/ / How to protect garden trees from pests

How to protect garden trees from pests

Each summer resident of a fruitful garden is hispride. You spend a lot of energy and money to grow trees and shrubs. It's unpleasant when pests and rodents encroach on the site. Today we will tell you how to protect garden trees from various diseases, and learn how to do preventive medication using chemicals.

Features of the use of funds

It is worth remembering that all chemicalsapply only when absolutely necessary. They act quickly on pests and retain useful properties. There are several types of drugs that are aimed at combating this or that problem.

garden trees

  • Insecticides - come into the fight with any insects.
  • Acaricides - rid the trees of the attack of ticks.
  • Fungicides - if your garden trees suffer from fungal diseases, then it is simply necessary to resort to the help of such a remedy.
  • Antibiotics - they treat not only people, but also bushes and trees from viral diseases and infections.
  • Zoocides - will help to save your garden from rodents.
  • Herbicides - will stand on guard fruit trees and bushes from weed grass.

We have given a list of the most famous means that you should be able to use. Now you need to know about the processing time.

Time for spraying

The most favorable time for this is spring. Garden trees and shrubs are processed in several stages:

  1. The first spraying should pass before the appearance of the kidneys.
  2. The second processing takes place during the formation of buds of flowers on the trees.
  3. A week after flowering.
  4. If required, at the beginning of summer another treatment for mites and aphids can take place.

processing of garden trees

To make it easier for you to fight the enemy, we will find out how he looks.

Types of insects

To choose how to process trees, you first need to clearly identify with whom you are dealing. All insects are divided into certain groups:

- The first group: weevil, sawfly, moth. The resulted pests spoil fruit on trees and bushes. Some species lay eggs directly on berries.

- The second group: caterpillars. Both fruit and leaves are spoiled.They eat all fresh shoots, and then creep into new territories. Caterpillars disrupt the process of photosynthesis, and subsequently the affected plant may die.

- Third group: bark beetle, tongs. These insects live well in the bark of trees, and it becomes for them not only a house in the cold and long winter, but also a delicious lunch.

- Fourth group: grubs and weevils. For them, the most nutritious are the roots of trees and shrubs.

- The fifth group: aphids. She does not spare anything. Garden trees completely become her lunch and a breeding ground.

- Once a week do your roundsfruit garden. Inspect visually for insects. If you find uninvited guests, immediately carry out the processing of trees. Next, consider how to do it correctly.

pests of garden trees

How to get rid of insects

All infections, diseases and insectsspread with great speed. Take care of timely processing, if you do not want to stay without your wonderful garden. If you know where the pests of garden trees are hiding, it is worthwhile to drive them from their homes. Now let's see what are the methods of prevention and care of trees and bushes:

  1. Bark.So that it does not become a haven for bacteria and insects, conduct a constant check for the presence of an old bark. If there is one, get rid of it. Every season, do a whitewash of the tree trunk. This will help protect him from uninvited guests.
  2. Roots. In order to drive the pests off this place, do a regular digging of the circumferential space.
  3. Wood. To insects do not appear on the entire tree, remove the old and dead branches. Benefits from them will not be, and they can cause harm serious.

Now you understand that timely processing of garden trees will save you from a lot of trouble with insects. But how to deal with rodents?

orchard-fruit trees

Against mice

Here you can use chemical preparations, and it is better to resort to the help of national methods. There are several of them.

  1. Wood ash. It is recommended to sprinkle the area near the tree. It will help deter small rodents. If you plant a young seedling, do not forget to add ash to the pit.
  2. Bordeaux liquid. A properly diluted solution is needed to spray the stem of the plant.
  3. Modern technologies.Scientists offer an alternative to all chemical products - these are ultrasonic devices. They spread special waves that scare off rodents. But in this way there is a drawback - the lack of electricity next to the trees.
  4. Different kinds of baits. They can be planted throughout the garden and lure mice.

garden trees and shrubs

Here such tools will help in the fight against rodents for a healthy and flowering garden.


We examined all the basic chemical means,which you can use in the struggle for garden trees. The main thing is to use them correctly, as the manufacturers advise in the instructions. If you stick to their recommendations, then get rid of diseases and insects. Growing horticultural trees is easy, the main thing is to do preventive maintenance in a timely manner. Do not want to use chemicals? We have proposed tools that have been used for decades. They are absolutely harmless to plants and humans, which can not be said about insects.

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