin-Hexal", the instructions for use of which will be described below, is precisely designed to combat liver pathologies.
Итак, средство представляет собой желтые капсулы, having a solid consistency. Inside the tablet contains a homogeneous light yellow powder. The main active ingredient is the dry extract of the spotted thistle (240-286 mg in 1 capsule). Its amount can be compared with 172 mg of silymarin.
Among the additional substances can be notedcolloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, iron oxide yellow, sodium carboxymethylstarch. The drug "Silymarin-Hexal", the instruction on the use of which is always present in the package, is a lipotropic hepatoprotector.
In a cardboard box there can be 3 or 6 blisters with 10 capsules in each. Naturally, the cost of the product depends on this. You can buy the drug without a prescription.
The main feature of this medication isvegetable origin. The drug is able to neutralize free radicals present in the liver, activate blood circulation in the liver and stop the destruction of the body cells. On the contrary, the main component stimulates their regeneration. During the reception of the agent the organ is restored, the pathological manifestations decrease, the biochemical parameters of the liver improve.
Since the capsules are taken orally,absorption occurs in the digestive tract. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood plasma can be seen after only half an hour-hour. Removal of the drug from the body occurs with bile (80%). A small percentage of the drug can be excreted in the urine.
If you were prescribed the drug "Silymarin-Hexal", the instruction for use provides such indications for its use:
As for contraindications, they too are:
As you can see, the drug "Silymarin-Hexal"should be used taking into account all the features of the body, the severity of liver damage and other factors that can trigger the development of side effects.
To take the medicine "Silymarin-Hexal", the pricewhich is quite high, it follows: one capsule 1 or 2 times a day. Please note that you should not chew the capsules. Swallowing is desirable entirely. The course of therapy lasts about 3 months, although it is determined by your attending physician. Perhaps, it will take less time, or, on the contrary, it will have to be extended. Everything depends on the effectiveness of the medicine and the characteristics of the body.
If you have been prescribed SILIMARINE-HEXSAL, the instructions for use pay attention to these special instructions:
In principle, there were no cases of an overdose with this medicine, but if this happened, then try to rinse the stomach and take absorbent drugs (activated charcoal).
With regard to the interaction of themedicines with other means, it can be this: for example, when combined with oral contraceptives, the effectiveness of the latter can be reduced. However, the combination of "Silymarin" with "Diazepam" and other drugs that depress the work of the nervous system, can provoke an increase in sedative effect.
The drug "Silymarin-Hexal", analogues of which you consider below, can provoke the development of such undesirable reactions:
It should be noted that these effects are not fatal and quickly disappear after drug withdrawal.
If you were prescribed a drug"SILIMARIN-HEXSAL", reviews help to understand the effect of this tool in reality. For example, many patients consider this drug effective enough to purify the liver of toxins, restore its cells, prevent inflammatory pathologies. However, there are doubts about the effectiveness of treating complex diseases, such as hepatitis B and C. For these diseases, more serious therapy is needed.
Shelf life of the substance is 5 years. Try to put it so that children's access to it is closed. In addition, protect it from direct sunlight, moisture and excessive heat.
With regard to analogues, you can come in handy such medications:
But they should be taken only after compulsoryconsultation with a doctor. If you need to purchase the SILIMARINE-HEXSAL product, its price will start at 270 rubles per package. As you can see, the drug is not very cheap. However, liver health is more expensive. Good luck!