/ / Drops for the eyes vasoconstrictive: application and names of drugs

Drops for the eyes vasoconstrictive: application and names of preparations

In everyday life, the organs of vision takethe main blow to yourself. They are negatively affected by heating and cooling appliances, polluted air, sun, dust and allergens. In women, the condition of the eyes is aggravated by cosmetics. It happens that the eyes turn red, swell and look tired. What if I need to be in shape? You will get drops for the eyes that are vasoconstricting. Today they are sold in each pharmacy without a prescription. Before using any such remedy, one should learn about the basic nuances.

Need to use

Drops for the eyes vasoconstrictive most oftenused by patients to achieve an aesthetic appearance. Red and irritated organs of vision spoil the entire image. Particularly affected by this representative of the weaker sex. Redness of the eyes can give a bad dream, a stormy yesterday's fun. Allergy, perfume and cosmetics are also capable of provoking the appearance of this sign. Hyperemia of the conjunctiva occurs with bacterial lesions of the eyes, as well as in those people who use contact lenses.

drops for eyes vasoconstrictive

Immediately it is necessary to say that drops for the eyesVasoconstrictors do not eliminate the cause of this symptom. They are called to remove puffiness, restore normal blood circulation. In most cases, such drugs are alpha-adrenostimulants or alpha-adrenomimetics.

Application features

Any drops for the eyes (vasoconstrictive drugsare not an exception) are introduced into the conjunctival sac or are applied to the cornea. Be sure to wash hands before use. So you will protect yourself from additional infection of the visual organ. Using such drugs, follow the following rules:

  • at a time, inject 1 drop into each eye;
  • if only one eye is affected, then the second one is also treated;
  • Do not touch the dropper to the eyelid or mucous membrane of the eye;
  • use the medication only as needed, but no more than 4 times a day.

eye drops vasoconstrictor taufon

An important feature of the use of such toolsis that they can not be used for more than 3-4 consecutive days. A more precise period of application is described in the instruction manual, which must be read. Many patients will ask: why can not you use vasoconstrictive compositions for the eyes for a long time? The fact is that the vessels of the organs of vision are very sensitive. If you regularly support them with the declared means, they will be weakened and will not be able to narrow down on their own. Such a spur of the body will lead to the fact that you get used to the drug. Without the use of vasoconstrictive drops, your eyes will be constantly red and irritated.

Trade names of preparations

What can I choose foreign or Russian drops for the eyes (vasoconstrictor)? Here are the most popular names:

  • "Vizin Classic" - is produced by the American company "Keata Pharma Inc." (costs 300 rubles for 15 ml).
  • "Octilia" - produced by an Italian company (sold at a price of 300 rubles for 8 ml).
  • "Okumil" - is supplied by the company "Alexandria" from Egypt (10 ml of drops cost 250 rubles).
  • "Naphthyzine" is a Russian drug for nasal administration, but it is often instilled in the eye (the cost of a 15 ml bottle is not more than 50 rubles).

drops for the eyes vasoconstrictive vizin

What else can you choose eye drops for?vasoconstrictive? "Taufon" is a medicine that can be attributed to a certain extent to the declared group of medicines. It has a metabolic, regenerative effect, helps normalize the nerve impulse and relieves inflammation. If the redness of the eyeball is caused by dystrophy, trauma, cataract formation or similar pathologies, then the medication will be effective.


Customer reviews are well positioned dropsfor the eyes (vasoconstrictive) "Vizin". This medication is the most popular and known of all of the listed. Despite the low prevalence, other means are no worse. They do an excellent job.

Russian drops for vasoconstricting eyes

The effect of medicinal drops is observed already infor several minutes after their introduction into the conjunctival sac. The duration of treatment depends on the cause of the redness of the eyes. Some consumers need a single dose of vasoconstrictive solution. Consult an oculist if you are often concerned about eye irritation.

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