/ / The drug "Taboo" for processing potatoes: reviews, composition, instructions for use. Processing potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle

The drug "Taboo" for processing potatoes: reviews, composition, instructions for use. Processing potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle

Colorado beetle, which appeared on the territory of the USSR inpost-war years, firmly settled on agricultural land, adapting to our climatic conditions. Being a leaf beetle, he, together with the wireworm (larva of the beetle beetle), destroys the entire planting of young shoots of potatoes. Mechanical collection of these pests is laborious and inefficient. The domestic drug "Taboo" for potato processing provides invaluable assistance in their destruction. Reviews on the result of his actions are the most positive.

Chemical pest control

To protect the potato crop for a long timeonly spraying of seedlings with chemical preparations was applied, which, acting on insects, destroyed them. In small plots of land, summer residents could afford the use of folk low-toxic drugs. The process remained laborious, requiring repeated spraying during the growing season.

Появление в продаже препаратов-протравливателей greatly simplified the implementation of this work. Treated before planting, the tubers become a source of poison for the voracious insects, reducing the number of sprays needed by the plant.

Некоторое время на рынке были представлены только imported substances of such action. The recently discovered domestic drug from the Colorado potato beetle "Taboo" with the same effectiveness of action is much cheaper.

Description of the preparation

Produced by the Russian company "Avgust",which occupies a leading position in the country for the production of pesticides, the tabu-treater is effective in the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.

Created on the basis of the active substanceImidacloprid (chemical class of neonicotinoids), it provides full protection of plants until the time when several young leaves appear, that is, during the period of the greatest vulnerability of potatoes.

Concentration of the main active ingredientmanufactured product - 500 g / l - classifies it to the 3rd class of danger. Diluted to the working solution, it is non-toxic to mammals, bees and birds, which does not cancel the observance of safety rules when working with the “Taboo” preparation. The composition of the solution for the treatment of tubers can be supplemented with fungicidal substances in order to prevent plant diseases.

Mechanism of action

Processing potatoes before planting fromColorado potato beetle forms a kind of chemical protection of its surface. Getting into the shoots and young shoots, the active substance rises with them to the surface, leaving the tubers free from their effects. Imidacloprid begins its work when it comes into contact with an insect or when it gets into its digestive organs, having a destructive effect on the nervous system.

Drug taboo for processing potatoes reviews

The duration of the plant protection period is up toforty-five days in all weather conditions. The presence of the drug in the leaves of potatoes, and not on their surface guarantees the work of the substance during the rainy season.

After contact or ingestioninsect active substance pest quickly loses the ability to move and the ability to eat because of the chemical effect on the organs of the nervous system, which has the drug "Taboo" for processing potatoes. Consumer reviews claim that the death of the Colorado beetles occurs within 24 hours.

Forms of release

Препаративная форма вещества – water-suspension concentrate, in the form of which the drug "Taboo" is produced. The use of its working solutions of much lower concentration provides plant protection guaranteed in terms of efficiency and time.

Processing potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle

Product packaging packages offered by Augustus:

  • canister - 5 liters;
  • bottle - 10 milliliters.

Etching tubers before planting

The preparation “Taboo” for potato processing (instruction manual is attached to the package) is used for spraying of tubers.

Classic manual or pump sprayers are used, depending on the scope of work.

Preparation of the working solution does not causehardships Dissolving well in water, the concentrate forms a stable suspension that does not precipitate. The time of use of the working solution is 24 hours.

The consumption rate of the drug: 10 ml of concentrate / 1.25 l of water.

Consumption rate of working solution: 1.25 l / 125 kg of potatoes.

Drug taboo price

Seed Potatoes for Convenienceit is displayed in one row on a polyethylene film. When spraying tubers, their surface turns pink, which allows for thorough processing of all seed, turning the potatoes. It is ready for planting after drying.

Fissure or hole processing during landing

Ground dressing method before plantingis an innovative solution that allows you to implement the drug "Taboo" for processing potatoes. The feedback on this method is only positive, since it significantly reduces the consumption of the drug without reducing its effectiveness.

Drug taboo application

In this case, other application rates are used to prepare the working solution.

The consumption rate of the drug: 4 ml of concentrate / 10 l of water.

Consumption rate of working solution: 10 l / 100 m2 plot area.


Processing potatoes before planting fromof the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm with the working solution of the concentration indicated in the instructions is non-toxic. But when dealing with the initial preparation, when preparing the working fluid and its spraying, it is necessary to follow the safety rules:

  1. It is forbidden to work with the drug without a protective suit, glasses, respirator.
  2. Spraying of the working solution is carried out in the open air or in non-residential premises, in the absence of children and animals.
  3. It is necessary to make spraying away from the place of cooking (barbecue, summer kitchen), playgrounds, natural and artificial reservoirs.
  4. Keep the drug should be away from food, drugs, animal feed, in a dry place, hiding from children.

The drug from the Colorado potato beetle Taboo

Help with poisoning

In this case, the person must be removed from the spray area of ​​the drug, carefully remove his protective equipment and work clothes, without bringing it into the living quarters.

  • If ingested, it is necessaryrinse the mouth and rinse the stomach. To do this, taking activated charcoal and drinking water, artificially induce vomiting, freeing the stomach. Repeat the intake of activated carbon with a moderate amount of water and drink a saline laxative to cleanse the intestines.
  • In case of contact with the skin, wash the contaminated area with running clean water. If you can not gently remove the dirt with a cotton swab. After that use a soap solution.
  • If the drug gets into the eyes, it is necessary to rinse under running water (at least from the kettle).

If you feel unwell, contact the clinic. There are no special antidotes and treatment methods. Doctor's prescriptions are symptomatic.

Taboo composition

The drug "Taboo" for the processing of potatoes. Reviews

The company "August", being the largestdomestic manufacturer of chemical products for the protection of cultivated plants, has a modern production base, consisting of two enterprises, and a division engaged in scientific research. Preparations that work effectively in any climatic zones are in demand in the domestic and international markets.

Own scientific research, production of drugs, monitoring and analysis of safety and efficiency of their work for more than 25 years inspire confidence in consumers.

The “Tabu” product produced in different packages is used both in large agricultural farms that are in working contact with the company, and on individual land plots.

Villagers and gardeners who grow their own potatoes ask the producer company many different questions and get comprehensive answers and specific advice on them.

Preparation Taboo for processing potatoes instruction

On Internet forums on the eve of the beginninglanding work is actively discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the drug "Taboo". The price for it is attractive. According to the manufacturer, the drug in stores costs from 106 rubles. This is enough to process 125 kg of potatoes or 100 m2 garden area.

The predominance of positive, emotional reviewsobviously. People are happy to free themselves from the unpleasant work of collecting and destroying the Colorado beetles. True, after a month and a half, when the protective functions of the drug are finished, it is necessary to carry out several sprays before the harvest, but this is incomparably less than the usual pest control. A wireworm disappears for the entire period of maturation of the crop.

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