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A few simple rules how not to get better during pregnancy

Pregnant woman - the most beautiful in the world,because it carries a new life. And this is despite gaining weight, possible swelling, disheveled hair, or other similar situations. Strangers only smile at the sight of a rounded tummy, but the ladies can still be unhappy with their appearance. What to do, this is female nature. Therefore, many future mothers will be helpful advice how not to get better during pregnancy.

how not to get better during pregnancy

Rule number 1 - proper nutrition

Каждая женщина уже с самого зачатия должна take care not only of yourself, but also of the baby. Everything that a mother eats, being in a position, a child eats in different amounts, therefore, in order to keep his health still in the womb, you need to learn how to eat right. First of all, it is worth understanding that choosing a way to not get better during pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use any diets for weight loss. The fact is that such tips are based on the abandonment of certain types of food, trace elements which may be useful to the kid. It is also strictly forbidden for the expectant mother to starve or often arrange fasting days, because the baby should eat normally in the womb in order to develop properly. What can pregnant: vegetables, fruits, lean soups, dairy and dairy products, as well as the correct protein food. In turn, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, heavy food, fast food, including chips, crackers, etc. It is not recommended to abuse fatty or fried foods, eat raw foods (for example, sushi), drink carbonated water. Properly eating throughout the entire period of carrying a baby, you can stay normal and gain only the necessary weight for all time.

weight during pregnancy

Rule number 2 - walk

Another tip, how not to get better duringpregnancy - more walk. This is necessary both for the baby and for the mother, because already in the womb the child feels when he is on the street, and when in a stuffy room. Hiking is useful because they help to lose extra pounds, not staying at the computer or TV, gaining only the right weight during pregnancy. Also, when walking, the mother trains the muscles of the whole body, keeping them in a normal tone, which subsequently will greatly facilitate the birth process. While carrying a child, it is useful for ladies to do gymnastics, yoga, and you can load your body in a different easy way.

Rule number 3 - control

how not to get fat during pregnancy

How not to get better during pregnancy?It is necessary at the very beginning to start a special calendar and periodically record the weight, the volume of the waist, hips, chest. For example, once a week. This will help control changes in your body. In order not to overdo it in the race for a slender figure, you can use the approximate weight growth rates for trimesters. Understanding how not to become fat during pregnancy, you need to know that a woman in all 9 months is simply obliged to get better, fighting this fact is a waste of time. Normal weight gain is 10-13 kg, of which the baby takes 3-3.5 kg, the uterus is about 1 kg, the placenta is 500-800 g, various fluids are amniotic, blood, breast tissue is 7-8 kg.

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