/ Biovital gel for children. Delicious vitamins for healthy growth

Biovital gel for children. Delicious vitamins for healthy growth

In the European market the preparation "Biovital gel forchildren "has appeared recently and has already gained popularity among pediatricians and moms.Of course, today the pharmacy market does not suffer from a deficit in multivitamin preparations, but in this case Kinder Biovital has a significant advantage over competitors.Zheleobraznaya form allows you to assimilate the drug much faster. sweet and sour taste and fruity smell very like children.
In its composition Biovital gel for children contains a complex of vitamins, essential trace elements and lecithin.

The drug can be prescribed as an addition to the usual diet, with an unbalanced diet, and as a preventive measure to prevent rickets.

Often pediatricians recommend Biovital gel forchildren as a means to strengthen immunity, after prolonged use of antibiotics or infectious diseases. For the same purpose, the drug is prescribed for pregnant and lactating women.

Calcium phosphinate, which is part of the gel,strengthens bone tissue, allows the child to successfully grow and develop. Ideally, children should receive this element with food, but for this they will need to consume such a quantity of dairy products that it is difficult for an adult person to overpower.

Among other components, Biovital gel forchildren contains lecithin. It is on this unique substance that I would like to stop your attention. So, what is lecithin and what is it for man?

Fatty acids, glycerin, orthophosphoric acid,phospholipids, choline. Here are the main ingredients that contain lecithin. As you know, this substance is of animal origin (egg yolk, meat, fish caviar) and vegetable (beans, nuts, cabbage). Due to this composition, lecithin is successfully used as a hepatoprotector (a liver cell reducer).
The second name of the substance is phosphatidylcholine. The field of medical application of lecithin is quite extensive, but we will not go into details.

Since Biovital Gel is a children's drug, we will briefly describe what phosphatidylcholine is useful for our children.

This substance is often enough in the dietary supplementsis prescribed for babies and adults with dermatitis and inflammation of the mucous membranes (stomatitis, gentavita). In addition, lecithin is an excellent means of preventing gastrointestinal diseases. In pediatrics, drugs with phosphatidylcholine are used in cases of increased excitability, micturition disorders, to maintain the immune system, as well as the general tone of the body.

During pregnancy, lecithin is especially necessaryin the period from 18 to 22 weeks, when the formation of the fetal brain occurs. During the lactation period Biovital gel for children is prescribed to the mother for recovery. For babies, in order to prevent rickets, this remedy can be shown already from the first month of life.

Like any medicine, the drughas contraindications. When should I use Biovital gel for children with caution? Instructions for use in this regard provide the following information: first of all, it is allergic, sensitive to the individual components that make up the drug. Also, a contraindication is the excess calcium content in urine and blood.

How effective is Biovital gel for children?Reviews of doctors and parents confirm that the drug really supports the immunity of the child, has a mild soothing effect, heals the wounds in the oral cavity. During the reception, a discoloration of the discharge may occur. Urine becomes more saturated color, the feces grow darker. This is a completely normal reaction due to the components of the drug.

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