What are the useful properties of the pear we know? Difficult question. We know that these fruits are delicious, sweet, they make a great jam. But the properties of the pear?
Установлено, что возраст плодового дерева has more than three thousand years, and the useful properties of the pear were already known in the 18th century, when people began to breed various varieties of this fruit. Even then it was believed that by eating a pear fruit, you can lower the temperature, in addition, it was believed that the fruit has wound healing abilities. In Russia, the fruit and for a long time remained wild: it grew in the forests, it was not cultivated, but the properties of the pear, known at that time, were actively used. So, for example, alcohol was obtained from it.
Not many people know, but the pear is still excellentcosmetic. So, for example, if you knead this fruit and add a little sour cream and grapefruit juice to the resulting pulp, you will get a useful face mask that moisturizes the skin well. Also, the pear is effective in fighting freckles. For this, the usual flesh of the fruit is applied to the face and after a while it is washed off with water at room temperature.
Despite the beneficial properties of the pear, there aresome restrictions for its use. First of all, eating fruits is not recommended for half an hour after the main meal. Having eaten a pear, try to refrain from eating meat for 2-3 hours. This fruit in itself contains enough moisture, so you should not drink it with water. Moreover, it will significantly worsen digestion. In case of chronic diseases of the intestines or stomach, do not eat pears raw (prefer baked fruits). In addition, older people are advised to eat softer and more ripe fruits in order to avoid stomach problems.