/ / Cabbage Kolobok: features of care

Cabbage Kolobok: Features of Care

White cabbage Kolobok differs rich, without bitterness, taste. The late-ripening variety reaches technical ripeness after emergence on the 144th-150th day. Yield of variety up to 10 kg / m2. Dense rounded green heads, white inside,weighing up to 5 kg. The rose socket with 16-20 dense dark green leaves with a wax coating has a height of up to 20 cm, reaches a diameter of 55 cm. The variety is light (6-7 months) and is recommended for long-term storage.

cabbage kolobok

Rules of landing

Terms of planting

In the open ground cabbage Kolobok planted on May 10-20. On the sprouts - March 10-20. In the ground under the film - in April.

Soil preparation

Cabbage Gingerbread does not tolerate pH below 5.5, inOtherwise, the growth and development of plants slow down. Therefore, under cabbage, the soil should be prepared better from autumn, laying in it substances that correct the acid-base balance. Calcareous fertilizers are introduced into the soil in an amount of 3.5 kg / m2. Liming is carried out with the help of chalk, slaked lime, ash, calcareous flour, etc. In spring, when the soil is thawed, organic fertilizers are introduced. And before planting in each hole make:

  • superphosphate - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • wood ash - 2 cups;
  • urea - 1 tsp.

Methods of cultivation

Cabbage Kolobok forms large heads, so it is planted according to the scheme of 70 x 50 cm. The terms of planting depend on the method of cultivation. There are two of them: seedling and uncut.

cabbage colobox

Bezrossadny method

The advantage of this method is that the shootsgrow strong and hardened. Disadvantage: half or a third of the total number of seeds for further cultivation is suitable. Many gardeners note that with this method of cultivation of cabbage Kolobok the description of the variety stands fully - the heads grow dense and strong, weighing 4-5 kg ​​and ripen earlier for 2 weeks.

  • Prepare a site for planting seeds, dothe fossa with a distance of 70 cm between them. Sow 2 to 2 seeds in the hole, cover 1 cm. Cover with a film or glass. Water as the soil dries.
  • When the seedlings reach 10-15 cm, the strongest is left, the rest - removed.

Seedbed method

Cabbage Kolobok (the description of the variety says this)- the variety is late-ripening, therefore seeds are sown for seedling 50 days before planting in open ground. For planting seeds, prepare a soil mixture: 7 parts of peat, 2 parts of humus, 1 part of turf, 1 part of mullein. Planting in this soil accelerates the shoots and maturity of the heads for 2 weeks.

  • Put the seeds in the hot (+50 ° C) before sowing,water for 20 minutes, then lower the minutes by 2 in cold water. Lightly dry and plant, dipping 1 cm into the ground. After planting the crops are watered. You can use a spray gun to not wash the soil. In the future, water as the soil dries. The air temperature is from +6 ° C to +12 ° C. A week later the seedlings can be placed in a room with a temperature of at least +20 ° C.
  • After the appearance of a pair of real leavespicking, the distance between the seedlings is 6 cm. After a week, the containers with seedlings can be taken to the greenhouse and fed up with manure (1 tbsp / 1 l of water). The air in the greenhouse is +14 ... + 18 ° C. Ventilation is necessary. Water for irrigation should be slightly warmer than air.
  • Хорошая рассада имеет 5–6 крепких листьев.Holes in the bed should be spread with a distance of 60 cm, pour about 1 liter of water into the hole and plant the seedlings, covering the ground with the bottom sheet. In the early days, seedlings need to be shaded.

Feeding seedlings

  • After diving cabbage (after 10 days), seedlings need to be fed, for 10 liters of water: ammonium nitrate - 10 g, superphosphate - 20 g, potassium sulphate - 10 g.
  • A week before landing in the ground, 10 liters of water:superphosphate 25 g, potassium sulphate 30 g. It is possible to add copper sulphate and manganese to the solution, 0.2 g per liter of water. After application of the fertilizer, rinse the leaves with clean water.

cabbage colobus description

Features of care

Variety cabbage Kolobok in care is unpretentious. It is enough to observe simple rules of watering and feeding.


Norm of irrigation on average - 10 l / 1 m2. Режим полива регулировать в соответствии с natural precipitation and weather. Excessive waterlogging can lead to illness. But Kolobok cabbage painfully responds to a lack of moisture, and it is very important that the soil is always moistened.

Полив молодых кустов производить непосредственно In the radical zone, special furrows are recommended for watering adult plants. Formed kochany, according to the advice of experienced gardeners, you can water from above, with such watering pests and larvae will be washed away.

Stop watering 2 weeks before cutting off the heads.

Loosening and hilling

In order to avoid fungal diseases, it is recommendedloosen the soil after watering and spud the bushes. Hilling improves the access of oxygen to the root system, which strengthens it and contributes to a good harvest. After 20 days it is recommended to carry out the first hilling (after planting), then the hilling is carried out once every 10 days.

cabbage bun 1

Additional fertilizing

During ripening cabbage Kolobok is fertilized 4 times.

cabbage variety bun

Cabbage Kolobok: a description of disease and control measures

Numerous gardeners comments are full of the mostflattering reviews. Many grow this variety for several years, and they have never been let down by Kolobok cabbage. The characteristic of a grade completely corresponds to the declared qualities: cabbages are tight and dense, of almost the same size. Very resistant to disease grade. Longevity is simply unique - in the basement, cabbies are stored until spring.

cabbage bun characteristic

The maximum weight of the head reached 9.5 kg.Great taste, no bitterness. The variety lives up to its name, the cabbages are round, and really similar to the bun. Perfect for borscht, and for salads, and for pickling. The cabbage is crispy. Surprisingly, even in the spring, after long storage, cabbage in salads does not lose its taste.

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