/ / "Sporobacterin": instructions for use. Reviews, price, analogues

"Sporobacterin": instructions for use. Reviews, price, analogues

Preparations normalizing the work of the intestines andstomach, in recent years, gaining particular popularity. Also, these medicines help to increase the protective functions of the body. One of these drugs is "Sporobacterin." Instructions, the price of the drug, as well as its analogues and reviews will be described in this article. You will learn about the features of the drug. It is worth mentioning what contraindications and side effects this stomach medicine has.

sporobacterin instructions for use

How is the medication produced?

Described medicine for the stomach -“Sporobacterin” is a suspension. Each vial contains 10 milliliters of solution. With long-term settling at the bottom of the vessel a precipitate forms. This is the norm and does not require the abolition of treatment.

One milliliter of suspension contains at least one billion good bacteria. Also present and additional components.

Indications for use of the drug

When does a patient need medication?"Sporobacterin"? Instructions for use reports that the drug can be used both internally and externally. The annotations indicate the following indications for treatment:

  • intestinal infections caused by viruses or the proliferation of bacteria;
  • acute diarrhea or chronic diarrhea;
  • restoration of the intestine after long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • for correction of a state after operations on soft tissues;
  • in gynecological practice.

The instructions for use attached to the drug "Sporobacterin" says that the drug is not used for prevention. While many analogues of the drug are allowed for such use.

stomach medicine

Does the medication have contraindications?

Что говорит о запрете использования лекарства "Sporobacterin" instructions for use? The abstract says that the composition is not assigned to hypersensitivity to the elements included in this supplement. It is also not recommended to use the medicine with a high probability of developing allergies.

how to use sporobacterin for treatment

Medication with improperly selected dosageand uncontrolled use can cause chills and hives. It is enough to cancel the correction so that these symptoms disappear. Additional therapy is not required. However, in the event of symptoms, it is imperative that you see a doctor.

"Sporobacterin": instructions for use

As you already know, the drug is used.oral and topical application. To prepare the composition, you need to dilute one part of the drug in 10 parts of cold boiled water. The course of taking the drug lasts from one week to a month and depends on the nature of the pathology.

Adult patients and children from the age of threethe medication is prescribed one milliliter twice a day. For babies from one to three years, the drug is administered at a dosage of half less with the same frequency of administration.

After surgical interventions in the area of ​​softTissue medication used in the form of a compress. So, at night in the area of ​​the affected area is placed a sterile dressing soaked in a dose of the drug in 5 milliliters.

Gynecology often uses tampons with this tool. The dose of the drug and the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor taking into account the nature of the pathology.

The effect of drugs and reviews about him

Препарат «Споробактерин» отзывы имеет только positive. Consumers report that the medicine has a salty taste. It is because of this that the kids refuse to take the medicine. However, the summary allows pre-diluted composition in water.

Doctors report that the drug has a inhibitory effect on pathological microorganisms. As a result of treatment, bacteria are killed, due to which a person develops malaise.

"Sporobacterin" reviews has good andbecause, in addition to eliminating pathogenic microflora, the drug promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms. The result of this is the normalization of digestion, the establishment of regular stool, the disappearance of increased gas formation. Also increases immunity.

Doctors are reminded that this drug is notIt is recommended to use simultaneously with antibiotics. Otherwise, the effect of treatment may not be as expected. The drug should be stored in the refrigerator, and the prepared composition is used immediately. Doctors recommend drinking the drug for half an hour before meals.

sporobacterin reviews

How much is "Sporobakterin": the price of the drug

Стоимость препарата зависит от того, где именно you get it. The drug can be presented in some pharmacy chains at a discount. This is fully permitted by the manufacturer. However, you are unlikely to find the drug "Sporobacterin", the price of which is less than three hundred rubles. The highest point of the cost of value is the amount of 500 rubles.

For the described cost, you can purchase 10 milliliters of the drug.

sporobacterin instruction Price

What can replace the composition?

Есть у лекарства «Споробактерин» аналоги.They all have a similar effect on the human body, but are characterized by different composition. Doctors do not recommend to choose a different drug for treatment. Before making such a decision, it is worth contacting professionals.

Since the original drug hasantibacterial action, then it can be attributed to its analogues "Enterofuril." The drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. another substitute composition called "Enterol." This drug is not similarly used in children under one year old and has an antibacterial effect on the body. In addition, "Enterol" also contains a complex of beneficial microorganisms. They are delivered to the intestines and create there an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

sporobacterin analogues

Analogs of the original drug can be calledthe following compounds: "Atsipol", "Bifidumbakterin", "Linex", "Baktisubtil" and many others. All of them contain in their composition beneficial microorganisms, which normally should be present in the human intestine. However, these drugs do not have an antibacterial effect on pathogens.

Conclusion of the article, or a brief summary of the results

Вы узнали многое о составе «Споробактерин».Instructions, the price of the drug and reviews that users leave are presented in the article. It must be remembered that the medication is not prescribed to children under the age of one year. Also, the manufacturer can not provide reliable information about the use of this tool in expectant mothers. The drug is forbidden to use independently during lactation. Before you start a similar course, you should visit the doctor and ask all your questions. Good health to you!

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