/ / The most delicious adzhika from a tomato: a recipe for the winter

The most delicious adzhika from a tomato: the recipe for the winter

There are a huge number of waysto cook a knife from a tomato. Recipes can be selected, depending on the level of mastery of the hostess, both simple enough and more complex. How to prepare the most delicious Adzhika from a tomato for the winter? The best recipes are collected in our article. But I want to note the fact that each of us has different taste preferences. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that the biscuit, prepared according to a certain recipe, is the most delicious. They are all somewhat "the most delicious." And the choice is yours.

the most delicious adjika

Adjika "Home Comfort"

Вы ищете рецепт самой вкусной аджики?Then try this one. Adjika, cooked according to this recipe, has a mild taste, without excessive sharpness. In addition, this method of cooking has its own highlight - it's apples. They so strongly influence the taste of the dish, that it becomes an excellent addition to any garnish.

List of ingredients:

  • about two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of apples (variety is not important);
  • one kilogram of carrots;
  • one kilogram of Bulgarian pepper;
  • one hundred grams of bitter pepper;
  • one hundred and fifty milliliters of vinegar;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • two hundred milliliters of sunflower oil;
  • two hundred grams of garlic;
  • fifty grams of salt.

The main role in this recipe is given to tomatoes, because they, when interacting with seasonings, give an unusual taste. From this it follows that tomatoes must necessarily not be green and not sluggish.

Cooking method. From pre-washed tomatoescut stems. Further, if tomatoes are small in size, then they are cut into two parts, if large, then into four parts. Apples are peeled off, and the core is removed. Carrots need to be washed and cleaned. From sweet and bitter pepper seeds are removed. All grind with a meat grinder, and then the resulting mass to be transferred to a bowl with a thick bottom or a cauldron. After that, everything is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spoon, and then put on the stove. Adjika is cooked for 60 minutes, but it should be stirred constantly. At the end (about seven to ten minutes before the end), you need to add garlic, sugar, salt, vinegar. After this, the dish is stirred again, well boiled and bottled.

recipe for the most delicious Adjika

Adjika with horseradish

Necessary ingredients:

  • about two kilograms of red tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • three hundred grams of garlic;
  • three hundred grams of hot pepper;
  • three hundred grams of horseradish (one fresh root);
  • two hundred grams of salt;
  • two hundred milliliters of vinegar (9% required).

Cooking method. Tomatoes need to wash and cut their stalk.Pepper is thoroughly washed, the seeds are removed, the peduncle is cut. Horseradish and garlic are peeled and cut into very small pieces (some housewives prefer to grind these ingredients in a meat grinder). Sweet and bitter pepper with tomatoes is passed through a meat grinder. Next you need to add salt, vinegar, chopped garlic and horseradish. After thorough mixing, all unnecessary liquid is drained. The resulting mass is laid out on the banks and close the nylon covers. It is best to keep in the fridge on the bottom shelf. As a rule, it turns out about 3 liters of adzhika.

adjika home is the most delicious

Adjika with garlic and tomatoes

The most delicious adjika from tomatoes and garlic is suitable for both spicy (adding garlic), and for people who do not like too sharp preparation.

Necessary ingredients:

  • about three kilos of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of Bulgarian sweet pepper;
  • 500 g of garlic;
  • 150 grams of hot pepper;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • three tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method. Initially you need to remove all seeds fromBulgarian pepper. Then the stalks are removed and the garlic is peeled from the husks. And only after performing all the above actions, you can begin to wash all the vegetables. After that, Bulgarian and hot peppers are served through a meat grinder. Salt and sugar are added to the mixture. After completing all of these steps, you need to put the dish in the fridge for a day. In the morning all excess liquid is washed off. After cooking adjika is placed in pre-prepared jars, and then placed again in the refrigerator for further storage.

adjika homemade recipe for the most delicious homemade adzhika

Adjika "Kiev"

Some argue that this is the most delicious adjika. Prepared for the winter, it will satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmets. Besides, cooking it is quite easy and simple.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 5 kg of tomatoes (ripe);
  • Bulgarian pepper (1 kg);
  • sour apples (1 kg);
  • carrot (1 kg);
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 glasses of sugar;
  • half a liter of vegetable oil;
  • black and red pepper (one tablespoon each);

First you need to wash all the vegetables.Pepper is cleared of seeds and cored. Then the peel is removed from the tomatoes (to make it faster and easier to do this, it is recommended to pour boiling water on the tomatoes for five to seven minutes). After that, all vegetables are minced in a meat grinder. In the resulting mass is added butter, sugar, salt, spices. Next, the mixture is placed on the stove and cooked to obtain the required thickness. After it immediately need to pour into pre-prepared containers. It is best to keep in a cool place - a refrigerator, basement, cellar.

the most delicious adjika for the winter

Adjika in Armenian

Despite the duration of the cooking process, adjika made according to this recipe will not leave you and your guests indifferent to its taste.

