/ / Common marmot: species, medicinal properties, use, contraindications and reviews

Common mammal: species, medicinal properties, use, contraindications and reviews

The name of the plant comes from the appearance of itspherical heads with needles. It does not sound very nice - a mugger. Kinds, properties, application in this folk medicine of this wonder of nature are valued by gardeners and healers of the whole world.

common mongrel
In Russia, once the plant was known forthe name of a mordvinnik, a Tartar and a shooting. Today they have lost their meaning. Remained only unchanged reputation of a remarkable natural "healer". So everyone will not be bothered to learn more about the useful properties of a plant called common mongrel. Description, recipes of traditional medicine, the rules of collection and storage of this representative of the flora - you can learn all this by reading the article.

Types of plants

The mongrel belongs to the long-term, less oftenoccurs as an annual herbaceous plant. In the genus there are about 190 species that are common in Europe, Asia and Africa. In the vastness of Russia it grows mainly in the steppe zones, also can be found in the southern part of the country and Siberia. The most common types of mug are:

• Banat;
• white-stalked;
• Russian;
• Karatava;
• Sublime;
• broad leaf.

In the wild more common mordovnik ordinary. The people gave him interesting names: a steep Adam's head, a blue ball, and others.

From the ordinary mongrel, there is little differencepirate shorthair. Only on all useful indicators it is an order of magnitude higher. Peduncles of a shorthaired mammal sometimes reach a height of 2 m. The head of the inflorescence is about 6 cm in diameter, very decorative, bluish-silvery.

Growing a pest from seed

First of all, you need to know how this plant can beto grow. Considering that this is a perennial grass, it is necessary to choose the site of planting so that in subsequent years the beds with the gardener do not interfere with other plantings. The plant can grow up to three and more meters in height already in the second year.

common mordan

One of the ways in whichmultiplies an ordinary mordan, - growing from seeds. Before sowing, they are stratified and in the autumn they are sown in prepared boxes with soil. They leave it under snow for the whole winter period. After the arrival of spring, the seeds are taken from the boxes, they are sown on the beds. Do it better at the time when carrots are sown.

Sow the seeds in grooves that arefriend at a distance of 30 cm, to a depth of 2 cm. The crops can be covered with a film for better germination. During the appearance of sprouts, maintain soil moisture. Blossom mordovnik ordinary can under favorable conditions for the second year. The flowering time is about 45 days. But to receive a beautiful ornamental plant when sowing seeds is not always obtained. Therefore, it is better to use the method of propagation.

What does the morgue look like?

The mulberry is a plant from 30 cm to 2 m in height. These are bushes of dense stems, which are covered with prickly leaves of gray-green color. Stem stem sometimes pubescent, fleshy.

Plant flowers are globular capitateinflorescences 3-5 cm in diameter. They have white corolla, dark blue anthers. Lycra-wrappers are light blue. Because of this, the mug was given the popular name "white tartar", "blue-head".

ordinary seed growing

The fruits of the plant are achenes, which havecup-shaped crest with a cylindrical shape. The length of achenes is about 6 mm. Seeds of the mint have a lot of fatty oil. There is no smell, only a delicate pleasant aroma is felt. Oil is one of the best vegetable fats, since it does not harden even at 20-degree frost.

The middler: application

The farmer is not particularly used on the farm.It is also not considered a malicious weed. In the villages of the Orenburg region there is a belief that if you hang a bouquet of a mugger over the front door, then no impure force will enter the house.

The aerial part of the plant has found wide applicationas an organic fertilizer, because the herb has many trace elements. The ordinary violet mordant is often used by florists to compose winter bouquets. This plant amateur gardeners are bred in gardens as decorative thanks to its attractive inflorescences in the form of a ball.

Mordovnik ordinary and its medicinal properties

Seeds of the mint were widely used in engineering. Of these, an oil is obtained, which can be diluted with salts and sticky liquids. It is also used to reduce the friction of technical parts.

Common mammal - melliferous grass

This perennial very high plant is endowed withimpressive productivity of nectar. Textbooks on beekeeping in Soviet times, wrote that it is composed of 1100-1200 kg per hectare. This indicator remained stable every year, with the exception of periods of plant freezing.

mordovnik kinds of properties application

The aroma of flowers attracts bees very much with its fragrance. Nectar is released even in an unfavorable summer. The productivity of honey is about 300 kg per hectare.

