/ / Optimal training or how to properly muscle.

Optimal training or how to properly muscle.

Going in for sports, one way or another, we allwe are faced with the question "how to properly pump the muscles?". However, not all of us know the answer to this question. Moreover, I venture to assure you that only a few know the answer to it - true professionals of bodybuilding and competent physiologists. And if the first encounter this issue directly and on their own experience find out "what is good and what is bad" without understanding at the same time why it happens so, and not otherwise, the last answer to this question was absorbed along with many hours of training in anatomy and physiology.

Turning to both, we found the answer to the question "how to properly swing the muscles?" And are now ready to share with you.

So, the basis of muscle tissue growth is"training". It is she who has performed correctly, a certain duration and intensity can bring you the desired result - a beautiful and inflated body.

We will not go into specificity, sincedistinctive and essential for us features are inherent in all muscles, regardless of their location. It is for this reason, you will not find here an answer to questions such as "how to properly pump the buttocks?" And the like.

However, here you will find the rosary's instructions on how to do it and what does not make sense.

Stepping on the first step "how to swing correctlymuscle. "The first thing to do is to get rid of the misconceptions that prevail among the crowds of athletes: if the muscle is bigger, then it's stronger. The more you train, the better the result.

I have often seen how in arm wrestlingguys from the weight to 75 kilograms defeated large and inflated guys from 90 and even absolutes, while the size of their muscles differed at times. However, the result has repeatedly shown and proved the "false strength" of the dimensions.

Proving to you the falsity of the second statement, I cangive an example of how young people for the first time coming to the gym and acting on the principle of "take more and pull more", have been engaged for years and could not build more than 2-3 kilograms of muscle. And in contrast to them, a knowledgeable athlete visits the gym not more than 3 times a week and has excellent results, gaining from 10 kilograms of pure muscle mass.

So, with the destruction of myths it is finished.

It's time to give concrete advice on how to properly muscle.

  • Do three workouts a week.
  • Distribute the exercises on different muscle groups, combining them like this: the back-biceps, the chest-triceps, the legs.
  • Exercises on the abdominal muscles must be done at the end of each workout.
  • The duration of the training is 1 hour.
  • Do all exercises as clearly as possible, without cheating.
  • Drink water in training only in extreme cases and in small quantities.
  • Each exercise should be done with the weight with which you can do 10 times, while performing 12, but striving for the last two times to be performed clearly and unhurriedly.
  • Exercise slowly, controlling the dynamics throughout the movement, and not letting go of your hands in free fall.
  • Three exercises are necessary for one exercise.
  • On one group of muscles must be at least three different exercises performed in one day.
  • The break between the approaches is 1minute.
  • Break between different exercises - 3 minutes.
  • During a break constantly go and do not talk (do not knock off the breath, and restore it).
  • Give preference to exercises with dumbbells, andDo not exercise with the bar when there is an alternative. Doing this or that exercise with dumbbells, your hands are coordinated independently and one arm will not take on more load than the other. In addition, during exercises with dumbbells, additional muscle groups are used to control the position and position of the arm. This feature will help you develop a strong and hardy muscular system of the shoulder girdle.
  • When performing the exercise, stand in front of the mirror so that you can see it correctly or not, you do it.
  • And most importantly - eat properly and in largequantities, as well as do not forget about the full rest (sleep must be at least eight hours, so that the body has time to recover to the next workout).

So, we gave an answer how to properly pump up the muscles and introduced you to the main features and rules, compliance with which will allow you to become "more".

In addition, in one of the items, we also answered the question "How to properly swing dumbbells?".

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