/ / Is it possible to take mukaltin during pregnancy?

Can I take mucaltin during pregnancy?

Mukaltin - very famous and commonmedical product. Surely many people used it as an anti-cough remedy. What effect does it have on the body and can I use mucaltin in pregnancy?

Healing properties

Mukaltin is a medicinal product withexpectorant action. The drug is based on the althea extract, polysaccharides, tartaric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate. Produced in the form of tablets of a greenish-brown color. They have sour taste.

This composition gives the drug a number of positive characteristics:

- has anti-inflammatory properties;

- Promotes dilution of sticky phlegm;

- favorably withdraws phlegm from the lungs;

- has an enveloping and softening effect;

- strengthens the secretion.

Mukaltin in pregnancy is prescribed for treatmentdiseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract with hard to separate viscous sputum: bronchitis, pneumonia, cold, flu, tracheitis and others. This drug is a reflex action and has no contraindications.

At what time can I take mucaltin during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman ishormonal changes, which result in a decrease in immunity. With reduced immunity, the organism of the future mother is more susceptible to the occurrence of colds, viral respiratory infections, exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory processes.

The most common disease is bronchitis.The appearance of dry obtrusive cough is very dangerous for expectant mothers. Constant cough attacks help reduce the smooth muscles of the bronchial system, which causes contractions in the uterine musculature. This can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Translate the compulsive dry cough into the wetmukaltin is capable, at pregnancy not contraindicated. It promotes expectoration of sputum and further cleansing of the bronchi. This drug has no specific contraindications, although in the first decade of pregnancy it is better to refrain from taking any kind of medication.

It is in the first trimester that the fetus beginsformation of internal organs. Reception of any, even absolutely harmless medicinal preparations, can break this process. In addition, doctors do not exclude that, in addition to reflex action, not bronchial membranes, mucaltin can cause damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus, as a result of which abortion can occur.

Mukaltin - instructions for pregnancy

Although the drug also has a plant composition, yettake it only on the advice of a doctor. Daily intake of mucaltin - from 3 to 6 tablets in two to three doses. The course of taking the drug is from 1 to 2 weeks. It is better to take medication before eating. The proper purpose and method of taking the drug is of great importance in the treatment.

Side effects

Mukaltin during pregnancy can cause certain inconveniences in the body:

- irritation of the mucous surface of the stomach, accompanied by feelings of discomfort, sometimes with pain in the upper abdomen, nausea;

- allergic manifestations in the form of various eruptions and redness on the body, urticaria, extremely rarely is Quincke's edema.

In the treatment of mucaltin should take into account some points:

1.Mucaltin can not be used together with other antitussive drugs, for example, it is not compatible with codeine. This leads to a delay in sputum in the respiratory tract and leads to serious complications.

2.In the treatment should take into account the sensitivity of the organism to the components that make up the drug. It is undesirable to use in diseases of the duodenum and stomach. If the given disease is in a phase of exacerbation, application of mucaltin is strictly prohibited.

3. The composition of mukaltina includes sugar, which can affect the condition of a woman suffering from diabetes.

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