/ / "Honey" chicken in soy sauce in a multivark. A delicious dish in a few minutes

"Honey" chicken in soy sauce in the multivark. A delicious dish in a few minutes

Chicken legs, wings or fillets - the mostcommon products that housewives most often use for their culinary experiments. You can prepare them, perhaps, in a million different ways. But today we offer a simple and very fast recipe - chicken in soy sauce in a multivariate. Kitchen "assistants" greatly facilitate the work of housewives, and the cooking time is shortened, which can not but please busy modern women.

chicken in soy sauce in a multivark

"Sour-sweet" chicken recipe with sesame seeds

Thanks to the use of multivarkers, meatit turns out very juicy and tasty. But the unusual and peculiar taste of the dish gives ginger and soy sauce, which we will use for the preparation of marinade. Honey will add sweets and slightly muffle the obvious salty taste of soy sauce. And, depending on the type of honey that is used for cooking, the taste of meat will change.

Fried chicken legs in a frying pan, as they say, are a relic of the past. Today, housewives strive to prepare simple and fast, but effective for serving and original to taste dishes.

Necessary ingredients

  • Chicken legs (leg or fillet) - 500 grams.
  • A pair of table. spoons of honey.
  • A pair of cloves of garlic.
  • 6-7 tablespoons table. soy sauce.
  • Two tablespoons are grown. oil.
  • From the spices you will need salt, turmeric, pepper ground black, paprika and a pinch of red hot pepper.
  • On request - sesame for sprinkling.

chicken in soy sauce in multivariate recipes

Stage one: chicken

First, let's define meat.Chicken in soy sauce honey in a multivark can be different. If you have selected a whole leg, you need to cut them into three parts. Chicken breast is cut into batch cubes. Wings - leave in its original form. Do not forget to rinse the meat under running water. Even if it was bought in a trusted shop, cleansing a cold chicken shower will never interfere.

After "bathing" the chicken is dried with papera towel and rub it with spices. It is better if they are fragrant and saturated. In this case, the meat will become soaked with smells from the inside, which will add even more saturation to the taste of the dish.

Stage two: marinade

Pour into a large bowl of soy sauce.We put the honey. If it is too thick, you should first melt it in a water bath or in a microwave. Garlic must be cleaned and crushed with a special press. We also add it to the marinade.

It will remain to load chicken meat into the marinade andput in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Mistresses say that the chicken in the soy sauce in the multivarquet will be more fragrant and tasty if the meat is spent in the marinade for about a day. In general, the longer it takes to marinate, the better.

Stage three: cooking

After the meat has been marinated and saturatedaromas of spices, it can be sent to a multivark. To the bottom, we must add a couple of drops of vegetable or olive oil, so that the meat does not get burnt. Preparing the chicken in a honey-soy sauce in a multivark very quickly. For cooking, 30-35 minutes will be enough.

If desired, you can pre-fry the chickenfrom two sides to the formation of a delicious crispy crust. During cooking it is also recommended to turn the meat over so that it is cooked evenly.

chicken in soy sauce honey in a multivark

Cooked chicken in soy sauce inmultivark will be very saturated in color. It is recommended to serve it on a bright green salad leaf, it is best to "shade" the golden-ruddy surface of the meat. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Chicken breast in breading

Breaded chicken in soy sauce in a multivarkprepares for twenty to thirty minutes. But despite the simplicity of cooking and the availability of ingredients, the dish will become a refined note on the festive table. As they say, for him will not be ashamed before the gathered guests.

  • Chicken fillet - three pieces.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Ginger.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Tablespoon of honey.
  • Salt.
  • Spices for chicken.
  • Pepper, paprika, turmeric.

For this recipe it is recommended to take chickenfillet. But if the breast was not at hand, then the leg, and thighs, and shins, and even wings. Meat should be washed, dried and discouraged with a kitchen hammer. When chopping off the chicken fillet comes excess moisture, which makes it possible for the meat to be filled with spices and soaked marinade.

Marinate the chicken breast in a mixture ofsoy sauce, grated ginger root and a tablespoon of liquid honey. All the ingredients are mixed and slightly heated in a water bath. We dip the chicken fillet and marinate for half an hour. If the sauce is warm or even hot, then the process is an order of magnitude faster. Refrigeration products are not required.

chicken in honey soy sauce in a multivariate

Pickled chicken fillet chopscrumble in breadcrumbs and fry in the bowl multivark from two sides. Make sure that the breading is not burnt. Lay the meat on a plate, decorate with fresh herbs, a slice of lemon. Very fragrant and saturated to taste, this chicken is produced in soy sauce in a multivark. Recipes for its preparation are so simple and easy that even an inexperienced mistress can cope with them.

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