/ / "Tutti-Frutti": amazing dessert

"Tutti Frutti": an amazing dessert

Sweets are one of the best ways to boostmood. Hormone of joy helps to cope with stress or depression, so its importance cannot be underestimated. To some, the consumption of sweet may seem to be an unaffordable luxury, supposedly the figure suffers from it in the first place. And not all desserts are useful. But still there are products that not only make a person smile, but also fill his body with vitamins. One of the most popular and most useful sweets in the world are Tutti-Frutti. What is this delicacy?

Tutti Frutti

What is "Tutti-Frutti"?

Perhaps some have never triedyogurt, ice cream or heard a lot, but all had no time to enjoy it. In any case, this dessert will not leave anyone indifferent. "Tutti-Frutti" - this is frozen yogurt, which perfectly quenches thirst, fills the body with nutrients and the hormone of joy. This is a unique dessert that appeared in the United States in the early 1970s. Even then, he won thousands of fans and spread throughout the country. Today, cafes that sell ice cream yoghurt are located in almost every country. Note that the buyer can choose any taste of delicacy. There are currently more than eighty Tutti-Frutti varieties.

The benefits of ice cream yogurt

Frozen yogurt is a true masterpiece:the creators have perfectly succeeded in combining the incompatible and giving it a perfect look. In addition to the unique taste, a wide range of products and affordable price, "Tutti-Frutti" still benefits the body. Thus, the composition of the dessert includes vitamins such as B6, C and B12, and among the trace elements are calcium, riboflavin and protein.

tutti frutti photo

It should be noted that frozen yogurtIncludes probiotics. It is in them that the human body needs most. Their main benefit is to reduce cholesterol, normalize blood pressure, destroy harmful microorganisms and stimulate the intestinal microflora. Impressive, isn't it? Probiotics - one of the main and most important components of frozen yogurt. With their help, immunity is strengthened, as well as human health in general. One of the main advantages of the dessert is that it can be eaten by people who are not lactose intolerant.

Calorie dessert

Many people like Tutti-Frutti ice cream, butAlso, most people worry about its calorie content. It is safe to say that dessert is available to absolutely everyone. Not only that the number of calories in it is significantly less than in conventional ice cream, it varies depending on the selected taste of the treat. In total, the figure ranges from 89 to 125 kcal.

tutti frutti ice cream

Do not dwell on their own weight andcalorie content of the product, you should pay attention to other components of the dessert, for example, fruits. In order to make ice cream, fresh and high-quality ingredients are taken, which ultimately supply the body with vitamins, nutrients and minerals. As a result, aging processes slow down, and beauty and healthy skin color are ensured.

Dessert feature

"Tutti-Frutti" - yogurt, the main featurewhich - vitamin C. This vitamin must be supplied to the human body necessarily, and daily. With its help, collagen synthesis occurs, and as a result, eyesight, skin condition improves, bones and blood vessels are strengthened. In addition, it is an excellent preventive drug. The content of this vitamin in the composition of frozen yogurt makes the delicacy even more useful and popular.

tutti frutti prices

You can buy ice cream for every taste.The most popular are strawberries, bananas, raspberries, pineapple and lemon. Also, a visitor can try something new by ordering a dessert with a taste of cheesecake, pina colada, cotton candy or marshmallow.

Recipe "Tutti-Frutti" for cooking at home

Вряд ли кому-либо удастся сделать замороженный Yogurt at home, but you can try and get closer to the original. To more clearly imagine what will happen in the end, you can see the recipe "Tutti-Frutti" (photos of the resulting delicacy will be placed next to each other).

So, for the preparation of a wonderful dessertneed: fruit, nuts, juice, yogurt and vanilla sugar. Of course, which components to choose, the culinary specialist will decide, but we will focus on oranges (2 pcs.), Dark grapes (150 g), apples (2 pcs.), Walnuts and orange juice.

The essence of the recipe is very simple:you need to chop the fruit, add nuts to them. In the meantime, you need to prepare yogurt. To do this, beat it with vanilla sugar and pour fruit. Orange juice (or any other) is added on top.

tutti frutti yogurt

Weekend dessert

In order to make a wonderful dessert,You can use the yogurt maker. In fact, there are a lot of options, but of course there will not be such as in a cafe. Therefore, it is easiest to come to a cozy place and enjoy the tender and tasty "Tutti-Frutti". Prices are also available to everyone: dessert in the capital’s institutions cost an average of one hundred rubles per 100 g. In addition, the cafe owners have come up with an original way of customer service: a visitor chooses a cup size, fills it with favorite ice cream, adds topping to taste, and then weighs and pays the purchase. Thus, a person independently makes an unsurpassed “Tutti-Frutti” and enjoys dessert. And at the same time can safely say that he prepared it personally.

Bon Appetit!

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