Common mongrel and its medicinal properties

Traditional medicine found application to themedicinal purposes. It is used as a tonic and restorative. In people suffering from hypotension and hypertension, when taking medications from this plant, working capacity improves and well-being improves. The mug is used to treat dermatitis and lung diseases.

The roots of the plant also have therapeuticproperties. They are used as a diuretic and diaphoretic. Preparations from the root of the mordovnik are effective in the treatment of infectious hepatitis and intermittent fever. With pleurisy, respiratory infections and headaches, inflorescence of the plant is more often used. They also have a positive effect during the treatment of epilepsy, malaria and mental illness, as well as gastroenteritis.

Chinese medicine is highly appreciated by the pimpleordinary for its haemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. During the study of the galenic form of the plant, a positive effect on the nervous system was proved. During the intake of tincture, the vessels expand and the amplitude of the heart beats increases.

There is evidence that this is a simple plantshowed good results in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and paralysis of the facial nerve. In addition, it helps to quickly eliminate the effects of radiation damage.

Collection and storage

Common mongrel all his medicinal qualitiescollected in roots and fruits. To prepare the achenes, from August to September cut the inflorescences (heads with fruits), which are placed to dry in a well ventilated place. Raw materials can be laid out in two layers.

mordovnik ordinary description recipes

Seeds are considered ready for use when the baskets fall apart. To get peeled achenes, grind the heads. Ready raw materials should have the following features:

• The smell is similar to the aroma inherent in sunflower seeds.
• The fruit must be gray-yellow in color.
• Fruits (achenes) flattened, spindle-shaped.
• Hairs on the fruit are tightly pressed.

The dug out and peeled roots of the muckerdried outdoors. Can also be placed in dryers. When working with fruits on your hands, you should wear gloves, protect your face with a gauze dressing. Hairs cause severe itching and burning. The healing properties of the roots last two years, the fruit - one year.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Here are a few recipes, following which you can prepare the medication yourself, without special preparation, and also without any special conditions:

1. Water tincture of the seeds of the gardener.At the beginning of the preparation, the seeds must be ground. Then spoon a teaspoon of raw material with 300 ml of water and put on a quiet fire. After 15 minutes after boiling, remove from the plate and leave to cool for two hours. Then drain. The smell will be unpleasant, but the healing effect of the infusion is very good. Take, regardless of meals, 3-4 times a day for 2 tablespoons. spoons. This is a very effective tool for treating sexual weakness, as well as paralysis and neuritis.

2. Alcohol tincture.To prepare it in 100 ml of ethyl alcohol, you need to add a teaspoon of seeds to the mordant and insist in a dark place for two weeks. After every 3-4 days, tincture should be shaken. Ready drug take 15 drops 2 times a day, be sure after eating. The period of treatment with tincture is about a month. If necessary, repeat after a month's break.

3.Special alcoholic tincture for the treatment of psoriasis. To make it, you will need 400 ml of vodka or 250 ml of alcohol, in which you need to place a tablespoon of chopped fruit of the middling. After 2 weeks of infusion with cotton swabs with the prepared solution, moisten the skin areas affected by psoriasis. The effect of treatment will be visible after 2-3 months, and improvement occurs in the first week.

4. Description of the prescription for the treatment of hypotension.In 100 ml of pure alcohol, add 50 g of the crushed dry root of the plant. Insists 14 days. At the end of this period, use 0.5 teaspoon each day 3 times a day for half an hour before eating.


Despite all of its virtues, the muggerordinary has a toxic effect. Take medications that are made on its basis, only with the permission of the doctor. With hypertension, high doses of this plant cause a person to have convulsions and muscle pathologies.

Overdose of such drugs provokesviolation of breathing due to spasms. Extremely contraindicated mordovnik ordinary pregnant and nursing mothers, children, people with individual intolerance and suffering from bronchial asthma.

Symptoms of poisoning: dizziness, headache, nausea, fever and muscle pain. If they are available, call an ambulance immediately.

Reviews about the plant

Taking into account the testimonies of healers, doctors and those,who was healed due to the strength of the gardener, it can be argued that this miracle-working herb. The main thing is to use it correctly for health. It is said about the ordinary morde that he proved himself well during the treatment of the consequences of stroke, atherosclerosis and as an anesthetic.

common mint
Some people look at him with apprehension,They are afraid to take risks. You do not have to take risks: the consultation of the attending physician will help you to know whether it is possible to apply the treatment in this case to the mug. A person who struggles with his illness, using different means, will necessarily be the winner in this difficult struggle.

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