/ / Why should I take a knee-elbow position during pregnancy?

Why should I take a knee-elbow position during pregnancy?

Today, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewerpregnancy, which run perfectly smoothly, absolutely without any complications. There can be many reasons for this. But even with the easiest and "right" pregnancy, a gynecologist can recommend a future mother to take a knee-elbow position several times a day. The question is, is this really so useful? And what is the benefit of this exercise? Let's understand why it is so necessary to take the knee-elbow position during pregnancy.

Most women have a fetus position duringpregnancy corresponds to all norms that are provided by nature itself, that is - upside down. But there are cases when the fetus is located incorrectly. This can be oblique, pelvic or transverse presentation of the fetus. In this case, it is recommended to use the knee-elbow position - in this case, there is a chance that the child before delivery will be able to roll over and take the right position. In addition, the knee-elbow position helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, thereby providing it with a state of rest.

Usually doctors advise taking a knee-elbowposition during pregnancy several times a day for 12 to 15 minutes, starting with the second trimester. In this situation, breathing becomes easier, the spine feels a significant discharge. The blood supply to the fetus improves, but this indicator is very important, since it is with blood that the child gets all the substances and useful elements that he needs, from which the "construction" of his future skeleton is going. This simple exercise can be repeated as often as the pregnant woman herself thinks fit-here, as they say, there is no harm, one benefit to both mother and child.

Knee-elbow posture during pregnancy is notis something complicated, and it will not be difficult to carry out. It is necessary to stand on all fours and assume the position that the pelvis is above the head. To do this, you need to lower your head and shoulders as low as possible so that the posture does not cause inconvenience. For greater comfort, you can put a roller or pillow under your chest. Some women remember that during pregnancy in this position they practically lived - they watched TV, talked on the phone and even ate. What to do, if only in the knee-elbow position there was a feeling of fatigue and pressure on the lower part of the spine.

Knee-elbow position during pregnancy oftenrecommend to future mothers for the removal of various kinds of stagnant phenomena in the kidneys. Such phenomena can occur during the growth of the uterus, which can clamp the ureter during pregnancy and urine becomes difficult enough to get into the bladder. This situation helps to reduce the tone of the uterus, reduces the risk of edema, helps women who suffer from hemorrhoids. With the knee-elbow position, the pressure and pressure of the uterus decreases on the lower intestine, it also helps prevent gestosis.

The knee-elbow position is useful whenpregnancy and that helps to relieve the uterine artery and the inferior vena cava. During pregnancy, the uterus can squeeze the blood vessels, which can lead to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which leads to a violation of the heart rhythm during auscultation (listening). And this position improves the oxygenation (oxygen supply) of the fetus.

Another positive moment knee-elbowpostures in pregnancy is the easing of pressure on the spine, which carries a heavy load, and abdominal cavity. The spine at this time is released from this load, receiving a small respite.

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