Christmas turkey is a terrific dish. But, you need to keep in mind that its meat is quite dry, so cooking will require compliance with special technology.
The basic rule is that by the timeit's necessary to unfreeze the bird properly. To do this, place in the refrigerator and wait for the result. In the event that the carcass is large, it will take several days. But we must wait.
Pay special attention to cooking timedishes. Baking in the oven should be at least two hundred and fifty degrees, and 1 kg of weight will take from fifty minutes to one hour. In the event that the dish is closed with foil, the time is reduced to forty minutes at the same temperature. But, the preparation in a special package should be made at a temperature of two hundred degrees and not more than 45 minutes per 1 kg.
Traditional Christmas turkey.For the night in the carcass make the indentations with a sharp knife and place in them halves of garlic, mixed with frozen chicken fat. The bigger, the better. Spread with olive oil and a mixture of your favorite spices. For example, whole grains mustard and home adzhika. We cover the carcass outside and inside with sage, rosemary, mint and thyme. At the bottom of heat-resistant dishes we place quarters of apple and lemon, and on top - turkey with back down. We cover it with raw chicken fat and cover the whole surface with strips of bacon. Now wrap the foil and put it in the cold for the night. The next day it is recommended to get the semi-finished product for several hours before sending it to the oven and remove the foil.
Unique taste hasturkey with apples. To prepare it you need to marinate the carcass and leave it in a cold room for three days. A five-kilogram bird needs the next refueling. About 6 liters of water mixed with 7 large spoons of salt, a bag of pepper peas, a broken cinnamon stick, a large cumin spoon, 80 gr. mixture of favorite spices with mustard in equal parts, 3 pieces of cloves, 1/4 cup sugar, slices of two onions, 5 crushed garlic cloves, grated root of ginger and crushed orange, 100 gr. honey, fresh chopped parsley and cilantro. After three days the bird is reachable, carefully wiped with a towel from the marinade. Inside the carcass put slices of sour apples, pin and cover the surface with strips of pork fat. Bake in a special bag. It is recommended to cut off one corner to exit the steam. The Christmas turkey will be ready in two or more hours.
In addition to the filling of apples, you can offer otheroptions to choose from. For example, minced meat with meat and fragrant herbs. Finely chop one bulb and mix it with 2 cloves of crushed garlic, cubes of 3 stalks of celery and one sour apple, chopped coriander, 300 gr. minced chicken. Minced thoroughly, add salt and add chopped fragrant herbs of your choice. It can be thyme, rosemary and fresh mint.
Or, to stuff a bird with sauerkraut withpotatoes. Pulkilo tuber boil in a uniform, then cool, clean and cut into four parts. 300 grams of sauerkraut mixed with chopped finely onion and add to the potatoes. The resulting mixture is placed in a four-kilogram carcass, which is bacon. We cook the turkey in a special package for about 2 hours. You can offer guests at the same time a hot dish and a fragrant garnish soaked in bird fat.
Christmas turkey served on a large platteron the festive table entirely, cut with a sharp knife on thin strips of meat, starting with the breast. Each guest should put a few pieces of a bird and be sure to garnish.
Enjoy your meal!