Necessary ingredients:

  • about 5 kilograms of tomatoes (ripe);
  • 0.5–1 kg of garlic;
  • 0.5 kilogram of bitter peppers;
  • salt (to taste).

Cooking method:vegetables need to be washed and cleaned from the seeds and the core. Garlic, pepper and tomatoes are ground in a meat grinder. To the resulting mass is added salt. Then the dish should be left in an enamel pot for a period of ten to fifteen days. This time is necessary for adjika to ferment, while every day it must be stirred. It is important to remember that the tomato juice should be drained before garlic and pepper are added to the dish. If this is not done, the adjika will appear under-salted.

the most delicious adjika of tomato

Adjika "Restless Sinner"

This recipe is perfect for lovers of "thrill" sensations. Having tried such an adjika, everyone will appreciate its taste.

Necessary ingredients:

  • about 2 kilograms of tomatoes (red);
  • twenty pieces of sweet pepper;
  • ten to fifteen pieces of bitter pepper;
  • 400 grams of garlic;
  • three sticks of horseradish;
  • two bunches of parsley;
  • two bunches of dill;
  • four tablespoons of salt;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • vinegar to taste (9% required).

Cooking method. Before cooking this dish you needRinse all the vegetables thoroughly and then rid them of seeds and peduncles. After that, the vegetables need to grind with a meat grinder or blender. In the resulting mass is added salt, sugar and a little vinegar. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured into pre-prepared jars. Banks are closed with plastic covers.

Adjika "Yadrenaya"

This adzhika will like real men. It is well combined with almost all products, but it acquires a special taste with fish dishes.


  • about five kilo tomatoes (ripe);
  • five to six heads of garlic;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • one hot pepper;
  • six large horseradish roots;
  • one sweet pepper.

Cooking method. Wash vegetables in cold water, remove all seeds andpeduncle, and then twisted in a meat grinder. Salt and chopped garlic are added to the resulting mass. Then the dish is thoroughly mixed, after which it can be laid out in prepared containers. Keep the need in the refrigerator.

The most delicious adjika of tomatoes for the winter

Adjika "Adjara"

This adjika, which is based onsuch essential ingredients as hot red pepper and garlic. Naturally, for the variety of taste sensations, other vegetables and spices have been added. It is not only tasty, but also useful. Harmful to health can only be its excessive use.

Required products:

  • about five kilos of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of carrots;
  • kilogram of bell pepper;
  • five to ten bitter pepper stuff (to taste);
  • half a pound of onion;
  • half a liter of vegetable oil;
  • five to seven heads of garlic;
  • salt (to taste).

My vegetables.Next, the tomatoes must be rid of the core and stalk, the pepper is cleared of seeds. Then you need tomatoes, bell peppers and onions divided into 2-4 parts. All ingredients are scrolled in a meat grinder. After that, add vegetable oil, salt and pre-chopped garlic. Everything is well mixed with a wooden spoon and put on the fire. Cooking time is two hours. Stir periodically. After cooking, the dish needs to be expanded in banks and rolled up.

Adjika "Home"

The recipe for the most delicious homemade adzhika in thisThe case is good because the dish is easy to prepare. It is also worth noting that the preparation prepared in this way does not have to be stored in a cool place. Even when stored in a warm room, the taste of this adjika does not deteriorate.

Adjika "Home" the most delicious will turn out in the event that in its preparation to use vegetables grown in their garden. So, the list of products:

  • about five kilograms of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of Bulgarian pepper;
  • fifteen pieces of bitter pepper;
  • 250-300 grams of garlic;
  • 450-500 grams of horseradish;
  • 200 milliliters of salt;
  • 400 milliliters of vinegar (9% required);
  • 400 grams of sugar.

Cooking method. Vegetables need to be washed under cold water and thenpeel off seed, core and peel. Then everything is ground in a meat grinder, including pepper seeds. After that, salt, vinegar, sugar and garlic cloves prepared in advance are added. After mixing everything, it is necessary to brew the mixture for exactly 50 minutes. Cook adjika is not necessary. After the time has expired, you can safely bottle adjika.

Reflecting on the question, which is the most deliciousadjika, it is necessary to remember the fact that the taste of the prepared billet you entirely depend on the number of proportions of spices and auxiliary ingredients. When preparing it, you can safely show imagination and add something from yourself to the existing recipe. If the experiment was a success, then the next time you can collect a large number of jars with delicious and healthy adzhika.

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