Gynecological diseases in women of childbearingage today are very common. Among such pathologies is the cervical uterine leukoplakia, which is an abnormal change in the mucosa of its part, resulting in the coronation of the epithelium. Among all diseases of the uterus, this pathology occurs in 5% of cases. At the same time, in thirty percent of women this disease provokes the development of an oncological tumor. Therefore, leukoplakia should be timely identified and treated to reduce the risk of developing uterine cancer.
Leukoplakia of the cervix is a disease, withwhich are observed areas of keratinization and thickening of the mucous membrane of the cervix with varying degrees of severity. Pathology is presented in the form of white plaques, which rise above the cover of one of the cervical segments, sometimes these plaques can be observed in the cervical canal. White color formation is acquired as a result of disorders of processes that control the corneal epithelium of the uterus.
The disease usually occurs without manifestationand is diagnosed accidentally with gynecological examination. Many women are wondering whether cervical leukoplakia is cancer or not? In 70% of cases pathology is benign, but it is recommended to remove it, because under the influence of certain negative factors it can be transformed into cancer.
In gynecology, cervical leukoplakia is divided into several types:
Why it develops leukoplakia neckuterus, doctors did not fully understand. Some are inclined to assert that the disease develops because of specific effects on cervical structures. In medicine, there are internal and external factors that provoke the appearance of pathology. This can be a violation of the ovaries, the effect of HPV on the body, mechanical damage to the uterus or the erosion of its neck.
Internal factors include:
To external factors that contribute to the development of pathology, it is customary to attribute:
In fact, leukoplakia cervical disease can be provoked by many causes, that is, a combination of several factors.
In most cases, the disease occurs withoutmanifestations of signs. Usually leukoplakia shows symptoms that are similar to other diseases, so a woman can not always suspect the development of this ailment.
When developing an infectious or inflammatorya process that provokes the formation of leukoplakia, the woman has a discharge of leucorrhoea with an unpleasant smell, itching and burning in the vagina, bloody discharge after sexual contact, and possibly the development of small bleeding. In the disorder of the hormonal system, the menstrual cycle will be disturbed.
With simple leukoplakia, the epithelium will not be deformed, with the papillary form of the disease it will look like an orange peel.
Usually growing tissues arebenign, but in 30% of cases they can cause cancer. According to reviews, leukoplakia of the cervix in some cases can have serious consequences for the health of women, including the development of infertility.
In pregnant women, the disease is usually nothas an effect on the fetus and does not become the cause of the vices of its development. But for the woman herself, the illness can have serious consequences, it often provokes the development of severe diseases and malignancy of the area of the lesion. Such complications provoke disorders of the hormonal system, decreased immunity and delivery, in which tissues are damaged by stretching.
When diagnosing pathology before pregnancyit is recommended to remove it. Not every woman knows what leukoplakia of the cervix is. Is it cancer or not? Although this disease is considered to be a benign pathology, it can provoke the appearance of severe complications in the form of an oncological process. In severe cases, the doctor performs an amputation of the cervix.
Usually, the disease is detected accidentally whengynecological examination. During the examination, the doctor reveals with the help of mirrors areas of white in the form of outgrowths of an oval shape, which have clear outlines and unstable dimensions. Such growths usually rise above the surface of the cervical epithelium. The surface of the plaques covers the horny layer of the mucous membrane.
With gynecological examination, leukoplakia of the cervix can be detected by treatment of the affected area with iodine, since in some cases the pathology is not determined by visual inspection.
Then the doctor takes a scraping from the cervix, whichsends to a cytological study. In this case, there is a clump of cells with signs of parakeratosis or hyperkeratosis. The main diagnostic method for this disease is knife biopsy with further histological examination of the biopsy specimen. This method makes it possible to detect cancer cells, if any. Scraping of the cervical canal is also performed to exclude oncology.
The doctor also performs colposcopy to determine the size and nature of the pathology. In this case, can be found as single growths, and multiple, passing to the vaginal vault.
It is necessary to carry out the following diagnostics:
A gynecologist differentiates leukoplakia with such diseases as erosion of the cervix, cervical cancer.
On how to treat leukoplakia of the cervix,the doctor will tell you after stating the exact diagnosis. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the diseases that could cause the development of pathology, as well as the complete removal of growths. During the treatment the doctor prescribes the administration of antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs.
To reduce the risk of negativeconsequences it is recommended to remove the cervical leukoplakia, especially for women who are planning a pregnancy. As a drug, the doctor prescribes the following groups of drugs:
Usually cervical leukoplakia treatment requiresdepending on the form of the disease. But traditional methods of treatment are prohibited. Often the use of tampons and syringings provoke the spread of the disease to healthy areas, and also cause the development of cancer neoplasm. In medicine, it has been proved that the use of tampons with rosehips or aloe, and also sea buckthorn oil provokes the development of proliferative and dysplastic processes.
Surgery is usually performedleukoplakia cervix to reduce the risk of cancer. Self-medication in this case is strictly contraindicated, since this can provoke the opposite effect, then the cells will be uncontrolled to share. The pathological focus can be removed in several ways:
After the operation, an antiseptic treatment of the vaginal tissues is performed. If an infectious process is observed, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Mandatory leukoplakia of the cervix afterremoval requires abstinence from sexual intercourse for two months. Every six months a woman should undergo examinations with a gynecologist for the purpose of prevention. This will eliminate the risk of relapse.
In the presence of leukoplakia in conjunction with hypertrophy, neoplasia, kraurosis and cervical deformity as a result of its scarring, the operation is performed with complete removal.
Many patients respond well to treatmentpathology and its results. Most women used laser removal of neoplasms, after which no complications and negative consequences were observed. This procedure they passed quickly and painlessly.
Other patients treated with cauterization. They also did not report any complications. Therefore, this method of surgical removal of growths is recommended.
Leukoplakia of the cervix, reviews about which treatmentdiscussed above, has favorable predictions in the case when the disease is not complicated by atypia, HPV and other negative factors. If the root cause of the pathology has not been eliminated, the risk of developing cervical cancer increases several times. With timely diagnosis and therapy of the disease, it will not in any way threaten the health and life of the patient.
For the purpose of prevention, doctors recommendtimely treatment of STDs, menstrual disorders, inflammatory diseases, and periodically undergo examination by a gynecologist. Also, a woman should lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor her diet, exclude abortions and injure the uterus during medical manipulations, use barrier contraception during sexual acts. Medics say that vaccination against HPV will help reduce the risk of developing leukoplakia.
With simple leukoplakia, it is recommendedThe use of laser therapy in those women who in the future are planning a pregnancy. After the removal of pathology and at the onset of pregnancy, the doctor must constantly monitor the patient's condition. After the treatment of the disease, patients should undergo a colposcopy every six months, smear analysis for the presence of cancer cells, and a test for HPV. After two years after treatment in the absence of relapses, the doctor takes the woman to a normal monitoring regime.
Cervical leukoplakia is seriouspathology, which often causes the development of a cancerous tumor. Therefore, every woman should regularly undergo a survey with a gynecologist, especially since the disease is asymptomatic and it is impossible to identify it. This pathology today in medicine refers to precancerous conditions and requires a careful approach in diagnosis and therapy. An important point is the educational work among women. The main goal of treating the disease is to eliminate the cause of the disease, otherwise the treatment of leukoplakia will be meaningless.