/ / Oatmeal porridge "Clearly the sun": useful properties, features and types

Oatmeal porridge "Clearly the sun": useful properties, features and types

Recently, a porridge appeared on sale "Clearlysunny. "This product is produced by the St. Petersburg Mill Mill, unlike many other similar products, this porridge does not contain flavorings and other artificial additives .The company preserves the traditions of producing natural products from quality raw materials.

Petersburg Mill Factory

This enterprise has long been known as the largestflour producer. In addition, there are semolina and oatmeal. And in 1998 the production of the plant with the name "Clearly Sunny" began to be produced. Oatmeal porridge is now a pride of the enterprise.

Gradually, the range of products expanded.Now a wide variety of natural cereals is produced. They do not contain flavors, dyes and other chemical additives. Only cereals, pieces of fruit and whole milk. In addition, only oats of the 1st grade are used for the production of flakes. That is why the products of the Petersburg Mill Mill are the best choice for those who care about their health. Kasha "Clear Sunny" reviews have only positive, and officially this product is recognized as the best, as it won many awards and awards.

porridge clear sunshine

How is porridge made?

At the Petersburg Mill MillWe use the latest Swiss equipment, which allows us to produce high quality products. Any porridge "Clearly the sun" represents cereal flakes. They are made from whole grains, so they retain all its useful properties. In addition, sometimes flakes are made from cut or crushed cereals. Such cereals have dietary properties, are better absorbed and suitable for baby food. If they are subjected to additional heat treatment, quick-cooking porridges are obtained.

In addition to grains, porridge "Clearly Sunny" contains only natural ingredients. These are pieces of fruit, berries, dried fruits, nuts, milk. They are dried and crushed, so that the porridge can be cooked comfortably.

Caloric content of porridge is clear sunshine

Varieties kash "Clearly the sun"

In addition to flour, the Petersburg Mill Millproduces a large assortment of cereals from different cereals. The most common is oatmeal, since the production of such cereals began. But now many other types of products are produced:

  • Instant oatmeal porridgeare packaged in portion packets. They added sugar and salt, so they are completely ready for use - just add boiling water. Some even contain milk. The peculiarity of such oatmeal porridges is that they contain only natural fruits and berries.
  • Oat flakes are packaged in boxes of 0, 5 kg. They are divided into those that need to cook for 10, 5 or 3 minutes. There are also flakes that need only be poured with boiling water.
  • In a separate group oat flakes withdried fruits. They are packaged in blue boxes, so those who want to establish digestion and reduce weight, they will easily find them. These flakes do not contain sugar and salt, only dried fruit - dried apricots, raisins, prunes or apples.
  • Recently the enterprise began to let out also flakesfrom other cereals. Especially popular is buckwheat porridge "Clearly Sunny". This instant food product comes with two different flavors: with milk or mushrooms and fried onions. In addition, there is buckwheat flakes without fast food additives.
  • Rice flakes or barley are also a valuable dietary product. And the assortment of 5 or 7 different cereals will provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.
    buckwheat porridge clear sunshine

Oatmeal porridge "Clearly sun"

Caloric content of this product is rather low, thatallows you to use it in dietary nutrition. Only 300 calories in one serving will provide a person with a cheerfulness charge for half a day. In addition, this breakfast contains about 20% of the daily amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Oatmeal porridge "Clearly sun" is produced with different additives, which allows you to choose a good meal for your taste:

  • Flakes that do not require cooking, with natural dried berries: raspberries, cranberries and blueberries. Easy to prepare - you do not need to add anything, just boiling water.
  • Oatmeal porridge with apricot, raisins and apple. Contains sugar and salt, so the product is very quickly prepared.
  • Flakes with blueberries and milk strengthen immunity and improve vision. Porridge is suitable for people with allergic diseases.
  • Classical oatmeal with dry milk whey is a valuable dietary product. Suitable for feeding small children.
  • Porridge with apple has a pleasant taste and guarantees health benefits.

In addition, recently there have been newtastes. You can find porridge with cranberry, cherry, black currant. Using the whole product range "Clearly the sun" will help to diversify the diet and provide the body with all the necessary substances.

clear sunshine porridge porridge

Oat flakes

Equipment made in Switzerland,installed in the enterprise, allows you to produce a wide range of products. Flakes differ in thickness and duration of cooking. You can divide them into such groups:

  • "Hercules" are the largest flakes made from whole oat grains;
  • Flakes number 1 is also made from whole grains, but they are more finely crushed;
  • No. 2 are small flakes obtained from cut grain;
  • №3 - fast food oat flakes.

In addition, there have been a lot oftalk about the benefits of bran to health. Manufacturers of "Clearly Sunny" porridge use this information, so on sale you can find oat flakes with wheat or oat bran. They saved more useful substances.

For those who like delicious natural porridge,created flakes of instant cooking with the addition of fruit. You can buy "Clearly the sun" with dried apricots, raisins, prunes, melons, cranberries or apples. In such flakes there is neither sugar nor salt, which is very important for dietary nutrition. They cook only three minutes - and a healthy breakfast is ready.

porridge clear sun reviews

The benefits of this product

One of the most useful products for adults andchildren are flakes "Clearly the sun". Oatmeal porridge is a source of slow carbohydrates, which normalize the amount of sugar in the blood and maintain a normal level of energy. Oat flakes from whole grains contain dietary fiber and many micronutrients necessary for health. These porridges have the following properties:

  • normalize digestion;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • purify the body of toxins and toxins;
  • reduce weight;
  • improve intestinal function;
  • fill the needs of the body in dietary fiber and microelements;
  • prevent the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
    oatmeal porridge clear sun calorie

Features of preparation

It's easiest to cook instant porridge. "sunshine. "It is packaged in sachets of 40 grams.This is one serving.It needs to be poured into a deep plate and pour an incomplete glass of boiling water or milk, then mix the porridge well and cover the plate with a lid.After 3-5 minutes a tasty and healthy breakfast It is not necessary to add anything, since salt, sugar and natural fruits are already there.

For the preparation of cereals, you can usea classic way or make porridge in a microwave. When cooking on the stove in boiling milk or water, you need to pour flakes, add sugar and salt to taste. Cook, stirring constantly, for 3 to 5 minutes. Then leave to languish on low heat for another 3-5 minutes. In a microwave oven, one serving takes 3 minutes. The caloric content of the "Clearly Sunny" porridge prepared in this way will depend on how much sugar and butter are added. In any case, such a product is suitable for dietary nutrition.

In addition, small oat flakes are ideal for adding to pastries, drinks, yogurts, for making muesli or smoothies, as well as cosmetic masks.

oatmeal porridge clear sun reviews

Oatmeal porridge "Clearly the sun": reviews

This product quickly gained popularity withconsumers. People like that porridges are made without chemical additives. But this natural product was still very tasty and convenient to prepare. Flakes that do not require cooking are indispensable for traveling, at home or at work. Quick-cooking flakes are often used by mothers to feed small children. They note that they eat such porridge with pleasure. A wide variety of assortments, the use of only natural components, as well as low cost is an advantage of this product. In just 40-80 rubles you can buy a package of porridge, which is enough for the whole family for a week.

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