Salting redheads

Mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of which can beyellow-pink or orange-red, and in the incisions or fractures to isolate the milky juice, painted in various shades of red and immediately bluish in the air, are called red-haired. Some confuse them with freckles, they can be easily distinguished: slices of wavelets do not turn blue. There are several species of redheads, whose names consist of the word "redhead" and added words or phrases: real, fir, red, pine red, Japanese or fir, salmon or alpine.

Ryzhik at all times was considered a valuable fungus.They poured these mushrooms in tubs in the old days, but they brought to the king's table or for export salted in bottles (the diameter of the mushroom's cap was less than the neck of the bottle: no more than 2 cm). It has always been thought that it is necessary to salt the rozhikov without spices, since they can spoil the taste and aroma of the mushroom. The easiest way is to eat it raw as a snack, just peel the redhead and slightly add it.

Although these mushrooms, like mushrooms, belong to the samethe family of the russet and the mlechniki (they release milky juice), but the way of their salting differs. The mushrooms are soaked for several days or boiled before salting to remove bitterness, but do not soak or boil the mushrooms. They can be salted as soon as they were brought from the forest. They can not even be washed, it is enough to clean them of stuck foreign particles.

Recipe 1

Pickling redheads is not an easy task.The main thing is to observe several simple rules: do not use spices and iodized salt (it is better to take stone). You can salt it in a jar, kadochke or enamel saucepan. In the cold store salted mushrooms can not.


- 1 kg of cleaned mushrooms;

- 1 tablespoon dining room (with a small top) salt.

In a prepared (washed and dried) containerstacked dense layers (hats down, plates up) mushrooms. Each layer is sprinkled with salt, evenly distributing it in the entire volume of fungi. Press down the mushrooms carefully, so as not to damage them. They will soon give juice, which will cover them completely. Gauze and a small load are placed on the top layer. When pickling in a can, instead of a load, two wooden sticks are used, resting against its walls and forming a cross. Salting rozhikov does not last long. One day stand the mushrooms at room temperature, then move them to the refrigerator.

Recipe 2

If the pancakes are salted cold or hot,then pickling redheads is only a cold way. No preliminary preparation in the form of boiling or soaking is not only not required, but even this can not be done, since the tulips will simply be spoiled (their specific taste and aroma will disappear). Salting rozhiki must be separated from other fungi due to differences in the methods of preparation and duration of salting. For salting it is better to use a pine rozhik, and spruce - in pies or fry. It will take ingredients:

- peeled rozhiki;

- salt at the rate of 3 to 4% of the weight of the fungi.

Rozhiki put in prepared (as described inrecipe 1) container and pour it evenly with salt. Close the gauze. Construct a load sufficient for the appearance of juice, but not enough to crush the mushrooms. It does not take a lot of time to pick lobules. Once they give juice, they can be consumed, but it's better to survive the day 2-4. You can store mushrooms throughout the winter, not allowing freezing. Only the most delicious they are in the first month, because during this time they absorb the optimal amount of salt.

Recipe 3

If in our country the traditional salting of redheadsExcludes the use of hot method or the use of any spices or ingredients, then, for example, in the United Kingdom rozhiki hot salt with the addition of wine, oil, mustard and sugar. Salted in this way rozhiki cooled in the refrigerator before serving as a snack. They are not stored for long - not more than 2 weeks. Ingredients:

- 1 small onion, cut into rings;

- 80 ml of red dry wine;

- 80 ml of olive oil;

- 4 table spoons of chopped parsley;

- 1 teaspoon teaspoonful of Dijon mustard;

- 1 lollay dining room of light brown sugar;

- 1 tablespoon of tea salt;

- 500 g of redhead (use only hats).

In a saucepan slightly salted water is brought toboiling. Prepared (peeled) mushrooms blanch the minutes 2. Water is drained, mushrooms are cut into thin strips. In a saucepan with wine and olive oil, add onion rings, parsley greens, mustard, sugar and salt. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add mushrooms. Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool, transfer to a storage container and put in the refrigerator. Withstands hours 2, served to the table as a snack.

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