/ / Sausage in potato fur - an original dish made from simple products

Sausage in potato fur coat - an original dish of simple products

If you are bored with ordinary serving dishes, thenIt is worth paying attention to more original dishes. Sausage in potato coat is an interesting dish. This dish is very easy to prepare, but it looks appetizing. Note that it can be made both for breakfast and for lunch and dinner.

Sausage in potato coat. Recipe with photos

sausage in potato coat

For cooking, you will need:

• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 3 tbsp. spoons of flour;

• six sausages;

• the egg;

• a pinch of salt;

• 100 grams of hard cheese;

• pinch of pepper;

• vegetable oil (for frying).

How to cook the sausage in potato fur coat with cheese?

1. First you need to make mashed potatoes. To do this, wash the potatoes, peel them and cook in salted water until cooked. After pouring out the water, roll the potatoes with tolkushkoy.

2. Then add the same egg and pepper. Grate the hard cheese and add to the potatoes. After that add flour (one tablespoon). Mix thoroughly.

3. The result should be a fairly dense homogeneous mass. If necessary, dosypte flour.

four.The resulting dough is divided into six equal parts. Each on the working surface roll out a thin layer. In the middle, put on sausage. If your meat products are very long, you can cut each in half.

5. After that, gently close the sausage with potato dough on all sides.

sausage in potato coat with cheese

6. In order for our products to have a golden crust, they should be breaded in flour with the addition of various spices or in breadcrumbs.

7. Then put sausages on vegetable (or butter) oil. Fry them on both sides until golden brown. After that, put the product on a napkin in order to remove excess fat.

Another option for making products in a fur coat

Sausage in potato coat can becooked a little differently, not as described in the previous recipe. Other cooking options are simpler. There is no need to bake the product or fry for a long time. In addition, there is one additional component - it is pita. Also in this version of the preparation does not use hard cheese, flour, and, of course, breadcrumbs.

sausage in potato coat recipe with photos

For cooking, you will need:

• six sausages;

• pepper;

• six potatoes;

• salt;

• 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil;

• one pita bread.

How to cook:

1. First, cut the sausages in half.

2. Boil potatoes, make mashed potatoes.

3. Cut pita bread into strips.

4. Take one, brush it with mashed potatoes and lay out sausage. Wrap items. So you got a sausage in a potato coat. Do the same with the rest of the components.

Sausage in potato coat with cheese recipe with photos

5.The resulting products fry in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes (no longer needed!). That's all, the sausage in potato fur is ready. Now the dish can be served. Consume products, of course, better warm or hot. Enjoy your meal!

A small conclusion

Now you know how the sausage is cooked.potato fur coat. We have considered not one recipe, but several at once. What is closer to you, so choose. Best of luck in cooking a simple and tasty dish!

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