/ / Cooking delicious vegetable soups. Recipe for vegetable soup

We cook delicious vegetable soups. Recipe for vegetable soup

Vegetable soups - this dish is indispensable in simple andvegetarian cuisine, but, of course, you can not spoil vegetable soups with a meat broth. How to cook vegetable soup? And what foods should be combined in a vegetable soup? Let's try to understand. For example, consider some recipes of vegetable soups.

Soups from ordinary vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, onions,carrots, turnips and pumpkins) are perfectly combined with beef broth, bean soup is perfectly combined with bacon or smoked pork, and thin soups of poultry are suitable for soups of greenery (nettle, sorrel, quinoa, mint fennel). For soups, vegetables are shredded finely. Very often vegetable soups are cooked with a variety of cereals, pasta, dumplings or breadcrumbs. They serve vegetable soups with sour cream, or with olive oil. To give a vegetable soup a pleasant taste is possible by adding tomatoes, nuts or olives.

Recipe for vegetable soup from sorrel


Sorrel - 250 gr.

Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.

Egg - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Water - 1 liter

Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons

Salt and pepper to taste

Dice the potatoes and cook it, about 5 minutes, then add the sorrel, continuing to cook. After boiling, egg yolk and sour cream are added. Soup is ready, pleasant appetite.

Vegetable soup with cabbage in Spanish


White cabbage - 500 gr.

Ham - 200 g.

Onions - 2 pcs.

Tomatoes - 200 gr.

Garlic - 1 slice

Stale black bread - 4 slices

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons

Salt and pepper to taste

Pass the onions and garlic in the oil, adding the tomatoes a little to put out.

Then add finely chopped cabbage, a little water, salt and pepper. To the ready vegetables add a lightly fried, pre-cut into cubes ham. Soup of goats, pleasant appetite.

Recipe for vegetable soup with corn


Corn corn cobs - 4 pcs.

Potatoes - 6 pcs.

Milk - 0,5 liters.

Carrots - 1 pc.

Butter - 1 tbsp.

Sugar and salt to taste.

Fry the carrots, previously slicedwith dice. Boil and peel the corn. In the resulting broth pour the milk, and then add the potatoes and carrots, cook for about 15 minutes. At the end of cooking put corn, sugar and salt and can be served to the table. Soup is ready, pleasant appetite.

Recipe of vegetable soup with tomatoes and garlic


Broth - 0.5 liters.

Tomatoes (green) - 250 gr.

Onions - 1 pc.

Carrots - 1 pc.

Root of parsley - 10 gr.

Garlic - 3 cloves

Butter - 10 gr.

Rice - 50 gr.

Salt and sugar to taste.

On the butter slightly fry the onions.Sliced ​​green tomatoes cook until soft with a bow on low heat. Add carrots, rice and parsley, then pour in vegetable or meat broth, fill in finely chopped garlic, salt and sauze, continuing to cook for 10-15 minutes. Then wipe the dregs through a sieve and boil again. Soup is ready, pleasant appetite.

The recipe for vegetable soup in Chinese


Chicken broth - 0.5 liters.

Fresh champignons - 100 gr.

Pepper sweet red - 1 pc.

Onion - 1 pc.

Leeks - 1 stem

Vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons.

Ginger, soy sauce and salt to taste.

Boil the noodles.Peel and chop the champignons. Stew about 5 minutes in vegetable oil mushrooms, onions, leeks, and peppers. Then you can pour the broth, add noodles, ginger and soy sauce. Soup is ready, pleasant appetite.

Recipe for vegetable soup with fresh cucumber


Meat bones - 200 gr.

Cucumbers - 0.5 kg.

Carrots - 1 pc.

The root of parsley is 50 g.

Flour - 20 gr.

Sour cream -200 gr.

Rye dumplings - 400 gr.

Greens and salt to taste.

Bone broth from bones.Peeled and diced fresh cucumbers let in a small amount of water, pre-water should be poured. In the strained broth to enter cucumbers, and to season the soup should be divorced in cold broth passirovka. At the time of filing in each plate put the dumplings, fill with greens and sour cream. Soup is ready, pleasant appetite.

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