/ / Swollen face in the morning: what to do?

A swollen face in the morning: what to do?

Many people are faced with a situation wherethe swollen face in the mornings creates considerable discomfort throughout the day, because the stale appearance pushes the people around on ambiguous conclusions. Actually, the problem can not be ignored, because it can be a symptom of the development of a serious disease.

Why does the face swell in the morning?

swollen face

If you encounter this problem eachmorning, then you need to undergo a full medical examination. By results of analyzes the expert will put the diagnosis and will give competent references. If the swollen face appears periodically and is not associated with a dysfunction of the internal organs, then, most likely, the cause is on the surface. The primary source of this state of affairs are bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking. Often, to escape from intense heat, we drink plenty of water. The body does not have time to remove it in full, which contributes to puffiness. It is for this reason that nutritionists forbid drinking water, tea or juice before bed. Women may notice the appearance of the above symptom during PMS. Such a process is considered natural and does not require intervention. Most women in an interesting position can not fully enjoy the wonderful period, as they suffer from fluid accumulation. Especially in the last trimester, swelling brings considerable discomfort: it becomes difficult to walk, bend over and stuff. To not less widespread category of aggressive factors it is possible to carry a wrong ration of a food or an allergic reaction to products, drinks, medicines or cosmetic means.

How quickly to remove the swelling from the face?

quickly remove the swelling from the face

When emergency help is required, quicklyYou can bring a person in order thanks to masks and lotions on the basis of natural ingredients. Everyone knows that the swollen eyelids are restored after washing with ice cubes. Strengthen the positive effect can be if the day before to freeze the broth of chamomile, calendula or sage. There are situations when the swelling is strong enough, and therefore just does not fall down. Then you have to give your skin 15-20 minutes. After tea leaves are brewed, do not discard the sachets, but attach them to the eyelids. Adherents of traditional medicine recommend lubricating the swollen face with the juice of raw potatoes or grind the product on a grater and apply in the form of a mask. It's no secret that after a sleepless night or a busy week of work, bags under the eyes are formed. They will be saved by parsley. We cut a small bundle with a blender, put it on a problem place in its pure form or with the addition of a small amount of freshly brewed tea.

why the face swells in the morning

Swollen face: prevention

In order to look fresh andyou need to follow simple rules. First of all, you should ensure a full eight-hour sleep at night. From the diet should be as far as possible to exclude salty, sharp, smoked and fried dishes. The greatest amount of daily water should be drunk in the morning. The last meal should be taken three hours before bedtime, not later. In addition, it is necessary to select with special care cosmetics for the face, so as not to cause an allergic reaction by poor-quality products.

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